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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Keiser (2007-08)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SSB 5467 Docs af Developmental disabilities C 283 L 07 05/02/2007 Keiser HB 1548(H Rules X)
2SSB 6220 Docs af Nurse delegation S Rules 3 03/13/2008 Keiser
2SSB 6222 Docs f Long-term care programs S Rules 3 03/13/2008 Keiser HB 2668(H subst for)
E2SSB 5659 Docs af# Family & medical leave ins C 357 L 07 05/08/2007 Keiser
E2SSB 5930 Docs afe Blue ribbon comm/health care C 259 L 07 PV 05/02/2007 Keiser HB 2098(H Rules X)
E2SSB 5958 Docs af Primary health care delivery C 267 L 07 05/02/2007 Keiser
ESB 5657 Docs f# Anatomical gifts S Rules 3 03/13/2008 Keiser HB 1637(H subst for)
ESB 6128 Docs a Candidate or committee C 358 L 07 05/08/2007 Keiser
ESSB 5261 Docs ao Ins commissioner authority C 303 L 08 04/01/2008 Keiser HB 1234(H HC/Wellness)
ESSB 5290 Docs afd Workers' comp advisory comm C 282 L 07 05/02/2007 Keiser HB 1562(H Rules X)
ESSB 6333 Docs af Health care work group C 311 L 08 04/01/2008 Keiser HB 2536(H Rules C)
ESSB 6644 Docs Primary medical eye care S Rules 3 03/13/2008 Keiser HB 2660(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5252 Docs Unemployment taxes S Lab/Comm/RD 01/15/2007 Keiser
SB 5284 Docs fd Long-term care services S Rules X 03/21/2007 Keiser HB 1247(C 161 L 07)
SB 5417 Docs f Boarding homes S Ways & Means 02/06/2007 Keiser HB 1447(C 162 L 07)
SB 5424 Docs f Background checks S Hea/L-T Care 01/19/2007 Keiser HB 1100(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5427 Docs f Retirement plan 2 members S Ways & Means 01/19/2007 Keiser HB 1284(H Approp)
SB 5480 Docs f Adult family home cert S Hea/L-T Care 01/22/2007 Keiser HB 1242(H subst for)
SB 5504 Docs f Sanctioning of health prfs S Hea/L-T Care 01/22/2007 Keiser HB 1101(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5565 Docs f Brand name drugs S Hea/L-T Care 01/24/2007 Keiser HB 1356(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5578 Docs fd Health professions S Hea/L-T Care 01/24/2007 Keiser HB 1300(H subst for)
SB 5579 Docs fd Counselors S Hea/L-T Care 01/24/2007 Keiser HB 1494(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5605 Docs f Ins for pharmacy services S Hea/L-T Care 01/25/2007 Keiser HB 1704(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5631 Docs Prescription drugs S Hea/L-T Care 01/26/2007 Keiser
SB 5636 Docs Signature gathering S Govt Op & El 01/26/2007 Keiser
SB 5658 Docs f Health care reinsurance S Ways & Means 02/09/2007 Keiser
SB 5699 Docs fd Medical benefits S Hea/L-T Care 01/29/2007 Keiser HB 1826(H subst for)
SB 5727 Docs f Nursing facility medicaid S Ways & Means 01/29/2007 Keiser HB 1829(H Approp)
SB 5736 Docs f Nursing facility payment sys S Ways & Means 01/30/2007 Keiser HB 1844(H Approp)
SB 5904 Docs f Boarding homes S Ways & Means 02/20/2007 Keiser HB 1976(H Approp)
SB 5907 Docs Unprofessional conduct S Hea/L-T Care 02/06/2007 Keiser
SB 5949 Docs f Adult family home providers S Lab/Comm/RD 02/08/2007 Keiser HB 2111(H subst for)
SB 6092 Docs f Moist snuff S Ways & Means 02/20/2007 Keiser HB 2288(H Finance)
SB 6123 Docs Adult family home caregivers S Lab/Comm/RD 02/26/2007 Keiser HB 2354(H Approp)
SB 6189 Docs Pharmacy owners compliance S Hea/L-T Care 01/14/2008 Keiser
SB 6191 Docs Health care info disclosure S Hea/L-T Care 01/14/2008 Keiser
SB 6200 Docs f Prescription drug program S Hea/L-T Care 01/14/2008 Keiser
SB 6221 Docs f WA health partnership S Hea/L-T Care 01/14/2008 Keiser
SB 6223 Docs f# Glucagon emergencies S Rules 3 03/13/2008 Keiser
SB 6225 Docs f# Staphylococcus aureus S Hea/L-T Care 01/14/2008 Keiser HB 2428(H HC/Wellness)
SB 6267 Docs Nurse practitioner authority C 154 L 08 03/25/2008 Keiser HB 2497(H Rules 3C)
SB 6279 Docs f Cosmetology apprenticeships S Lab/Comm/RD 01/14/2008 Keiser
SB 6281 Docs Port property tax levies S Govt Op & El 01/14/2008 Keiser
SB 6327 Docs f Unemployment compensation S Lab/Comm/RD 01/15/2008 Keiser HB 2769(H Commerce/Lab)
SB 6567 Docs f Nursing facility payment S Ways & Means 01/18/2008 Keiser HB 2692(H Approp)
SB 6648 Docs fo Plan 2/retirement systems S Ways & Means 01/21/2008 Keiser HB 3027(H Rules 3C)
SB 6649 Docs fo Retired/disabled employees S Ways & Means 01/21/2008 Keiser HB 3028(H Approp)
SB 6719 Docs PUD bid limits S Wtr/Ener/Tel 01/28/2008 Keiser HB 3135(H SGTribalAff)
SB 6788 Docs Prisoner medical expenses S Ways & Means 01/24/2008 Keiser
SR 8614 Docs Independent living S Adopted 03/07/2007 Keiser
SR 8615 Docs Diabetes S Adopted 02/08/2007 Keiser
SR 8628 Docs Senator Pat Thibaudeau S Adopted 02/12/2007 Keiser
SR 8707 Docs Safe kids week S Adopted 01/29/2008 Keiser
SSB 5053 Docs af Industrial insurance C 281 L 07 05/02/2007 Keiser
SSB 5223 Docs Dependent children/insurance S Ways & Means 01/30/2007 Keiser
SSB 5285 Docs fd Residential services S Rules 3 03/13/2008 Keiser HB 1246(H subst for)
SSB 5423 Docs Health info technologies S Ways & Means 02/21/2007 Keiser
SSB 5440 Docs f# Public facilities districts S Rules X 01/14/2008 Keiser HB 1435(H Rules X)
SSB 5446 Docs Mental health parity S Rules X 03/21/2007 Keiser EHB 1460(C 8 L 07)
SSB 5589 Docs fo LEOFFRS plan 2 medical S Rules X 03/21/2007 Keiser HB 1678(H Approp)
SSB 5665 Docs f State employee health S Ways & Means 02/13/2007 Keiser
SSB 5676 Docs f Temporary total disability C 190 L 07 04/21/2007 Keiser HB 1571(H Commerce/Lab)
SSB 5687 Docs Workers' comp disability S Rules X 03/21/2007 Keiser HB 1500(H subst for)
SSB 5716 Docs o Retainer hlth care practices S Rules X 03/21/2007 Keiser HB 1818(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5845 Docs Security guards S Rules X 03/21/2007 Keiser HB 1988(H subst for)
SSB 6224 Docs f Vendor overpayments C 53 L 08 03/18/2008 Keiser HB 2592(H subst for)
SSB 6255 Docs Solar electric power S Ways & Means 02/07/2008 Keiser
SSB 6280 Docs f# Family leave insurance S Rules X 02/29/2008 Keiser HB 2665(H Commerce/Lab)
SSB 6282 Docs Patient-centered care S Ways & Means 01/31/2008 Keiser HB 2549(H subst for)
SSB 6456 Docs fe Counselor credentialing S Rules 3 03/13/2008 Keiser HB 2674(H subst for)
SSB 6457 Docs fe Health events/incidents C 136 L 08 03/25/2008 Keiser HB 2670(H subst for)
SSB 6458 Docs fe Health professionals S Rules 3 03/13/2008 Keiser HB 2883(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 6601 Docs Home care agencies S Rules X 02/29/2008 Keiser HB 2686(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 6618 Docs Arbitration to bargaining S Rules X 02/29/2008 Keiser HB 3002(H subst for)
SSB 6710 Docs fd Hospital fire protection C 155 L 08 03/25/2008 Keiser

Total Count: 75

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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