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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Hunt (2005-06)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1301 Docs Capitol campus governance H Rules R 01/30/2006 Hunt, S.
2SHB 1731 Docs f Mercury/motor vehicles H Rules C 02/14/2006 Hunt, S. ESB 5710(S Rules 3)
2SHB 1735 Docs f Water storage facilities H Rules C 02/14/2006 Hunt, S.
3SHB 1458 Docs f# On-site sewage/marine areas C 18 L 06 03/09/2006 Hunt, S. SB 5431(S Rules 2)
ESHB 1830 Docs af Alternative public works C 377 L 05 05/10/2005 Hunt, S. SB 5768(S Rules X)
HB 1007 Docs fd Commemorative works account C 16 L 05 04/12/2005 Hunt, S. SB 5252(S Rules X)
HB 1412 Docs Environmental remediation H Finance 01/24/2005 Hunt, S.
HB 1522 Docs f Military service credit H Approp 01/26/2005 Hunt, S. SB 5521(S Ways & Means)
HB 1583 Docs f# Relocation assistance H Rules X 01/09/2006 Hunt, S. SB 5577(S subst for)
HB 1726 Docs Sandman foundation H Trans 02/03/2005 Hunt, S. SB 5847(S NR/Ocean/Rec)
HB 1757 Docs f Emergency school repair H Cap Budget 02/04/2005 Hunt, S. SB 5725(S Ways & Means)
HB 1843 Docs f TRS plan 1 military service H Approp 02/08/2005 Hunt, S. SB 5695(S Ways & Means)
HB 1913 Docs f# Primary election date H State Govt 02/10/2005 Hunt, S.
HB 1976 Docs State emply tuition waiver H HiEdWorkEd 02/14/2005 Hunt, S.
HB 1990 Docs f# Voting by mail H State Govt 02/14/2005 Hunt, S.
HB 2034 Docs Statewide initiative impact H State Govt 02/15/2005 Hunt, S. SB 5412(S Govt Op & El)
HB 2305 Docs Voting age H State Govt 03/25/2005 Hunt, S.
HB 2891 Docs School emply accrued leave H Education 01/16/2006 Hunt, S.
HB 3103 Docs State employees' opinions H State Govt 01/20/2006 Hunt, S. SB 6782(S Lab/Comm/RD)
HB 3132 Docs f# Vending facilities H State Govt 01/23/2006 Hunt, S.
HB 3147 Docs Asbestos liability H Rules C 02/14/2006 Hunt, S. SB 6771(S Judiciary)
HB 3229 Docs Design-build procedure H State Govt 01/26/2006 Hunt, S. SB 6845(S Govt Op & El)
HJR 4213 Docs Voting age H State Govt 03/25/2005 Hunt, S.
HR 4658 Docs Seahawks Hunt, S.
HR 4660 Docs Sweet Adelines international H Adopted/Rule 04/12/2005 Hunt, S.
HR 4689 Docs Sid Otton H Adopted 01/26/2006 Hunt, S.
HR 4691 Docs Dr. Kenneth J. Minnaert H Adopted 03/01/2006 Hunt, S.
HR 4698 Docs Washington history day H Adopted/Rule 02/06/2006 Hunt, S.
HR 4708 Docs River Ridge High School H Adopted/Rule 02/27/2006 Hunt, S.
SHB 1360 Docs Ancestral trees H Rules R 03/01/2005 Hunt, S.
SHB 1754 Docs af#d Mail ballot elections C 241 L 05 05/03/2005 Hunt, S. SB 5744(S Rules X)
SHB 1944 Docs State employee raffles H Rules 3C 03/08/2006 Hunt, S.
SHB 2089 Docs State employee gift limit H Rules X 01/09/2006 Hunt, S.
SHB 2219 Docs Urban industrial land banks H Rules 3C 03/08/2006 Hunt, S.
SHB 2898 Docs Distributing communications C 217 L 06 03/24/2006 Hunt, S. SB 6645(S Govt Op & El)
SHB 3105 Docs Off-road vehicle noise H Approp 02/03/2006 Hunt, S.

Total Count: 36

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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