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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Orcutt (2015-16)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1737 Docs f Retired teachers/substitutes H Rules 3C 03/10/2016 Orcutt
ESHB 2012 Docs Practical design, DOT use of C 12 L 15 E3 07/06/2015 Orcutt
HB 1736 Docs f Aerospace tax preferences H Finance 02/20/2015 Orcutt
HB 2013 Docs f Trans projects/enviro stds H Environment 02/06/2015 Orcutt
HB 2014 Docs f Trans project efficiencies H Labor 02/06/2015 Orcutt
HB 2015 Docs Nonprofits/prevailing wage H Labor 02/06/2015 Orcutt SB 5953(S Rules X)
HB 2240 Docs Ferry vessel constr. bidding H Trans 04/20/2015 Orcutt
HB 2599 Docs f Freight mobility bd. funding C 23 L 16 03/25/2016 Orcutt SB 6428(S Transportation)
HB 2600 Docs f Farm internship program H Hi Ed 01/18/2016 Orcutt
HB 2601 Docs Aggressive panhandling H Public Safety 01/15/2016 Orcutt
HB 3004 Docs Abandoned cemeteries H State Governme 03/03/2016 Orcutt
HJR 4206 Docs Tax increase restrictions H Finance 01/27/2015 Orcutt
HJR 4215 Docs 2/3rd vote for tax increases H Finance 01/25/2016 Orcutt SJR 8200(S GovtOp&StSec)
SHB 1738 Docs Marine etc. fuel tax refunds C 9 L 15 E2 07/09/2015 Orcutt SB 5617(S Transportation)
SHB 2598 Docs f# Vehicle cargo extensions C 22 L 16 03/25/2016 Orcutt SB 6501(S Transportation)
SHB 2938 Docs af WA trade conventions/taxes C 137 L 16 03/31/2016 Orcutt
SHB 2973 Docs f Transportation performance H Rules 3C 03/10/2016 Orcutt

Total Count: 17

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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