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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Honeyford (2005-06)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
SB 5000 Docs License plate replacement S Transportatn 01/10/2005 Honeyford
SB 5001 Docs Promise scholarships S EL/K-12/HiEd 01/10/2005 Honeyford
SB 5591 Docs Gambling activities/zoning S Lab/Comm/RD 01/28/2005 Honeyford
SB 5766 Docs f Pump installers S Lab/Comm/RD 02/04/2005 Honeyford
SB 5791 Docs Counties & port districts S Govt Op & El 02/07/2005 Honeyford
SB 5792 Docs f Postretirement employment S Ways & Means 02/07/2005 Honeyford
SB 5793 Docs Industrial ins settlements S Lab/Comm/RD 02/07/2005 Honeyford HB 1741(H Commerce/Lab)
SB 5876 Docs Judicial conduct commission S Judiciary 02/10/2005 Honeyford
SB 5881 Docs f# Cougar survey & management S NR/Ocean/Rec 02/11/2005 Honeyford
SB 5955 Docs State property S NR/Ocean/Rec 02/16/2005 Honeyford
SB 5964 Docs Jail inmates/medical care S HumServ/Corr 02/16/2005 Honeyford
SB 5965 Docs Video equip in nursing homes S Hea/L-T Care 02/16/2005 Honeyford
SB 5987 Docs Electrical board S Lab/Comm/RD 02/18/2005 Honeyford
SB 5988 Docs Electrical board S Lab/Comm/RD 02/18/2005 Honeyford
SB 5989 Docs Electrical board S Lab/Comm/RD 02/18/2005 Honeyford
SB 6006 Docs Voter registration S Govt Op & El 02/21/2005 Honeyford
SB 6045 Docs Public works/leg approval S Ways & Means 02/24/2005 Honeyford
SB 6071 Docs Fruit & veg inspection acct S Ways & Means 03/01/2005 Honeyford HB 2274(H Approp)
SB 6084 Docs Water rights during droughts S Wtr/Ener/Env 03/10/2005 Honeyford
SB 6140 Docs Overlength combination units S Transportatn 01/09/2006 Honeyford
SB 6142 Docs Bicycles with baby carriers S Transportatn 01/09/2006 Honeyford
SB 6143 Docs f Vehicle inspections S Transportatn 01/09/2006 Honeyford
SB 6361 Docs OFM reporting S Govt Op & El 01/11/2006 Honeyford
SB 6506 Docs Building permit moratoriums S Wtr/Ener/Env 01/18/2006 Honeyford
SB 6755 Docs Collective bargaining S Lab/Comm/RD 01/20/2006 Honeyford
SB 6756 Docs Public sector unions S Lab/Comm/RD 01/20/2006 Honeyford
SB 6889 Docs Punch boards and pull tabs S Govt Op & El 02/06/2006 Honeyford HB 3176(H Commerce/Lab)
SCR 8405 Docs Columbia room S Govt Op & El 01/28/2005 Honeyford
SR 8613 Docs Museum day S Adopted 02/08/2005 Honeyford
SR 8636 Docs City of Olympia S Adopted 03/29/2005 Honeyford
SR 8653 Docs Mabton S Adopted 03/29/2005 Honeyford
SR 8660 Docs Sunnyside Christian HS S Adopted 03/31/2005 Honeyford
SR 8661 Docs 2005 session babies S Adopted 04/01/2005 Honeyford
SSB 5013 Docs Highway sign panels S Rules X 01/19/2006 Honeyford HB 1954(H Trans)
SSB 5038 Docs af# Failure to yield C 413 L 05 05/11/2005 Honeyford HB 1481(H Cr Jus & Cor)
SSB 6086 Docs f Drought/retrofitting wells S Rules 2 03/08/2006 Honeyford
SSB 6141 Docs f# Wind turbine facilities C 184 L 06 03/24/2006 Honeyford
SSB 6482 Docs Funds for energy assistance S Ways & Means 02/02/2006 Honeyford
SSB 6507 Docs Watershed management S Rules X 02/23/2006 Honeyford

Total Count: 39

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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