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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Cleveland (2015-16)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
SB 5116 Docs Bistate megaproject/OFM role S Transportation 01/14/2015 Cleveland HB 1406(H Trans)
SB 5117 Docs Bistate transportation proj. S Transportation 01/14/2015 Cleveland HB 1405(H Trans)
SB 5118 Docs f Trans proj/bistate wrk group S Transportation 01/14/2015 Cleveland HB 1404(H Trans)
SB 5582 Docs f# Massage therapy, reflexology S Health Care 01/26/2015 Cleveland HB 1252(H subst for)
SB 5630 Docs f Equal pay and opportunities S Commerce and L 01/27/2015 Cleveland HB 1646(H subst for)
SB 5674 Docs fd Residen'l services & support S Rules X 03/23/2015 Cleveland HB 1307(C 39 L 15)
SB 5768 Docs County electronic auctions C 95 L 15 04/24/2015 Cleveland HB 1799(H Local Govt)
SB 5813 Docs f# Local transportation options S Transportation 02/04/2015 Cleveland HB 1593(H Trans)
SB 6001 Docs f Newspaper, definition of S Ways & Means 02/16/2015 Cleveland
SB 6441 Docs Tenancy termination notices S Fin Inst/Ins 01/20/2016 Cleveland
SB 6442 Docs Equal pay and opportunities S Commerce and L 01/20/2016 Cleveland
SB 6453 Docs Worksite learning S EL/K-12 01/21/2016 Cleveland HB 2415(H Education)
SR 8706 Docs Bladder Health Month S Adopted 02/09/2016 Cleveland
SSB 5767 Docs # Local govt treasuries C 5 L 16 E1 03/29/2016 Cleveland HB 1815(H Local Govt)
SSB 5788 Docs f# Elder justice centers S Ways & Means 02/20/2015 Cleveland
SSB 5897 Docs f Suspected child abuse victim C 100 L 15 04/24/2015 Cleveland
SSB 6569 Docs f Patient out-of-pocket costs C 25 L 16 E1 03/29/2016 Cleveland
SSB 6585 Docs f# Elder justice centers S Ways & Means 02/05/2016 Cleveland

Total Count: 18

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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