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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Van De Wege (2011-12)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
E2SHB 2373 Docs af# State recreational resources C 261 L 12 04/06/2012 Van De Wege
ESHB 1295 Docs af# Fire sprinkler systems C 331 L 11 05/12/2011 Van De Wege SB 5206(S Rules X)
HB 1201 Docs f Retirement age for judges H Judiciary 01/14/2011 Van De Wege
HB 1370 Docs f Medicine stewardship program H Environment 01/19/2011 Van De Wege SB 5234(S Rules X)
HB 1411 Docs f DOT & state patrol/police H Ways & Means 01/20/2011 Van De Wege SB 5255(S Transportation)
HB 1454 Docs f# Bloodborne pathogen testing C 232 L 11 05/03/2011 Van De Wege
HB 1505 Docs Wildland urban interface H Local Govt 01/24/2011 Van De Wege SB 5207(S GovtOp & Elect)
HB 1809 Docs Resident contractors H SGTribalAff 02/03/2011 Van De Wege SB 5662(S subst for)
HB 2006 Docs f# Disposal of unwanted drugs H Environment 03/03/2011 Van De Wege
HB 2068 Docs f LEOFF plan 2 H Ways & Means 04/09/2011 Van De Wege
HB 2071 Docs f Local public safety account H Ways & Means 04/09/2011 Van De Wege
HB 2294 Docs Cardiopulmonary resusitation H Education 01/11/2012 Van De Wege
HB 2295 Docs f Discover pass H Gen Gov Apps 01/11/2012 Van De Wege
HB 2767 Docs Municipal fire districts H Local Govt 02/03/2012 Van De Wege
HB 2797 Docs Science assessment/high sch. H Education 02/23/2012 Van De Wege
HJR 4219 Docs fd State's pension obligations H Ways & Means 02/08/2011 Van De Wege SJR 8214(S Ways & Means)
HR 4613 Docs PEAK leadership program H Adopted 02/03/2011 Van De Wege
SHB 1328 Docs af Operation of motorcycles C 332 L 11 05/12/2011 Van De Wege
SHB 1445 Docs f#o Occupational disease H Ways & Means 02/04/2011 Van De Wege SB 5354(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1796 Docs f#d Recreation access H Ways & Means 01/12/2012 Van De Wege
SHB 2056 Docs f Assisted living facilities C 10 L 12 03/07/2012 Van De Wege
SHB 2618 Docs f Marine management planning H Rules R 02/03/2012 Van De Wege SB 6263(S subst for)

Total Count: 22

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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