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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Hasegawa (2005-06)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESHB 2594 Docs Bilingual voting assistance H Rules 3C 03/08/2006 Hasegawa SB 6886(S Govt Op & El)
HB 1440 Docs # Weighing & measuring devices H EconDevAgTr 01/24/2005 Hasegawa SB 5401(S Rules X)
HB 1930 Docs Sea-Tac airport noise H Local Gov. 02/10/2005 Hasegawa
HB 1931 Docs Airport noise mitigation H Local Gov. 02/10/2005 Hasegawa
HB 2067 Docs Task force on health care H Health Care 02/16/2005 Hasegawa
HB 2068 Docs Dissolution proceedings H JJ Family 02/16/2005 Hasegawa
HB 2161 Docs Telecommunication technology H Tech/En/Com 02/21/2005 Hasegawa
HB 2313 Docs Restrctng tax preferences H Finance 04/11/2005 Hasegawa
HB 2315 Docs B & O tax/investments H Finance 04/12/2005 Hasegawa
HB 2318 Docs Taxation of unearned income H Finance 04/13/2005 Hasegawa
HB 2321 Docs Tax on janitorial services H Finance 04/14/2005 Hasegawa
HB 2559 Docs fd Weighing & measuring devices H EconDevAgTr 01/10/2006 Hasegawa SB 6365(S subst for)
HB 2724 Docs f# Sale of public lands H State Govt 01/12/2006 Hasegawa
HB 2965 Docs f Commercial trailer vehicle H Trans 01/17/2006 Hasegawa
HB 2977 Docs f Petroleum coporations H Tech/En/Com 01/17/2006 Hasegawa SB 6746(S Ways & Means)
HB 2978 Docs f Voters' pamphlets H State Govt 01/17/2006 Hasegawa
HB 3249 Docs Local government employees H Local Gov. 01/27/2006 Hasegawa
SHB 1345 Docs a Part-time student fin aid C 229 L 05 04/28/2005 Hasegawa
SHB 1887 Docs f Litter tax exemptions C 289 L 05 05/04/2005 Hasegawa
SHB 2979 Docs Parenting plans H Rules 3C 03/08/2006 Hasegawa

Total Count: 20

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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