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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Conway (2013-14)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESSB 5551 Docs af# Competency to stand trial C 284 L 13 05/16/2013 Conway HB 1627(H subst for)
ESSB 6137 Docs af Pharmacies C 213 L 14 04/03/2014 Conway HB 2489(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5220 Docs a City disability boards C 213 L 13 05/10/2013 Conway
SB 5261 Docs Liquor self-checkout S Commerce and L 01/24/2013 Conway HB 1009(H subst for)
SB 5395 Docs Prevailing wage S Commerce and L 01/29/2013 Conway HB 1025(H Finance)
SB 5512 Docs f School administrators S Ways & Means 02/01/2013 Conway HB 1610(H Approps)
SB 5526 Docs f# Protecting employees S Commerce and L 02/01/2013 Conway HB 1440(H Labor/Work Dev)
SB 5530 Docs Physicians and assistants S Health Care 02/01/2013 Conway
SB 5536 Docs Marine employees' commission S Transportation 02/01/2013 Conway HB 1608(H Rules 3C)
SB 5597 Docs Locksmith services S Rules X 02/25/2014 Conway
SB 5633 Docs fo PERS/returning retirees S Rules 3 03/13/2014 Conway HB 1226(H Approps)
SB 5694 Docs Incapacitated adults S Law & Justice 02/08/2013 Conway HB 1816(H Judiciary)
SB 5700 Docs Pharmacy benefit managers S Health Care 02/11/2013 Conway
SB 5826 Docs f Shared leave pool S Rules X 02/25/2014 Conway
SB 5853 Docs f Trades people at PUD's/PSERS S Ways & Means 02/25/2013 Conway
SB 6159 Docs fo Alcohol regulation S Rules X 03/03/2014 Conway HB 2305(H Rules R)
SB 6221 Docs School siting S Govt Ops 01/17/2014 Conway HB 2499(H Local Govt)
SB 6320 Docs fo Basic ed instructional hours S EL/K-12 01/21/2014 Conway HB 2548(H Education)
SB 6437 Docs f Contractor registration S Commerce and L 01/24/2014 Conway HB 2501(H Rules R)
SB 6506 Docs Employees of state hospitals S Commerce and L 01/30/2014 Conway
SR 8643 Docs Welcome home Vietnam vet day S Adopted 03/29/2013 Conway
SR 8692 Docs Senator R. Ted Bottiger S Adopted 02/25/2014 Conway
SSB 5068 Docs Annexation/military purposes S Rules X 03/26/2013 Conway HB 1158(H subst for)
SSB 5273 Docs fd Veterans innovation program S Rules X 03/26/2013 Conway HB 1428(H Approps)
SSB 5360 Docs fd Unpaid wages collection C 210 L 14 04/03/2014 Conway HB 1467(H subst for)
SSB 5362 Docs fd Workers' comp/voc rehab C 331 L 13 05/21/2013 Conway EHB 1470(H Labor/Work Dev)
SSB 5452 Docs f# No-contact, protection ordrs S Rules X 02/04/2014 Conway HB 1383(H subst for)
SSB 5975 Docs fd Veterans innovations program S Rules 3 03/13/2014 Conway HB 2130(C 179 L 14)
SSB 6158 Docs o Marijuana/adult acquisition S Rules X 03/03/2014 Conway HB 2303(H Govt Acct & Ov)
SSB 6160 Docs o Marijuana licenses S Rules X 02/25/2014 Conway HB 2304(H subst for)

Total Count: 30

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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