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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Sells (2005-06)

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Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
HB 2013 Docs Lawful source of income H Housing 02/15/2005 Sells SB 5917(S FI/Hous/CP)
HB 2014 Docs Works of art H Cap Budget 02/15/2005 Sells
HB 2127 Docs f# Property tax exemptions H Finance 02/18/2005 Sells
HB 2142 Docs N Snohomish State College H HiEdWorkEd 02/21/2005 Sells SB 5425(S EL/K-12/HiEd)
HB 2611 Docs f Pesticide application H EconDevAgTr 01/11/2006 Sells
HB 2648 Docs Identity theft H Fin Inst/Ins 01/11/2006 Sells SB 6303(S FI/Hous/CP)
HB 2750 Docs # Social security numbers H State Govt 01/12/2006 Sells
HB 2877 Docs fd Mopeds H Trans 01/16/2006 Sells SB 6546(S Rules X)
HB 3138 Docs Trans benefit districts H Rules R 02/03/2006 Sells
HR 4625 Docs Presidents' day H Adopted 02/21/2005 Sells
HR 4681 Docs Jackson Elementary School H Adopted 01/18/2006 Sells
HR 4713 Docs Ira Siebert/River Ridge Elem H Adopted/Rule 02/27/2006 Sells
SHB 1560 Docs Comm college tuition waivers C 159 L 05 04/22/2005 Sells SB 5613(S Rules X)
SHB 1733 Docs f Part-time college faculty H Approp 03/02/2005 Sells SB 5802(S subst for)
SHB 2817 Docs a Higher edu/technology C 180 L 06 03/23/2006 Sells SB 6697(S subst for)
SHB 3113 Docs Access to higher education C 179 L 06 03/23/2006 Sells
SHJM 4018 Docs Electricity rates H Tech/En/Com 01/09/2006 Sells

Total Count: 17

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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