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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by McCune (2011-12)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESHB 2650 Docs f Salmonid hatchery management H Rules 3C 03/08/2012 McCune
HB 1281 Docs f Motor vehicle records access H Trans 01/12/2012 McCune SB 5701(S Transportation)
HB 1455 Docs a Firearm possession rights C 193 L 11 04/29/2011 McCune
HB 1456 Docs State & fed document display H SGTribalAff 01/21/2011 McCune
HB 1472 Docs State Christmas tree H SGTribalAff 01/21/2011 McCune
HB 1514 Docs f "In God We Trust" lic plates H Trans 01/24/2011 McCune
HB 1569 Docs Food freezing standards H HC/Wellness 01/25/2011 McCune
HB 1590 Docs Traffic safety cameras H Trans 01/26/2011 McCune
HB 1602 Docs Parents' rights restoration H Judiciary 01/26/2011 McCune
HB 1603 Docs Waterway gravel removal H Ag & Nat Res 01/26/2011 McCune
HB 1604 Docs Health educ. participation H Education 01/26/2011 McCune
HB 1605 Docs Disabled veterans/housing H CommDev & Hous 01/26/2011 McCune
HB 1642 Docs f Pacific salmon production H Ag & Nat Res 01/27/2011 McCune
HB 1643 Docs Food refrigeration, freezing H HC/Wellness 01/27/2011 McCune
HB 1769 Docs English H SGTribalAff 02/01/2011 McCune
HB 1945 Docs Judges' free speech rights H Judiciary 02/11/2011 McCune
HB 2376 Docs Religiously prepared foods H Bus & Fin Svcs 01/12/2012 McCune
HB 2377 Docs History & heritage education H Education 01/12/2012 McCune
HB 2378 Docs f Veteran designation H Rules R 02/07/2012 McCune
HB 2379 Docs Disabled vet/adapted vehicle H Ways & Means 01/12/2012 McCune
HB 2380 Docs Goals of a basic education H Education 01/12/2012 McCune
HB 2381 Docs Instructional materials H Education 01/12/2012 McCune
HB 2382 Docs Firearm possession/emergency H Judiciary 01/12/2012 McCune
HJR 4211 Docs Marriage/man and woman H Judiciary 01/21/2011 McCune
HJR 4215 Docs Parents' rights H Judiciary 01/26/2011 McCune

Total Count: 25

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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