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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Rolfes (2011-12)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESSB 6355 Docs af Associate development orgs C 195 L 12 03/29/2012 Rolfes
ESSB 6356 Docs f Single portal for businesses S Rules 3 03/08/2012 Rolfes
SB 6020 Docs 180-day school year waivers S EL/K-12 01/09/2012 Rolfes
SB 6039 Docs Home appliance warranties S Lab/Comm/CP 01/09/2012 Rolfes
SB 6097 Docs f# Forest land compensating tax S EDev/Trd/Innov 01/11/2012 Rolfes
SB 6098 Docs f Private investigators C 118 L 12 03/29/2012 Rolfes
SB 6099 Docs fd School distr. levy elections S EL/K-12 01/11/2012 Rolfes
SB 6139 Docs f#d Large wild carnivores S Rules X 02/22/2012 Rolfes HB 2365(H subst for)
SB 6275 Docs f Self-employment assistance S EDev/Trd/Innov 01/16/2012 Rolfes
SB 6288 Docs Veterans & national guard S HighEd&WorkDev 01/17/2012 Rolfes HB 2345(H Hi Ed)
SB 6289 Docs f Self-employment training C 40 L 12 03/15/2012 Rolfes
SB 6305 Docs f Roll your own cigarettes S Lab/Comm/CP 01/17/2012 Rolfes HB 2565(H subst for)
SB 6357 Docs Made in America products S GovtOp & Elect 01/19/2012 Rolfes
SB 6358 Docs Employment assistance prog. S Lab/Comm/CP 01/19/2012 Rolfes
SB 6412 Docs a Health benefit plan coverage C 64 L 12 03/23/2012 Rolfes HB 2739(H HC/Wellness)
SB 6471 Docs Front vehicle license plates S Transportation 01/25/2012 Rolfes
SB 6585 Docs fd License plate replacement S Transportation 02/06/2012 Rolfes HB 2775(H Trans)
SR 8680 Docs Veterans S Adopted 02/09/2012 Rolfes
SSB 6130 Docs f# SEPA S Rules X 02/22/2012 Rolfes HB 2253(H subst for)
SSB 6304 Docs Motorcycles/trans planning S Rules X 02/22/2012 Rolfes
SSB 6354 Docs af# Filing business forms C 127 L 12 03/29/2012 Rolfes
SSB 6457 Docs DOT marine division/veterans S Rules X 02/22/2012 Rolfes
SSB 6518 Docs f Ferry users exec committee S Rules X 02/22/2012 Rolfes

Total Count: 23

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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