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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Goodman (2007-08)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 2557 Docs af# Trial court operation C 227 L 08 04/01/2008 Goodman
2SHB 3168 Docs a WA head start program C 164 L 08 03/26/2008 Goodman
3SHB 2053 Docs f Motor vehicle fuel C 223 L 08 04/01/2008 Goodman
E2SHB 3254 Docs af# DUI liquor/drugs C 282 L 08 PV 04/01/2008 Goodman
HB 1431 Docs f#d Certificates of discharge C 171 L 07 04/21/2007 Goodman SB 5407(S Rules X)
HB 1859 Docs ao Statute law committee C 456 L 07 05/14/2007 Goodman SB 5638(S Rules X)
HB 1939 Docs Privileged communications C 472 L 07 05/14/2007 Goodman SB 5357(S Rules X)
HB 1963 Docs f# Credit for time served H Human Ser 02/02/2007 Goodman SB 5796(S Rules X)
HB 2196 Docs Veterans with disabilities H SGTribalAff 02/13/2007 Goodman
HB 2236 Docs Disposition of assets C 475 L 07 05/14/2007 Goodman SB 5377(S Judiciary)
HB 2254 Docs f# DUI gross misdemeanor H Judiciary 02/14/2007 Goodman
HB 2259 Docs Immunity/corrections officer H Judiciary 02/15/2007 Goodman
HB 2414 Docs management of mammals H Ag & Nat Res 04/22/2007 Goodman
HB 2550 Docs f Emergency preparedness kits H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Goodman SB 6487(S Govt Op & El)
HB 2716 Docs Criminal case appeal review H Judiciary 01/16/2008 Goodman
HB 2776 Docs f DUI liquor/drug provisions H Judiciary 01/16/2008 Goodman
HB 3156 Docs f# DUI liquor/drugs H Judiciary 01/23/2008 Goodman
HB 3235 Docs f# Restitution for victims H Judiciary 01/25/2008 Goodman
SHB 1268 Docs Unclaimed personal property H Rules X 01/14/2008 Goodman SB 5193(S subst for)
SHB 1590 Docs Limited jurisdiction/courts H Rules X 01/14/2008 Goodman
SHB 1885 Docs Baccalaureate pilot prog H Approp 02/28/2007 Goodman SB 5104(S subst for)
SHB 1892 Docs Impoundment of vehicles C 242 L 07 04/30/2007 Goodman
SHB 2054 Docs f Reporting identity theft H Approp 02/19/2007 Goodman
SHB 2130 Docs f# DUI prior offenses C 474 L 07 05/14/2007 Goodman
SHB 2265 Docs Supervised community options H Rules X 02/12/2008 Goodman
SHB 3071 Docs Condominium statutes C 114 L 08 03/21/2008 Goodman

Total Count: 26

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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