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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by King (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SSB 5342 Docs f#o Discover pass penalty dist. S Rules 3 03/08/2018 King HB 1478(H Approps)
2SSB 6453 Docs f Kinship caregiver legal supp C 80 L 18 03/15/2018 King HB 2663(H Judiciary)
ESB 5008 Docs afd REAL ID compliance C 310 L 17 05/16/2017 King HB 1041(H Trans)
ESB 5096 Docs ad Transport. budget 2017-2019 C 313 L 17 PV 05/16/2017 King HB 1147(H Trans)
ESB 5741 Docs f Fuel taxes/tribes S Rules X 02/22/2018 King
ESB 6140 Docs afd State land management S Rules 03/08/2018 King
ESSB 5620 Docs f# Transp. network companies S Rules X 01/08/2018 King
ESSB 5819 Docs f Pilotage commissioners board S Rules X 02/22/2018 King
SB 5049 Docs af# Relocation assistance C 213 L 17 05/05/2017 King
SB 5095 Docs d Trans sup budget 2015-2017 S Transportation 01/12/2017 King HB 1146(H Trans)
SB 5194 Docs f Sale of spirits, beer & wine S Ways & Means 01/26/2017 King
SB 5227 Docs f# On-track equipment C 87 L 17 04/20/2017 King
SB 5315 Docs f Home site leases/DNR S Rules X 02/22/2018 King
SB 5341 Docs fd Mobile home infractions S Labor & Commer 01/08/2018 King HB 1329(C 10 L 17)
SB 5365 Docs fd Relocation assistance S Rules X 03/21/2017 King HB 1615(C 12 L 17)
SB 5735 Docs f Abandoned RV disposal S Transportation 02/06/2017 King
SB 5740 Docs 180-day school calendar S EL/K-12 02/06/2017 King
SB 5807 Docs Vehicle reg./Indian tribes S Rules X 03/17/2017 King
SB 5887 Docs f Resid. habilitation centers S Ways & Means 03/15/2017 King
SB 6177 Docs f# Excess local infra. revenues S Rules 3 03/08/2018 King HB 2858(C 178 L 18)
SB 6218 Docs fd FAST act compliance C 105 L 18 03/15/2018 King HB 2606(H Rules C)
SB 6252 Docs fd Temporary elevator licenses S Rules 3 03/08/2018 King HB 2425(H Rules R)
SR 8605 Docs 2-1-1 10th anniversary S Adopted 01/31/2017 King
SSB 5262 Docs f Vessel pilotage act exempt. C 88 L 17 04/20/2017 King HB 1409(H Trans)
SSB 5322 Docs f Dentists and third parties C 320 L 17 05/16/2017 King HB 1598(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5537 Docs f Spirits & wine sale to empl. C 160 L 17 04/27/2017 King HB 1599(H Commerce & Gam)
SSB 6012 Docs f Driver license veteran desig C 69 L 18 03/15/2018 King
SSB 6437 Docs af# Abandoned RV disposal C 287 L 18 03/27/2018 King HB 2925(H Rules C)
SSB 6438 Docs f# Vehicle service transactions C 79 L 18 03/15/2018 King HB 2476(H Rules C)
SSB 6519 Docs af# Marine pilotage tariffs C 107 L 18 03/15/2018 King

Total Count: 30

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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