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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Liias (2011-12)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1163 Docs af Bullying prevention C 185 L 11 04/29/2011 Liias
EHB 1702 Docs # Payment of impact fees H Rules 3C 02/14/2012 Liias SB 5607(S FI/Hous/Ins)
HB 1166 Docs f# Alcohol poisoning deaths H Rules 3C 04/22/2011 Liias
HB 1168 Docs f Career & technical education H Rules 3C 04/22/2011 Liias
HB 1215 Docs f# Liens for impounded vehicles C 65 L 11 04/14/2011 Liias
HB 1270 Docs f Mental health education H Education 01/18/2011 Liias
HB 1499 Docs Alternative learning progs H Education 01/24/2011 Liias SB 5142(S subst for)
HB 1536 Docs f# Congestion reduction charge H Trans 01/12/2012 Liias SB 5457(S subst for)
HB 1566 Docs Manu/mobile home communities H Judiciary 01/25/2011 Liias SB 5433(S subst for)
HB 1750 Docs Structures damaged by arson H Ways & Means 02/01/2011 Liias
HB 1751 Docs Telephone directories H Tech/En/Com 02/01/2011 Liias
HB 1752 Docs f Pub utility rate proceedings H Tech/En/Com 02/01/2011 Liias
HB 1825 Docs f Coal-fired power decom H Environment 02/03/2011 Liias
HB 1882 Docs Transportation connectivity H Trans 02/08/2011 Liias SB 5541(S Rules X)
HB 1898 Docs f# Supreme court campaigns H SGTribalAff 02/08/2011 Liias
HB 1919 Docs Aerospace tax incentives H Ways & Means 02/10/2011 Liias SB 5641(S Ways & Means)
HB 1928 Docs f Workplace bullying H Labor/Work Dev 01/13/2012 Liias SB 5789(S Lab/Comm/CP)
HB 1978 Docs f Railroad safety H Trans 02/16/2011 Liias
HB 2012 Docs f Fuel tax distributions H Trans 03/07/2011 Liias
HB 2016 Docs Local transit revenue H Trans 03/11/2011 Liias SB 5874(S Transportation)
HB 2353 Docs Tow truck operators/lunch H Rules 3C 03/08/2012 Liias SB 6161(S Transportation)
HB 2475 Docs f Electronic text messaging H Tech/En/Com 01/16/2012 Liias
HB 2544 Docs Department of commerce H Local Govt 01/17/2012 Liias
HB 2737 Docs f Nursing homes/medicaid H HHS Apps 01/30/2012 Liias
HB 2740 Docs f Renewable fuel content H Tech/En/Com 01/30/2012 Liias
HB 2750 Docs Coal-based electricity H Environment 01/31/2012 Liias
HB 2766 Docs f 2% tax on millionaires H Ways & Means 02/03/2012 Liias
HB 2775 Docs fd License plate replacement H Trans 02/08/2012 Liias SB 6585(S Transportation)
HB 2781 Docs Healthcare facilities access H Judiciary 02/10/2012 Liias
HB 2782 Docs Liquor sales/volumetric tax H Ways & Means 02/11/2012 Liias SB 6595(S Ways & Means)
HJM 4010 Docs Unnecessary spending H Ways & Means 02/15/2011 Liias
HJM 4014 Docs Text messaging service rates H Tech/En/Com 01/16/2012 Liias
HJR 4204 Docs Salary reductions/officials H SGTribalAff 01/18/2011 Liias SJR 8209(S Ways & Means)
HR 4643 Docs Kamiak high school H Adopted 03/25/2011 Liias
SHB 1164 Docs f Employment leave H Rules C 03/07/2011 Liias
SHB 1165 Docs f Small business support H Ways & Means 02/16/2011 Liias
SHB 1167 Docs f# DUI provisions H Judiciary 01/12/2012 Liias
SHB 1753 Docs f School nurses H Rules 3C 03/08/2012 Liias
SHB 1929 Docs Urban street preservation H Trans 01/12/2012 Liias

Total Count: 39

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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