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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Pollet (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 2390 Docs Opioid medications/schools H Rules 3C 03/08/2018 Pollet SB 6469(S Health & Long)
E2SHB 1439 Docs af Higher ed student protection C 203 L 18 03/22/2018 Pollet
HB 1028 Docs f# Asphalt prod./air pollution H Environment 01/09/2017 Pollet
HB 1179 Docs f Comm. colls./part-time empl. H Hi Ed 01/12/2017 Pollet
HB 1437 Docs f Board of regents/faculty H Rules 3C 03/08/2018 Pollet
HB 1499 Docs f Student loan disbursement C 13 L 18 03/09/2018 Pollet
HB 1500 Docs f Tax exemptions H Finance 01/20/2017 Pollet SB 5513(S subst for)
HB 1652 Docs UW altern. contract-awarding H Cap Budget 01/25/2017 Pollet
HB 1653 Docs Food consumers/public health H Ag & Nat Res 01/25/2017 Pollet
HB 1841 Docs f State need grant eligibility H Hi Ed 01/31/2017 Pollet SB 5476(S Higher Ed & Wo)
HB 1842 Docs Lead in drinking water H Environment 01/31/2017 Pollet
HB 1861 Docs f UW altern. contract-awarding H Hi Ed 01/08/2018 Pollet SB 5631(C 124 L 17)
HB 1925 Docs f Schools/lead in water H Environment 02/02/2017 Pollet
HB 1926 Docs f Capital gains excise tax H Finance 02/02/2017 Pollet
HB 1989 Docs OPMA/advisory boards H State Govt, El 02/06/2017 Pollet
HB 2144 Docs f Taxation of vapor products H Finance 03/09/2017 Pollet
HB 2206 Docs f# Transp network companies tax H Trans 04/21/2017 Pollet
HB 2796 Docs Dyslexia H Education 01/16/2018 Pollet SB 6162(S subst for)
HB 2805 Docs Lead ammunition/under 21 H Judiciary 01/16/2018 Pollet
HB 2886 Docs Legislature/public records H State Govt, El 01/19/2018 Pollet
HB 2911 Docs Feminine hyg. prod./schools H Education 01/24/2018 Pollet
HB 2936 Docs Tax rates and regressivity H State Govt, El 01/26/2018 Pollet
HB 2953 Docs f School construction H Cap Budget 01/29/2018 Pollet SB 6531(S subst for)
HB 2964 Docs Special education funding H Approps 01/30/2018 Pollet
HR 4671 Docs Russell Jim "Kii'ahl" H Adopted 02/14/2018 Pollet
SHB 1238 Docs f Higher ed. faculty expansion H Approps 02/15/2017 Pollet
SHB 1651 Docs Retention and graduation H Approps 02/02/2018 Pollet
SHB 1703 Docs School safety planning H Cap Budget 01/29/2018 Pollet
SHB 1840 Docs f Washington promise program H Approps 02/17/2017 Pollet SB 5666(S Higher Ed & Wo)
SHB 2764 Docs Higher education/child care H Approps 02/02/2018 Pollet

Total Count: 30

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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