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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Fitzgibbon (2015-16)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1152 Docs Forage fish management H Approps 01/11/2016 Fitzgibbon
2SHB 1278 Docs Building energy use H Rules X 02/26/2016 Fitzgibbon
E2SHB 1472 Docs f#e Chemical action plans H Environment 01/11/2016 Fitzgibbon SB 5406(S Energy, Enviro)
EHB 2400 Docs f# Steel slag from electric arc C 165 L 16 04/01/2016 Fitzgibbon
EHB 2745 Docs Ferry committee appointments C 25 L 16 03/25/2016 Fitzgibbon
ESHB 1060 Docs f# Litter tax revenues C 15 L 15 04/17/2015 Fitzgibbon
HB 1040 Docs Subversive activities H Judiciary 01/12/2015 Fitzgibbon
HB 1041 Docs Marijuana misdemeanors H Public Safety 01/12/2015 Fitzgibbon
HB 1049 Docs f Cadmium/children's jewelry H Environment 01/12/2015 Fitzgibbon SB 5021(S Rules X)
HB 1802 Docs Long-range planning costs H Local Govt 01/11/2016 Fitzgibbon
HB 1925 Docs fe Alt. fuel vehicle tax exem H Finance 02/02/2015 Fitzgibbon SB 5445(S Energy, Enviro)
HB 2036 Docs f# Permits & approval under SMA H Gen Govt & Inf 02/20/2015 Fitzgibbon
HB 2145 Docs Rural cnty library districts H Local Govt 02/18/2015 Fitzgibbon SB 6018(S GovtOp&Sec)
HB 2566 Docs f Dredged sediment disposal H Environment 01/15/2016 Fitzgibbon
HB 2757 Docs f# Transportation project eval. H Environment 01/20/2016 Fitzgibbon
HB 2777 Docs I-732 alternative H Environment 01/20/2016 Fitzgibbon SB 6381(S Energy, Enviro)
HJM 4009 Docs Global climate change H Environment 01/11/2016 Fitzgibbon
SHB 1314 Docs f#e Carbon pollution market prog H Approps 02/12/2015 Fitzgibbon SB 5283(S Energy, Enviro)
SHB 1428 Docs Voter registration H Rules 3C 03/10/2016 Fitzgibbon SB 5527(S Rules X)
SHB 1576 Docs Annexed areas/sales & use tx H Rules 3C 04/24/2015 Fitzgibbon SB 5864(S subst for)
SHB 1911 Docs Water or sewer facilities H Local Govt 01/11/2016 Fitzgibbon SB 5795(S subst for)
SHB 1929 Docs e Electric vehicle readiness H Rules R 02/20/2015 Fitzgibbon SB 5446(S Rules X)
SHB 2120 Docs Leasehold excise tax credit H Rules X 01/28/2016 Fitzgibbon SB 5984(S Ways & Means)
SHB 2426 Docs Rural library trustee appt. H Rules R 01/28/2016 Fitzgibbon SB 6313(S GovtOp&Sec)
SHB 2477 Docs f# Filing fee petitions H Rules X 02/26/2016 Fitzgibbon
SHB 2486 Docs fd Environmental statutes H Rules R 02/09/2016 Fitzgibbon SB 6257(S Energy, Enviro)

Total Count: 26

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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