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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Hunt (2009-10)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1469 Docs f Mercury-containing lights H Env Health 01/11/2010 Hunt, S. SB 5543(S subst for)
2SHB 1572 Docs All mail elections H Rules 3C 03/11/2010 Hunt, S.
2SHB 1669 Docs Deposit of public funds H Rules C 02/17/2010 Hunt, S. SB 5579(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 2614 Docs Signature gathering H Rules C 02/17/2010 Hunt, S.
EHB 1965 Docs f Employees/sensory disability H Rules 3C 04/26/2009 Hunt, S.
ESHB 2338 Docs af# Growth mgmt hearings boards H Ways & Means 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 1016 Docs Capitol design committee H SGTribalAff 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 1019 Docs f# Inactive voter ballots H SGTribalAff 01/11/2010 Hunt, S. SB 5017(C 103 L 09)
HB 1364 Docs f#d Election provisions H SGTribalAff 01/11/2010 Hunt, S. SB 5327(S subst for)
HB 1426 Docs f# Use of certified mail C 251 L 09 04/28/2009 Hunt, S.
HB 1427 Docs School bus stop cameras H Trans 01/21/2009 Hunt, S.
HB 1731 Docs f Candidate party preference H SGTribalAff 01/28/2009 Hunt, S.
HB 1817 Docs f K-12 educational system H Education Apps 01/29/2009 Hunt, S.
HB 1920 Docs Public employees/meetings H SGTribalAff 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 2081 Docs Shorelines/statewide signif H LG & Housing 02/10/2009 Hunt, S. SB 5800(S subst for)
HB 2243 Docs Water cleanup planning & imp H Ag & Nat Res 02/17/2009 Hunt, S. SB 6036(S subst for)
HB 2372 Docs Oil spill advisory council H Ways & Means 04/16/2009 Hunt, S.
HB 2398 Docs f# Election notices H Rules 3C 03/11/2010 Hunt, S. SB 6322(S Rules X)
HB 2467 Docs f#o Pub disclosure comm filings H Rules R 01/22/2010 Hunt, S. SB 6243(C 205 L 10)
HB 2587 Docs House-to-house sales H Commerce/Lab 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 2592 Docs Impounds/incentive towing C 56 L 10 03/15/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 2609 Docs fo Vulnerable students H Education 01/11/2010 Hunt, S. SB 6403(S subst for)
HB 2613 Docs f Signature gathering H SGTribalAff 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 2615 Docs f Initiatives & referenda/fees H SGTribalAff 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 2616 Docs School district reorg plan H Education 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 2902 Docs fd Combined fund drive H Rules R 02/09/2010 Hunt, S. SB 6540(C 101 L 10)
HB 2993 Docs Leave for legislative duties H Commerce/Lab 01/20/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 3063 Docs f Leave sharing program H Rules R 02/02/2010 Hunt, S. SB 6695(S Rules X)
HB 3142 Docs St. employee parking charges H Finance 01/27/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 3199 Docs State agencies and programs H Ways & Means 02/28/2010 Hunt, S.
HB 3200 Docs Alternative learning/limits H Ways & Means 02/28/2010 Hunt, S.
HR 4610 Docs Olympia 150 Birthday H Adopted 01/28/2009 Hunt, S.
HR 4707 Docs River Ridge girls basketball H Adopted 03/18/2010 Hunt, S.
SHB 1069 Docs f Reducing light pollution H Gen Gov Apps 02/10/2009 Hunt, S.
SHB 1098 Docs f Former school empl vac leave H Ways & Means 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
SHB 1147 Docs f# Local option tax provisions H Finance 01/11/2010 Hunt, S.
SHB 1363 Docs d Candidate filing H SGTribalAff 01/11/2010 Hunt, S. SB 5271(S subst for)
SHB 1813 Docs f Graduation & reengagement H Education Apps 02/17/2009 Hunt, S. SB 5449(S subst for)
SHB 1916 Docs o UW & WSU public works contr H SGTribalAff 01/11/2010 Hunt, S. SB 5760(S subst for)
SHB 2030 Docs f Capitol city district H Finance 02/20/2009 Hunt, S.
SHB 2082 Docs State capitol campus H Rules C 02/17/2010 Hunt, S. SB 5799(S GovtOp & Elect)
SHB 2914 Docs f Mercury release reduction H Rules C 03/05/2010 Hunt, S.

Total Count: 42

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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