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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Rolfes (2007-08)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1178 Docs f#e Associate development org H Rules X 01/14/2008 Rolfes SB 5092(S subst for)
2SHB 1656 Docs af Puget Sound research acct C 345 L 07 PV 05/07/2007 Rolfes
3SHB 1601 Docs Children's health H Approp 01/21/2008 Rolfes SB 5279(S Rules X)
ESHB 2358 Docs af State ferries C 512 L 07 05/15/2007 Rolfes SB 6127(S subst for)
HB 1025 Docs d Public works board projects C 4 L 07 03/12/2007 Rolfes SB 5006(S Rules X)
HB 1567 Docs f Transportation-related accts H Approp 01/23/2007 Rolfes
HB 2004 Docs a Regional trans planning orgs C 511 L 07 05/15/2007 Rolfes SB 6143(S Transportatn)
HB 2273 Docs Passenger-only ferry service H Trans 02/16/2007 Rolfes SB 5862(S subst for)
HB 2436 Docs f Work release input H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Rolfes
HB 2730 Docs f# Port district ferry service C 45 L 08 03/17/2008 Rolfes
HB 2731 Docs Current agricultural uses H Finance 01/16/2008 Rolfes
HB 2732 Docs Vehicle passing distance H Trans 01/16/2008 Rolfes
HB 2789 Docs f Adult day care services H Approp 02/04/2008 Rolfes
HB 2850 Docs f Puget Sound research H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Rolfes
HB 3118 Docs f Architecture practice H Commerce/Lab 01/22/2008 Rolfes SB 6757(S Rules X)
HB 3119 Docs f HIV testing of infants H HC/Wellness 01/22/2008 Rolfes
HR 4605 Docs Celebration of children H Adopted 01/15/2007 Rolfes
HR 4692 Docs Presidents' day H Adopted 02/18/2008 Rolfes
HR 4704 Docs Arts education H Adopted 03/08/2008 Rolfes
SHB 1372 Docs Port districts H Rules X 01/14/2008 Rolfes SB 5339(S subst for)
SHB 2049 Docs af# Marine resource committees C 344 L 07 05/07/2007 Rolfes
SHB 2509 Docs Aquatic land purchases H Rules R 02/12/2008 Rolfes
SHB 2595 Docs County veterans' assistance H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Rolfes
SHB 3001 Docs Community athletics programs H Rules C 02/19/2008 Rolfes SB 6547(S Rules X)
SHB 3120 Docs af Construction tax exemption C 235 L 08 04/01/2008 Rolfes SB 6773(S Ways & Means)

Total Count: 25

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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