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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Stanford (2015-16)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
E2SHB 1808 Docs f Railroad employees/vehicles H Rules 3C 03/10/2016 Stanford SB 5797(S Transportation)
E2SHB 1836 Docs f State drought preparedness H Ag & Nat Res 01/11/2016 Stanford
ESHB 1761 Docs Insurance producers, etc. H Bus & Fin Svcs 01/11/2016 Stanford SB 5743(S subst for)
ESHB 2430 Docs Appliance water conservation H Rules 3C 03/10/2016 Stanford
HB 1062 Docs fo Credit union enforcement/DFI H Bus & Fin Svcs 01/11/2016 Stanford SB 5300(C 114 L 15)
HB 1172 Docs fo Insurer risk mgmt, solvency C 17 L 15 04/17/2015 Stanford
HB 1329 Docs f Insurance/electronic delivry H Bus & Fin Svcs 01/11/2016 Stanford ESB 5471(C 263 L 15)
HB 1392 Docs af#d Rec and conserv. funding brd C 183 L 15 05/07/2015 Stanford SB 5320(S Rules X)
HB 1706 Docs fo College fees/military member C 143 L 15 04/29/2015 Stanford SB 5620(S Rules X)
HB 1926 Docs Noncompetition agreements H Rules R 02/19/2015 Stanford
HB 1992 Docs Capital budget resources H Approps 02/05/2015 Stanford
HB 2351 Docs Cinnamon w/ high coumarin H Ag & Nat Res 01/11/2016 Stanford
HB 2352 Docs Farmlands/riparian planting H Ag & Nat Res 01/11/2016 Stanford
HB 2828 Docs Potentially unstable slopes H Ag & Nat Res 01/21/2016 Stanford SB 6280(S Natural Resour)
HB 2931 Docs Noncompetition agreements H Rules X 02/26/2016 Stanford
HJM 4014 Docs Salmon & steelhead reintro. H Ag & Nat Res 01/28/2016 Stanford
HR 4641 Docs Nepal earthquake condolences H Adopted 05/06/2015 Stanford
SHB 1054 Docs Collection agency fees H Rules R 02/06/2015 Stanford SB 5222(S Rules X)
SHB 1887 Docs f Student veterans' support H Approps 02/18/2015 Stanford
SHB 2080 Docs fo Health professionals H Approps 02/05/2016 Stanford SB 5720(S Health Care)
SHB 2378 Docs d Caseload forecast council H Rules R 02/09/2016 Stanford SB 6279(S Ways & Means)

Total Count: 21

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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