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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Tharinger (2015-16)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESHB 2380 Docs d Supplemental capital budget C 35 L 16 E1 PV 04/18/2016 Tharinger SB 6201(S subst for)
ESHB 2450 Docs f Critical access hospitals C 31 L 16 E1 04/18/2016 Tharinger
HB 1046 Docs East Asian med practitioners H HC/Wellness 01/12/2015 Tharinger SB 5161(S Health Care)
HB 1066 Docs fo Longterm care insurance/IROs H HC/Wellness 01/12/2015 Tharinger
HB 1133 Docs f# Public utility tax, counties H Local Govt 01/14/2015 Tharinger
HB 1256 Docs f Derelict vessel prevention H Ag & Nat Res 01/16/2015 Tharinger
HB 1286 Docs f Long-term care funding study H Approps 02/17/2015 Tharinger SB 5258(S Rules X)
HB 1341 Docs fd Fishing guide/unlawfully H Ag & Nat Res 01/11/2016 Tharinger SB 5464(C 90 L 15)
HB 1529 Docs Port district per diem rates H Local Govt 01/11/2016 Tharinger SB 5337(C 29 L 15)
HB 1531 Docs fd Long-term care workers C 152 L 15 05/01/2015 Tharinger SB 5599(S Health Care)
HB 1620 Docs afd Biotoxin testing, monitoring C 254 L 15 05/14/2015 Tharinger SB 5716(S Natural Resour)
HB 1681 Docs f# Maritime trades industry H Finance 02/20/2015 Tharinger
HB 1873 Docs fd Physicians and PA's H HC/Wellness 02/02/2015 Tharinger SB 5772(S Rules X)
HB 1904 Docs f Assisted living paymnt rates H Approps 02/02/2015 Tharinger SB 5802(S Ways & Means)
HB 1997 Docs # Community facilities distrct H Rules R 01/19/2016 Tharinger
HB 2104 Docs f Forest derived biomass H Finance 02/12/2015 Tharinger
HB 2110 Docs f Health benefit exch/dental H Approps 02/13/2015 Tharinger
HB 2111 Docs Appeals court tax division H Judiciary 02/13/2015 Tharinger SB 5449(S subst for)
HB 2152 Docs f B&O tax exem for utilities H Finance 02/19/2015 Tharinger SB 6041(S Ways & Means)
HB 2251 Docs f Timber-felling equip tx exem H Finance 05/01/2015 Tharinger
HB 2832 Docs fd Physician limited licenses H Rules X 02/26/2016 Tharinger
HB 2968 Docs Kindergarten, K-3 class size H Rules C 03/10/2016 Tharinger
SHB 1045 Docs f East Asian medicine C 60 L 15 04/23/2015 Tharinger SB 5162(S Health Care)
SHB 1132 Docs f Adult family homes C 66 L 15 04/23/2015 Tharinger SB 5796(S Health Care)
SHB 1758 Docs fd Biofuel, etc., tax prefs H Finance 02/20/2015 Tharinger SB 5700(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1784 Docs Nursing home quality H Approps 02/20/2015 Tharinger
SHB 1874 Docs fd Allopathic physicians H Rules 3C 03/10/2016 Tharinger SB 5773(S Health Care)
SHB 2424 Docs Hospital discharge planning H Rules X 02/26/2016 Tharinger
SHB 2509 Docs d Wildlife and recreation prg. H Rules R 02/05/2016 Tharinger SB 6227(S subst for)
SHB 2835 Docs f# Purple card information sys. H Rules R 02/05/2016 Tharinger
SHB 2943 Docs Obsolete provisions/commerce H Rules R 03/02/2016 Tharinger

Total Count: 31

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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