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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Hasegawa (2015-16)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESSB 5343 Docs # Transit construction/parking S Rules 3 03/10/2016 Hasegawa HB 1751(H Trans)
ESSB 6206 Docs f# Industrial hemp growing C 11 L 16 E1 03/29/2016 Hasegawa
SB 5341 Docs f Linked deposit program S Fin Inst/Ins 01/20/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5342 Docs f Human trafficking C 4 L 16 03/10/2016 Hasegawa HB 1651(H subst for)
SB 5344 Docs f# Ballots, prepaid postage S Ways & Means 02/13/2015 Hasegawa HB 1724(H State Governme)
SB 5469 Docs Education employee COLAs S Ways & Means 01/22/2015 Hasegawa HB 1538(H Approps)
SB 5553 Docs Washington investment trust S Fin Inst/Ins 01/23/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5569 Docs f Employee antiretaliation S Commerce and L 01/23/2015 Hasegawa HB 1354(H Approps)
SB 5592 Docs fd Security guard backgrnd chks S Commerce and L 01/26/2015 Hasegawa HB 1336(H Rules R)
SB 5636 Docs f GET ready for college prog S Higher Ed 01/27/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5637 Docs f Peer mentoring program S Higher Ed 01/27/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5638 Docs f State need grant eligibility C 121 L 15 04/25/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5741 Docs f Health care financing S Health Care 01/30/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5742 Docs Preservation of liberty S Law & Justice 01/30/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5751 Docs f# Civil asset forfeiture S Rules X 02/25/2016 Hasegawa
SB 5912 Docs f State contracting & bonding S GovtOp&Sec 02/10/2015 Hasegawa HB 2129(H Rules R)
SB 5939 Docs f Family medicine residency S Health Care 02/12/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5970 Docs Public wrks contracts option S GovtOp&Sec 02/13/2015 Hasegawa
SB 5971 Docs WA publicly owned trust S Fin Inst/Ins 02/13/2015 Hasegawa
SB 6231 Docs fd Industrial classif. system S Rules X 02/25/2016 Hasegawa HB 2444(C 168 L 16)
SB 6294 Docs Deadly force data collection S Law & Justice 01/14/2016 Hasegawa HB 2882(H Rules R)
SB 6398 Docs Cultural foods C 20 L 16 E1 03/29/2016 Hasegawa HB 2744(H Rules X)
SB 6522 Docs Employment agencies S Commerce and L 01/25/2016 Hasegawa
SB 6530 Docs f Language of public notices S Rules X 02/25/2016 Hasegawa HB 2926(H Public Safety)
SB 6627 Docs Accessible taxi HOV lane use S Transportation 02/01/2016 Hasegawa
SJM 8002 Docs Elections, money spent on S GovtOp&StSec 01/20/2015 Hasegawa HJM 4004(H Rules R)
SJM 8003 Docs International trade policy S Trade & Econom 01/20/2015 Hasegawa
SJM 8004 Docs Internet openness S Energy, Enviro 01/20/2015 Hasegawa
SJM 8005 Docs Banking/Glass-Steagall act S Fin Inst/Ins 01/20/2015 Hasegawa
SR 8617 Docs Japanese-Americans/WWII S Adopted 02/19/2015 Hasegawa
SR 8679 Docs Filipino history month S Adopted 04/24/2015 Hasegawa
SR 8686 Docs Herb Tsuchiya & Sam Mitsui S Adopted 06/26/2015 Hasegawa
SR 8687 Docs Northwest Center S Adopted 06/27/2015 Hasegawa
SR 8693 Docs Wong Tsoo/aeronautics S Adopted 01/25/2016 Hasegawa
SR 8704 Docs Cyndie Shepard/WWU S Adopted 03/07/2016 Hasegawa
SR 8724 Docs Japanese-American internees S Adopted 02/18/2016 Hasegawa
SSB 5255 Docs o Linked deposit program S Rules X 02/25/2016 Hasegawa HB 1415(H Bus & Fin Svcs)
SSB 5752 Docs f Racial disproportionality S Rules X 02/25/2016 Hasegawa HB 2076(H Rules R)
SSB 6295 Docs f# Coroner's inquests/venue C 13 L 16 03/10/2016 Hasegawa
SSJM 8014 Docs WP Stewart mem highway/SR-99 S Rules X 02/25/2016 Hasegawa HJM 4010(H Filed Sec/St)

Total Count: 40

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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