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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Van De Wege (2009-10)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1484 Docs af# Habitat open space C 354 L 09 PV 05/06/2009 Van De Wege SB 5401(S subst for)
2SHB 2481 Docs afd DNR forest biomass agreemnts C 126 L 10 03/19/2010 Van De Wege SB 6236(S NR/Ocean/Rec)
ESHB 1409 Docs f Strait of Juan de Fuca H Ecology & Park 01/11/2010 Van De Wege SB 5344(S subst for)
ESHB 1885 Docs Feeding of wildlife H Rules 3C 03/11/2010 Van De Wege
ESHB 3132 Docs Columbia River Gorge Compact H Rules 3C 03/11/2010 Van De Wege
HB 1320 Docs Sch employee sexl misconduct H Pub Safety 01/19/2009 Van De Wege
HB 1678 Docs fo LEOFF plan 2/disabled C 95 L 09 04/15/2009 Van De Wege SB 5542(G ov vetoed)
HB 1725 Docs f Small acreage timber harvest H Ag & Nat Res 01/28/2009 Van De Wege
HB 1746 Docs f# Vehicular homicide sentences H Judiciary 01/28/2009 Van De Wege
HB 2163 Docs Electric utility liability H Judiciary 02/11/2009 Van De Wege
HB 2165 Docs afd Forest biomass energy proj C 163 L 09 04/24/2009 Van De Wege SB 5979(S Rules X)
HB 2468 Docs f# Permit exempt well metering H Ag & Nat Res 01/11/2010 Van De Wege
HB 2532 Docs f# Cluster development pilot H Ag & Nat Res 01/11/2010 Van De Wege
HB 2862 Docs PERS/dir. of fire protection H Rules R 02/09/2010 Van De Wege SB 6546(C 80 L 10)
HB 2964 Docs f Oil spill contingency plan H Ecology & Park 01/19/2010 Van De Wege SB 6677(S Env/Water/Ener)
HB 2965 Docs f Oil spill taxes H Finance 01/19/2010 Van De Wege
HR 4669 Docs PEAK leadership program H Adopted 01/28/2010 Van De Wege
SHB 1205 Docs o Court of appeals judges C 77 L 09 04/13/2009 Van De Wege SB 5205(S Rules X)
SHB 2546 Docs Electrical trainee training C 33 L 10 03/12/2010 Van De Wege SB 6728(S Lab/Comm/CP)
SHB 2935 Docs afe Hearing brds/envir, land use C 210 L 10 03/25/2010 Van De Wege SB 6422(S Rules 2)
SHB 3156 Docs f Archaeology & historic pres. H Rules C 03/05/2010 Van De Wege
SHJM 4004 Docs State route 110 name H Filed Sec/St 03/08/2010 Van De Wege

Total Count: 22

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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