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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Conway (2009-10)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 3062 Docs Language access providers H Rules C 02/17/2010 Conway SB 6726(S subst for)
E2SHB 1560 Docs f Higher ed collec bargaining C 104 L 10 03/18/2010 Conway
E2SHB 3024 Docs f# Employee breaks H Rules 3C 03/11/2010 Conway
EHB 2040 Docs f Beer & wine regulation comm C 506 L 09 05/15/2009 Conway SB 6027(S Rules X)
EHB 2358 Docs f Liquor license fees C 507 L 09 05/15/2009 Conway
ESHB 1441 Docs Malt beverage distr & prod C 155 L 09 04/24/2009 Conway SB 5403(S subst for)
ESHB 1906 Docs af Unemployment compensation C 3 L 09 02/16/2009 Conway
ESHB 2267 Docs Exempt employee bargaining H Ways & Means 01/11/2010 Conway
ESHB 2547 Docs a Motor vehicle franchises C 178 L 10 03/23/2010 Conway SB 6391(S Lab/Comm/CP)
ESHB 2790 Docs f Liquor laws H Rules 3C 03/11/2010 Conway
ESHB 3040 Docs af Appraisal mgmt companies C 179 L 10 03/23/2010 Conway
HB 1338 Docs fd Good cause for late filing C 83 L 09 04/13/2009 Conway SB 5258(S Rules X)
HB 1339 Docs fd Employer contribution rates C 225 L 09 04/25/2009 Conway SB 5257(S Rules X)
HB 1340 Docs f Com & tech college employees H Ways & Means 02/20/2009 Conway SB 5259(S Lab/Comm/CP)
HB 1422 Docs f# Taxation of brokered gas H Finance 01/11/2010 Conway
HB 1506 Docs f#o Firefightr survivor benefits C 156 L 09 04/24/2009 Conway SB 5311(S Rules X)
HB 1546 Docs fo From PERS 2 to SERS 2 H Ways & Means 01/11/2010 Conway SB 5303(C 209 L 09)
HB 1549 Docs fo Disability benefit options H Ways & Means 01/23/2009 Conway SB 5306(S Ways & Means)
HB 1551 Docs fo Survivor benefits C 226 L 09 04/25/2009 Conway SB 5314(S Ways & Means)
HB 1602 Docs f Post-retirement employment H Ways & Means 01/26/2009 Conway SB 5490(S Ways & Means)
HB 1633 Docs f Hog fuel excise tax relief H Finance 01/26/2009 Conway SB 5442(S Ways & Means)
HB 1642 Docs f# Healthcare facilty employees H Ways & Means 02/23/2009 Conway
HB 1822 Docs f# Peace officers H Rules X 01/28/2010 Conway
HB 2099 Docs f Online wine retailers H Commerce/Lab 02/10/2009 Conway
HB 2176 Docs Minimum wage & overtime comp H Commerce/Lab 02/11/2009 Conway SB 5463(S Lab/Comm/CP)
HB 2204 Docs f Unemployment insurance H Commerce/Lab 02/13/2009 Conway SB 5963(S subst for)
HB 2205 Docs fe Liquor control board H Commerce/Lab 02/13/2009 Conway SB 6065(S Rules X)
HB 2256 Docs Employee info/workers' comp H Commerce/Lab 02/18/2009 Conway
HB 2321 Docs fo Liquor-related products H Ways & Means 03/23/2009 Conway SB 5877(S Rules X)
HB 2473 Docs f# Park & open space allocation H Finance 01/11/2010 Conway
HB 2554 Docs f Farm worker-grower committee H Commerce/Lab 01/11/2010 Conway
HB 2647 Docs fd Unemployment insurance H Commerce/Lab 01/11/2010 Conway SB 6526(S Rules 2G)
HB 2697 Docs f Real estate broker licensure C 156 L 10 03/22/2010 Conway
HB 2737 Docs f Employee meal & rest breaks H Commerce/Lab 01/13/2010 Conway
HB 2873 Docs f# House-banked card games H Commerce/Lab 01/15/2010 Conway
HB 2919 Docs o PERS, TRS, SERS plans 2 & 3 H Ways & Means 01/18/2010 Conway SB 6493(S Ways & Means)
HB 3129 Docs Unemploymnt insurance system H Rules C 02/17/2010 Conway
HB 3153 Docs Firefighter survivor benefit H Rules C 02/17/2010 Conway
HB 3155 Docs Gambling treatmnt/DSHS rules H HC/Wellness 01/29/2010 Conway SB 6804(C 171 L 10)
SHB 1276 Docs f Performing arts bargaining H Commerce/Lab 01/11/2010 Conway
SHB 1420 Docs a Real estate sellers C 505 L 09 05/15/2009 Conway
SHB 1434 Docs f#o Spirits, beer & wine license H Gen Gov Apps 02/18/2009 Conway SB 5367(S subst for)
SHB 1518 Docs o Accountancy practices Gov vetoed V 04/21/2009 Conway SB 5434(S subst for)
SHB 1545 Docs fo Higher education annuities C 21 L 10 03/12/2010 Conway SB 5308(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1554 Docs f L & I stop work orders H Commerce/Lab 01/11/2010 Conway SB 5613(S subst for)
SHB 1555 Docs af Underground economy/construc C 432 L 09 05/11/2009 Conway SB 5614(S Rules X)
SHB 1704 Docs Motor vehicle franchises H Commerce/Lab 01/11/2010 Conway SB 5595(S subst for)
SHB 1953 Docs fo Fish & wildlife officers C 157 L 09 04/24/2009 Conway SB 5309(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1992 Docs f# Construction projects H Cap Budget 02/03/2010 Conway
SHB 2162 Docs Social card games H Commerce/Lab 01/11/2010 Conway
SHB 2553 Docs f Unemployment benefits H Rules C 02/17/2010 Conway
SHB 2555 Docs f L & I subpoenas/electricians C 55 L 10 03/15/2010 Conway SB 6492(S Rules X)
SHB 2743 Docs f Higher education employees H Ways & Means 02/03/2010 Conway SB 6290(S Lab/Comm/CP)
SHB 2764 Docs f Employees and influenza H Rules C 02/17/2010 Conway
SHB 2789 Docs Underground economy activity C 22 L 10 03/12/2010 Conway
SHB 2826 Docs f# Underground economy H Ways & Means 02/02/2010 Conway SB 6575(S subst for)

Total Count: 56

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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