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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Doglio (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
E2SHB 1673 Docs f Responsible bidder criteria C 243 L 18 03/23/2018 Doglio SB 5492(S Rules X)
EHB 2759 Docs af Women's commission C 98 L 18 03/15/2018 Doglio SB 6583(S State Govt/Tri)
ESHB 2757 Docs f Fuel content standards H Rules 3C 03/08/2018 Doglio SB 6276(S Energy, Enviro)
HB 1000 Docs Law enforcement deadly force H Public Safety 01/09/2017 Doglio SB 5000(S LAWw/o Rec)
HB 1542 Docs f Dropout prevention/farming H Education 01/23/2017 Doglio
HB 1596 Docs f Electronics chemicals report H Environment 01/25/2017 Doglio
HB 1853 Docs fo Nonoperational facilities H 3rd Reading 03/10/2022 Doglio SB 5660(S Rules X)
HB 1888 Docs CTC faculty & staff benefits H Hi Ed 02/02/2017 Doglio
HB 1963 Docs f Electric meter-based perf. H Tech & Econ D 02/06/2017 Doglio
HB 1964 Docs f# Clean energy financing H Local Govt 02/06/2017 Doglio
HB 2379 Docs f School substitutes/2008 ERF H Approps 01/08/2018 Doglio SB 6289(S Ways & Means)
HB 2425 Docs fd Temporary elevator licenses H Rules R 01/22/2018 Doglio SB 6252(S Rules 3)
HB 2632 Docs f Dangerous chemicals/products H Environment 01/11/2018 Doglio
HB 2661 Docs f Domestic assault/employment C 47 L 18 03/13/2018 Doglio
HB 2669 Docs f Civil service/part-time empl C 246 L 18 03/23/2018 Doglio SB 6184(S Rules X)
HB 2738 Docs Concealed firearm permission H Judiciary 01/15/2018 Doglio SB 6415(S Law & Justice)
HB 2849 Docs f Temporary workers H Labor & Workpl 01/18/2018 Doglio
HB 2867 Docs f Apprenticeships/foster, etc. H Hi Ed 01/18/2018 Doglio SB 6274(S subst for)
HB 2997 Docs f Energy H Finance 02/22/2018 Doglio
HR 4623 Docs International Women's Day H Adopted 03/08/2017 Doglio
SHB 1410 Docs Trans. benefit tax increase H Rules R 02/02/2018 Doglio ESB 5288(C 53 L 18)
SHB 1543 Docs a Sex. assault/parental rights C 234 L 17 05/05/2017 Doglio SB 5321(S Law & Justice)
SHB 1544 Docs f# Small farms/property tax H Finance 01/08/2018 Doglio
SHB 1738 Docs f Brake friction material C 204 L 17 05/05/2017 Doglio
SHB 2319 Docs Energy conservation programs H Rules C 02/19/2018 Doglio
SHB 2410 Docs On-bill repayment programs H Rules R 02/01/2018 Doglio
SHB 2411 Docs Food waste reduction H Approps 02/02/2018 Doglio
SHB 2412 Docs f Procurement/buy clean H Rules R 02/06/2018 Doglio
SHB 2413 Docs Voluntary alt. energy option H Rules C 02/19/2018 Doglio SB 6477(S Energy, Enviro)
SHB 2633 Docs f Occup. disease presumptions H Rules C 02/19/2018 Doglio ESB 6213(S Rules 3)
SHB 2742 Docs Maritime prevailing wages H Rules C 02/19/2018 Doglio SB 6326(S Labor & Commer)
SHB 2758 Docs Diaper changing stations H Rules R 02/02/2018 Doglio SB 6401(S Labor & Commer)
SHB 2931 Docs Energy efficiency H Rules C 02/19/2018 Doglio

Total Count: 33

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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