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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Springer (2007-08)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2ESHB 2016 Docs f# Eminent domain H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Springer
2SHB 2625 Docs Employer-assisted housing H Rules R 02/12/2008 Springer
ESHB 1727 Docs f# Growth management planning H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Springer
ESHB 3160 Docs f# Nutrition information H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Springer SB 6659(S Hea/L-T Care)
HB 1594 Docs Beer and wine H Commerce/Lab 01/23/2007 Springer
HB 2012 Docs f On-site sewage disposal sys H Env Health 02/05/2007 Springer
HB 2045 Docs # Urban growth areas H Local Gov. 02/06/2007 Springer
HB 2901 Docs f Artistic organizations H Rules 3C 03/13/2008 Springer SB 6700(S Ways & Means)
HB 3132 Docs f Home inspectors H Commerce/Lab 01/23/2008 Springer
HB 3213 Docs Affordable housing programs H Local Gov. 01/24/2008 Springer
HB 3214 Docs Affordable housing H Local Gov. 01/24/2008 Springer
SHB 1726 Docs f# Growth management planning H Approp 02/27/2007 Springer SB 5913(S Govt Op & El)
SHB 1921 Docs Homeless individuals/family H Approp 02/16/2007 Springer
SHB 1975 Docs f Alcoholic beverage license H Rules X 01/14/2008 Springer

Total Count: 14

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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