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284-66-330  <<  284-66-340 >>   284-66-350

PDFWAC 284-66-340

Appropriateness of recommended purchase and excessive insurance.

(1) In recommending the purchase or replacement of any medicare supplement policy or certificate an insurance producer must make reasonable efforts to determine the appropriateness of a recommended purchase or replacement.
(2) Any sale of a medicare supplement policy or certificate that will provide an individual more than one medicare supplement policy or certificate is prohibited.
(3) An issuer may not issue a medicare supplement policy or certificate to an individual enrolled in medicare Part C unless the effective date of the coverage is after the termination date of the individual's Part C coverage.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 (3)(a) and 48.17.010(5). WSR 11-01-159 (Matter No. R 2010-09), § 284-66-340, filed 12/22/10, effective 1/22/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 and 48.66.165. WSR 05-17-019 (Matter No. R 2004-08), § 284-66-340, filed 8/4/05, effective 9/4/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.20.450, 48.20.460, 48.20.470, 48.30.010, 48.44.020, 48.44.050, 48.44.070, 48.46.030, 48.46.130 and 48.46.200. WSR 92-06-021 (Order R 92-1), § 284-66-340, filed 2/25/92, effective 3/27/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.20.450, 48.20.460, 48.20.470, 48.30.010, 48.44.020, 48.44.050, 48.44.070, 48.46.030, 48.46.130, 48.46.200, 48.66.041, 48.66.050, 48.66.100, 48.66.110, 48.66.120, 48.66.130, 48.66.150 and 48.66.160. WSR 90-07-059 (Order R 90-4), § 284-66-340, filed 3/20/90, effective 4/20/90.]