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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Keiser (2015-16)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2ESB 5624 Docs f# Essential infrastructure S Rules 3 03/10/2016 Keiser
2ESJR 8204 Docs f Debt guarantee/infrastruct. S Rules 3 03/10/2016 Keiser
ESSB 6149 Docs f Pregnancy accommodations S Rules 3 03/10/2016 Keiser
SB 5150 Docs Health ins. carrier networks S Health Care 01/14/2015 Keiser
SB 5151 Docs Cultural competency/hlthcare S Health Care 01/14/2015 Keiser
SB 5176 Docs Capitol furnishings pres com C 24 L 15 04/17/2015 Keiser HB 1217(H State Governme)
SB 5183 Docs f#d Building permit fees S GovtOp&StSec 01/15/2015 Keiser HB 1234(H Rules R)
SB 5287 Docs fd Medicaid false claims S Health Care 01/19/2015 Keiser
SB 5335 Docs f Nurse educator/pay forward S Higher Ed 01/19/2015 Keiser HB 1344(H Approps)
SB 5345 Docs f#d Toxics control accounts S Ways & Means 01/20/2015 Keiser HB 1399(H Approps)
SB 5459 Docs f# Family & medical leave insur S Commerce and L 01/22/2015 Keiser HB 1273(H Approps)
SB 5567 Docs f# Wage liens/wage recovery act S Commerce and L 01/23/2015 Keiser HB 1518(H Approps)
SB 5682 Docs ARNPs/signing documentation S Health Care 01/28/2015 Keiser HB 1259(C 104 L 15)
SB 5709 Docs fd DSHS provider payment/hrs/wk S Ways & Means 02/20/2015 Keiser HB 1725(H subst for)
SB 5754 Docs fd Health profession rem. plans S Health Care 02/02/2015 Keiser HB 1135(H subst for)
SB 5798 Docs Paying issuers/second-party S Health Care 02/03/2015 Keiser EHB 1890(C 284 L 15)
SB 5910 Docs Engineering fundmentals exam S Commerce and L 02/09/2015 Keiser
SB 6038 Docs Public hospital districts S GovtOp&Sec 02/19/2015 Keiser
SB 6517 Docs Gender representation S GovtOp&Sec 01/22/2016 Keiser
SB 6597 Docs Injured worker medical exams S Commerce and L 01/28/2016 Keiser
SB 6652 Docs Corp. board gender minimums S Law & Justice 02/08/2016 Keiser
SB 6660 Docs f Hazardous substance tax rate S Ways & Means 02/12/2016 Keiser
SR 8671 Docs Kent's 125th anniversary S Adopted 04/21/2015 Keiser
SR 8699 Docs Violence/women's health care S Adopted 01/28/2016 Keiser
SR 8702 Docs Alzheimer's disease plan S Adopted 02/12/2016 Keiser
SSB 5149 Docs f Certificates of need appeals S Rules X 02/25/2016 Keiser
SSB 5156 Docs Elevators, etc./real estate C 110 L 15 04/25/2015 Keiser
SSB 5418 Docs f Cat. injured workers S Rules X 02/25/2016 Keiser
SSB 5488 Docs f Applied behavior analysis C 118 L 15 04/25/2015 Keiser HB 1555(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 6311 Docs Affordable housing zones S Ways & Means 02/05/2016 Keiser
SSB 6312 Docs Hospital district comm'rs S Rules X 02/25/2016 Keiser
SSB 6389 Docs East Asian med. therapies S Rules X 02/25/2016 Keiser HB 2448(H subst for)

Total Count: 32

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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