Chapter 250-32 WAC
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 250-32-020 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 250-32-030 | Evidence of eligibility. |
HTMLPDF | 250-32-040 | Benefits. |
HTMLPDF | 250-32-050 | Allocations. |
HTMLPDF | 250-32-060 | Institutional responsibilities. |
HTMLPDF | 250-32-070 | Administration. |
(1) "Blind student" shall be defined as a person who (a) is unable to read because of defective eyesight and (b) is qualified for admission to an institution of postsecondary education within the state by reason of studies previously pursued.
(2) The term "domicile" shall denote a person's true fixed and permanent home and place of habitation. It is the place where he or she intends to remain and to which he or she, upon leaving, expects to return without intending to establish a new domicile elsewhere. Determination of "domicile" shall be in accordance with RCW 28B.15.011 - 28B.15.014.
(3) The term "institution of postsecondary education" shall mean any public college, university or community college in the state of Washington which is recognized by the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools.
[Order 4-77, § 250-32-020, filed 5/11/77; Order 4-75, § 250-32-020, filed 8/18/75; Order 3-74, § 250-32-020, filed 9/6/74.]
Evidence of eligibility.
(1) Benefits of this program shall be limited to blind students as defined in RCW 28B.10.210. So that eligibility may be determined in compliance with the provisions therein prescribed, the following evidence shall be required.
(a) Inability to read because of defective eyesight. An application for benefits under this program shall be supported by evidence of inability to read because of defective eyesight. Such evidence may be a report or letter from a physician skilled in treatment of the eye or a report or letter from the services for the blind (state department of social and health services).
(b) Domicile. The applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the council for postsecondary education and the postsecondary institution he or she attends that the requirement of domicile in the state of Washington has been met.
(c) Need for assistance. An application for benefits under this program shall be supported by evidence that the applicant does not have resources with which to totally finance his or her education. Applicants must supply information concerning their financial situation on the form specified by the council for postsecondary education.
(d) Admission to a postsecondary institution. The applicant must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a student at a postsecondary institution within the state. An application for benefits under this program must be supported by a statement from the institution that the applicant has been admitted to that institution for purposes of pursuing a program of studies.
[Order 4-77, § 250-32-030, filed 5/11/77; Order 3-74, § 250-32-030, filed 9/6/74.]
(1) Financial assistance. A blind student who qualifies for benefits of this program shall be entitled to financial assistance in an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars per quarter, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the exact amount of the allocation to be determined in accordance with the regulations hereinafter set forth: Provided, That funds are appropriated to the council for postsecondary education for such purpose: Provided further, That in the event the amount of funds applied for exceeds funds available, allocations to eligible applicants shall be made according to the order applications are received by the council for postsecondary education.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.806. WSR 82-15-055 (Order 6-82, Resolution No. 49), § 250-32-040, filed 7/20/82; Order 4-77, § 250-32-040, filed 5/11/77; Order 3-74, § 250-32-040, filed 9/6/74.]
(1) Purpose. Funds appropriated to the council for postsecondary education to carry out this program shall be allocated to eligible blind students for the purpose of providing said blind students with readers, books, recordings, recorders, or other means of reproducing and imparting ideas, while attending a postsecondary institution within the state of Washington, and for no other purpose.
(2) Determination of amount of allocation. The amount of an allocation shall be based on the number of credit hours for which the student registers for a designated quarter or semester in accordance with the allocation schedule shown in (3): Provided, That in the event the student fails to complete registration, or fails to register for the full number of credit hours specified for any period, or withdraws from a course or terminates his or her studies prior to the end of any period, the allocation shall be adjusted accordingly: Provided further, That any unexpended portion of an allocation for any period shall become available for reallocation.
(3) Allocation schedule. Allocations shall not exceed the amount determined in accordance with the schedule herein set forth: Provided, That in the event a student is in need of additional assistance due to extraordinary circumstances and such need is substantiated by the postsecondary institution, a reasonable increase in the allocation may be allowed, but in no instance shall any allocation exceed two hundred dollars per quarter or three hundred dollars per semester.
allocation schedule
Credit Hours | Maximum Per Quarter | Maximum Per Semester | |||
Undergraduate Work | 14 or more | $200.00 | $300.00 | ||
11 to 13 | 175.00 | 262.50 | |||
7 to 10 | 150.00 | 225.00 | |||
6 or less | 100.00 | 150.00 | |||
Graduate Work | 9 or more | 200.00 | 300.00 | ||
7 to 8 | 175.00 | 262.50 | |||
5 to 6 | 150.00 | 225.00 | |||
4 or less | 100.00 | 150.00 |
[Order 4-77, § 250-32-050, filed 5/11/77; Order 3-74, § 250-32-050, filed 9/6/74.]
Institutional responsibilities.
(1) Before an application for benefits under this program is approved, the institution which the applicant attends must:
(a) Notify the council for postsecondary education that the applicant has been admitted to that institution for purposes of pursuing a program of studies for a stated period.
(b) Accept the responsibility to notify the council for postsecondary education in the event the applicant fails to complete registration, fails to register for the number of credit hours specified for any period, or withdraws from a course or terminates his or her studies prior to the end of any period;
(c) Agree to counsel and assist the applicant in the procurement of readers, books and/or equipment and to arrange for and approve payments for such reader services, books and/or equipment pending reimbursement by the council for postsecondary education from state funds allocated for that purpose; and
(d) Agree [on behalf of] [to] disburse state warrants sent by the council for postsecondary education on behalf of the student for approved expenditures.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.806. WSR 82-15-055 (Order 6-82, Resolution No. 49), § 250-32-060, filed 7/20/82; Order 4-77, § 250-32-060, filed 5/11/77; Order 3-74, § 250-32-060, filed 9/6/74.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules, and deems ineffectual changes not filed by the agency in this manner. The bracketed material in the above section does not appear to conform to the statutory requirement.
(1) The executive coordinator or his or her designee is authorized to act for the council for postsecondary education in receiving, examining and approving applications consistent with statutory provisions, rules and regulations and such other requirements as the executive coordinator may determine to be necessary.
(2) The executive coordinator or his or her designee is authorized to administer the disbursement of funds allocated to blind students, such payments to be in accordance with pertinent statutory provisions, pertinent provisions of the regulations and such additional procedures and regulations as he or she may determine to be necessary.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.806. WSR 82-15-055 (Order 6-82, Resolution No. 49), § 250-32-070, filed 7/20/82; Order 4-77, § 250-32-070, filed 5/11/77; Order 3-74, § 250-32-070, filed 9/6/74.]