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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Dent (2015-16)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
EHB 1989 Docs a# Water storage asset mgmt C 187 L 15 05/07/2015 Dent
ESHB 2925 Docs Wildland fires/livestock C 109 L 16 03/31/2016 Dent
HB 1526 Docs f Aircraft tax rev/airport aid H Approps 01/22/2015 Dent
HB 1544 Docs Water services procurement H Local Govt 01/22/2015 Dent
HB 1708 Docs f# Irrigation distr. facilities H Local Govt 01/27/2015 Dent SB 5554(S Rules X)
HB 1889 Docs f# Permit exempt wells & GMHBs H Local Govt 02/02/2015 Dent SB 5061(S Rules X)
HB 2046 Docs f# Streams, definition in SMA H Rules X 02/26/2016 Dent
HB 2571 Docs Farm property/auctioneers H Finance 01/15/2016 Dent
HB 2572 Docs Agricultural aircraft parts H Finance 01/15/2016 Dent
HB 2751 Docs Pesticide exposure H HC/Wellness 01/20/2016 Dent
HB 2924 Docs f Wildland firefighters/GPS H Ag & Nat Res 01/27/2016 Dent
HJM 4005 Docs Ports/ag, food, timber H Labor 02/03/2015 Dent
HR 4659 Docs Katherine Merck/Miss. Rodeo H Adopted 02/18/2016 Dent
SHB 1527 Docs a Pesticide licensees C 184 L 15 05/07/2015 Dent SB 5601(S subst for)
SHB 1888 Docs f Chemical dependency treatmnt H Approps 02/05/2016 Dent
SHB 2413 Docs Aircraft registration C 20 L 16 03/25/2016 Dent

Total Count: 16

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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