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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Liias (2007-08)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2ESHB 3133 Docs Mobile home parks H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Liias SB 6801(S ConsProt/Hsg)
2SHB 2869 Docs Certificated principals H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Liias SB 6610(S EL/K-12 Educ)
2SHB 2870 Docs Instructional assistants C 65 L 08 03/18/2008 Liias SB 6640(S Ways & Means)
EHB 2985 Docs # Local public works H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Liias
EHB 3142 Docs af Rapid response loan program C 112 L 08 03/21/2008 Liias SB 6712(S Ways & Means)
HB 2630 Docs Definition of meetings H SGTribalAff 01/14/2008 Liias
HB 3141 Docs f Residential weatherization H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Liias
HB 3143 Docs Transportation benefit areas H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Liias SB 6913(S Transportatn)
HB 3207 Docs Educational advertising H Hi Ed 01/24/2008 Liias SB 6392(S Ways & Means)
HB 3266 Docs f Economic development H Rules C 02/19/2008 Liias SB 6855(S subst for)
HJM 4029 Docs Marine conservation H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Liias
HR 4675 Docs Martin Luther King Jr. H Adopted 01/21/2008 Liias
HR 4687 Docs Damascus Purnell H Adopted/Rule 02/06/2008 Liias
SHB 3076 Docs f# Aerospace manufacturing H Rules R 02/06/2008 Liias
SHB 3077 Docs f Leave pool programs H Approp 02/06/2008 Liias
SHB 3144 Docs af Consumer protection web site C 151 L 08 03/25/2008 Liias
SHB 3245 Docs Aerospace industry tax H Rules R 02/12/2008 Liias SB 6828(S subst for)

Total Count: 17

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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