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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Kloba (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
EHB 1795 Docs f Bicyclist safety council H Trans 01/08/2018 Kloba SB 5402(S subst for)
EHB 1857 Docs fo Marijuana provisions H Commerce & Gam 01/08/2018 Kloba SB 5131(S subst for)
EHB 2003 Docs af Parking/accessible taxis C 151 L 17 04/27/2017 Kloba
ESHB 2802 Docs f Expanded learning H Rules 3C 03/08/2018 Kloba
HB 1615 Docs fd Relocation assistance C 12 L 17 04/14/2017 Kloba SB 5365(S Rules X)
HB 1781 Docs Compost & recycling/schools H Education 01/30/2017 Kloba SB 5571(S EL/K-12)
HB 2150 Docs RTA property tax statements H Trans 03/10/2017 Kloba SB 5909(S Transportation)
HB 2573 Docs f Alcohol server permits H Rules R 01/22/2018 Kloba
HB 2770 Docs f Marijuana business ownership H Commerce & Gam 01/15/2018 Kloba
HB 2837 Docs Health plan prior auth. H HC/Wellness 01/17/2018 Kloba SB 6157(S subst for)
HB 2882 Docs f# Agricultural activity odors H Environment 01/19/2018 Kloba
SHB 1456 Docs f# Metropolitan park districts H Local Govt 01/08/2018 Kloba SB 5138(S subst for)
SHB 1462 Docs fd Marijuana edibles/sanitary C 138 L 17 04/27/2017 Kloba SB 5324(S Rules X)
SHB 1524 Docs a Therapeutic courts C 205 L 18 03/22/2018 Kloba
SHB 1813 Docs fd Addresses of record, updates C 147 L 17 04/27/2017 Kloba SB 5271(S Rules X)
SHB 2574 Docs Medical marijuana delivery H Rules R 01/31/2018 Kloba
SHB 2921 Docs f# Internet ticket sales H Approps 02/02/2018 Kloba SB 6488(S Ways & Means)

Total Count: 17

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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