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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Conway (1997-98)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
HB 1106 Docs fo Pension fund investmnt earn H Approp 01/14/1997 Conway SB 5224(S Ways & Means)
HB 1144 Docs e Employmnt & training funds H Commerce/Lab 01/15/1997 Conway SB 5414(S Comm/Labor)
HB 1388 Docs af Work release program siting C 348 L 97 05/13/1997 Conway
HB 1514 Docs o UBI account number records C 54 L 97 04/16/1997 Conway SB 5572(S Comm/Labor)
HB 1515 Docs f#o Tax evasion penalties H Commerce/Lab 01/29/1997 Conway SB 5570(C 324 L 97)
HB 1766 Docs f Job creatn progrm accountabi H Trade/Ec Dev 02/07/1997 Conway
HB 2043 Docs Retiremnt system recommndtns H Approp 02/18/1997 Conway
HB 2067 Docs Plumbers H Commerce/Lab 02/19/1997 Conway
HB 2129 Docs Minimum wage H Commerce/Lab 02/21/1997 Conway
HB 2132 Docs Wage payment violations H Commerce/Lab 02/21/1997 Conway SB 6012(S Comm/Labor)
HB 2153 Docs Health insur grievances H Health Care 02/24/1997 Conway
HB 2213 Docs State purchasing contracts H Gov Admin 02/26/1997 Conway SB 5982(S Govt Oper)
HB 2225 Docs World War II veterans H Approp 03/05/1997 Conway SB 6017(S Govt Oper)
HB 2633 Docs f Police officer death benefit H Approp 01/16/1998 Conway ESB 6305(C 157 L 98)
HB 2875 Docs Part-time employee equity H Commerce/Lab 01/21/1998 Conway SB 6512(S Comm/Labor)
HB 3111 Docs Highway access H Tr Pol & Bud 02/04/1998 Conway
HR 4624 Docs Black History Month H Adopted 02/17/1997 Conway
HR 4730 Docs Infant hearing tests H Rules 03/10/1998 Conway
HR 4745 Docs Hearing tests for infants H Adopted 03/12/1998 Conway
SHB 2976 Docs RTA trains manufacture H Rules 3C 03/12/1998 Conway SB 6709(S Rules X)

Total Count: 20

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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