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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Orwall (2013-14)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
E2SHB 1526 Docs f Running start enrollment H Education 01/13/2014 Orwall
ESHB 1290 Docs f# Ballot drop boxes H Rules R 01/27/2014 Orwall
ESHB 1291 Docs af Sex trade victims C 121 L 13 05/03/2013 Orwall
ESHB 1336 Docs af Troubled youth in schools C 197 L 13 05/10/2013 Orwall SB 5365(S Rules X)
ESHB 1341 Docs af# Wrongful imprisonment C 175 L 13 PV 05/08/2013 Orwall
ESHB 2164 Docs af# Juvenile firearm offenders C 117 L 14 03/28/2014 Orwall
ESHB 2315 Docs af Suicide prevention C 71 L 14 03/27/2014 Orwall SB 6468(S Health Care)
HB 1213 Docs f Social worker licensing C 73 L 13 04/25/2013 Orwall SB 5725(S HumServ/Corr)
HB 1250 Docs f Juveniles & runaway children H Erly Lrn/H Svc 01/21/2013 Orwall SB 5147(C 4 L 13)
HB 1762 Docs d Claims against the state H Judiciary 02/08/2013 Orwall SB 5136(C 188 L 13)
HB 2285 Docs f Dual credit coursework H Rules 3C 03/13/2014 Orwall
HB 2396 Docs f Running start participation H Approps Educat 02/04/2014 Orwall
SHB 1292 Docs a Prostitution convictions C 109 L 14 03/28/2014 Orwall
SHB 1376 Docs f Suicide assessment training C 78 L 13 04/25/2013 Orwall
SHB 1525 Docs af Birth certificates C 321 L 13 05/21/2013 Orwall
SHB 2171 Docs d Veterans, military personnel C 65 L 14 03/27/2014 Orwall SB 5989(S Law & Justice)
SHB 2468 Docs Evidence preservation H Rules C 02/18/2014 Orwall SB 6310(S Law & Justice)

Total Count: 17

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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