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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Springer (2005-06)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 3017 Docs d Condemned property sale H Rules R 02/07/2006 Springer SB 6701(S Rules X)
E2SHB 2418 Docs af# Affordable housing C 349 L 06 PV 03/30/2006 Springer
EHB 1848 Docs a Multiunit residential bldgs C 456 L 05 05/13/2005 Springer
ESHB 1153 Docs f# Municipal service costs H Local Gov. 01/09/2006 Springer
ESHB 2171 Docs a Comprehensive plans C 294 L 05 05/05/2005 Springer
ESHB 2194 Docs Growth management H Rules X 02/06/2006 Springer
ESHB 2984 Docs a Affordable housing incentive C 149 L 06 03/20/2006 Springer
HB 1182 Docs fd Bond payments H Rules X 01/09/2006 Springer SB 5205(S Rules 2)
HB 2059 Docs Construction disputes H Judiciary 02/16/2005 Springer
HB 2170 Docs f Real estate excise tax C 486 L 05 05/16/2005 Springer
HB 2186 Docs Court services H Judiciary 02/22/2005 Springer SB 6023(S Judiciary)
HB 2269 Docs Construction liability H Judiciary 03/02/2005 Springer
HB 2626 Docs f#d Eminent domain H Judiciary 01/11/2006 Springer SB 6345(S Govt Op & El)
HB 3031 Docs Merchandising beer and wine H Commerce/Lab 01/18/2006 Springer
HB 3262 Docs Capital facilities districts H Local Gov. 01/30/2006 Springer
HB 3263 Docs Costs of annexation H Local Gov. 01/30/2006 Springer
HB 3264 Docs Eminent domain H Judiciary 01/30/2006 Springer
SHB 1975 Docs f# Trail maintenance/nonprofits H Finance 01/09/2006 Springer
SHB 2667 Docs Municipal services H Rules C 02/14/2006 Springer
SHB 2761 Docs Money laundering H Rules R 02/01/2006 Springer

Total Count: 20

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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