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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Warnick (2007-08)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
HB 1531 Docs f# College materials H Hi Ed 01/22/2007 Warnick SB 5784(S Ways & Means)
HB 1591 Docs Artificial lakes H Local Gov. 01/23/2007 Warnick
HB 1985 Docs f Crop rotation H Ag & Nat Res 02/02/2007 Warnick
HB 1986 Docs f# Punishment of theft H Pub Safety 02/02/2007 Warnick SB 6049(S Judiciary)
HB 2347 Docs Parentage H Judiciary 02/22/2007 Warnick
HB 2465 Docs Legal financial obligations H Rules R 01/22/2008 Warnick SB 6193(S Rules 3)
HB 2467 Docs afd Fertilizer regulations C 292 L 08 04/01/2008 Warnick SB 6194(S Rules X)
HB 2540 Docs f Hunters and fishers C 294 L 08 04/01/2008 Warnick
HB 3016 Docs f# Off-road vehicles H Trans 01/21/2008 Warnick
HB 3017 Docs f# Outdoor burning H Env Health 01/21/2008 Warnick
HB 3073 Docs f# Forage and mulches H Ag & Nat Res 01/22/2008 Warnick SB 6676(S Ag/Rural/Dev)
HB 3228 Docs Golf cart/snowmobile zones H Trans 01/25/2008 Warnick
HB 3229 Docs Possession of deadly weapons H Judiciary 01/25/2008 Warnick
HB 3296 Docs Tax controversies H Finance 01/29/2008 Warnick
HB 3352 Docs Book and media purchases H Finance 02/06/2008 Warnick
HJM 4013 Docs Pledge of Allegiance H Judiciary 02/02/2007 Warnick SJM 8006(S Govt Op & El)
HR 4672 Docs Washoe H Adopted 02/22/2008 Warnick
SHB 1987 Docs Metal theft H Rules X 01/14/2008 Warnick SB 6050(S Judiciary)
SHB 2466 Docs County clerk duties H Approp 01/22/2008 Warnick

Total Count: 19

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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