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Reports to the Legislature
Close Note: This page consolidates, and makes available electronically, reports to the Legislature from January 1, 2008 to date. These reports come from a variety of sources and the Legislature makes no claim as to the timeliness or comprehensiveness of the list. If you have or are aware of additional reports during this time frame, please send them to the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate.

Reports to the Legislature by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the State Auditor's Office can be accessed at:
WSIPP: https://www.wsipp.wa.gov
JLARC: Audit and Study Reports
SAO: Reports
You may click on the column headings in the table below to sort it in ascending or descending order. For instance, if you would like to see all reports for an organization in date order, first choose the organization from the menu below, then click the Report Date column heading to sort by date. View more information about this page.

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Organization Name RCW Bill Exec. Order Report Title Report Date
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.31.030 Traumatic Brain Injury 2010 Annual Report (1.1MB) 12/30/2010
Courts, Administrative Office of the 2.72.030 Certified Professional Guardian Board, 2009 Annual Report (7.3MB) 12/20/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6392 (2009-10)  (61k) State Route 520 Replacement and HOV Program, Washington Park Arboretum Mitigation Plan (1.7MB) 12/22/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6392 (2009-10)  (61k) State Route 520 Replacement and HOV Program, High Capacity Transit Planning and Financing Findings and Recommendations Report (2.2MB) 12/22/2010
Transportation, Department of, Ferries Division ESHB 3209 (2009-10)  (129k) Vessel Maintenance, Preservation and Improvement Plan: Vessel Life Cycle and Cost Model Update 2010 (319k) 11/30/2010
Transportation, Department of, Ferries Division ESHB 3209 (2009-10)  (129k) Vessel Maintenance, Preservation and Improvement Plan: Attachment A (632k) 11/30/2010
Transportation, Department of, Ferries Division ESHB 3209 (2009-10)  (129k) Vessel Maintenance, Preservation and Improvement Plan: Attachment B (770k) 11/30/2010
Transportation, Department of, Ferries Division ESHB 3209 (2009-10)  (129k) Vessel Maintenance, Preservation and Improvement Plan: Appendices (2.4MB) 11/30/2010
Transportation, Department of, Ferries Division ESHB 3209 (2009-10)  (129k) Vessel Maintenance, Preservation and Improvement Plan: Section 6 (spreadsheet) (68k) 11/30/2010
Commerce, Department of 43.21F.045 Energy Strategy Update and 2011 Biennial Energy Report with Indicators (1.5MB) 12/1/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6381 (2009-10)  (480k) State Route 167 Collision Analysis (1.7MB) 12/1/2010
Transportation, Department of 47.01.330 Regional Mobility Grant Program 2010 Report (1.1MB) 12/1/2010
Commerce, Department of 43.330.300 Financial Fraud and Identity Theft Investigation and Prosecution Program Report on Progress, Task Forces, and Recommendations (464k) 12/1/2010
Commerce, Department of ESSB 6444 (2009-10)  (1.5MB) New Americans Report, 2010 (226k) 9/30/2010
Employment Security Department ESSB 5373 (2007-08)  (90k) Professional Employers Organizations (247k) 12/1/2010
Employment Security Department ESHB 1906 (2009-10)  (113k) Training Benefits Program Report, July 2008 - June 2009 (110k) 11/29/2010
Employment Security Department E2SSB 5809 (2009-10)  (28k) Workforce Training Program Outcomes (242k) 12/1/2010
Insurance Commissioner, Office of the 48.150 Direct Patient Provider Primary Care Practices, 2010 Report (242k) 12/1/2010
Parks and Recreation Commission SSB 6343 (2009-10)  (27k) Small Scale Mining and Prospecting on Oceans Beaches Pilot Program, 2008-2010 Report (888k) 11/30/2010
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of ESSB 6444 (2009-10)  (1.5MB) Recommendations for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education (3.6MB) 12/1/2010
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of 28A.300.285 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Model Policy (132k) 11/30/2010
Insurance Commissioner, Office of the SSB 5436 (2009-10)  (36k) Second Progress Report on the Implementation of SSB 5436, 2010 (242k) 12/1/2010
Accountancy, State Board of ESSB 6444 (2009-10)  (1.5MB) Evaluation of Merging the State Board of Accountancy with the Department of Licensing (5.5MB) 11/30/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of ESSB 6444 (2009-10)  (1.5MB) Disability Lifeline (226k) 9/30/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2010 Report (464k) 11/30/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of 71.09.325 Violations, Penalties and Actions Relating to Persons on Conditional Release to a Less Restrictive Placement, 2010 Report (247k) 12/1/2010
Early Learning, Department of ESHB 1244 (2009-10)  (1.8MB) WaKIDS Pilot, Preliminary Report (6.3MB) 11/30/2010
Revenue, Department of 2ESSB 6143 (2009-10)  (470k) Intercompany Transaction Review Status Report (107k) 12/1/2010
Treasurer, Office of the SHB 2061 (2009-10)  (67k) Actions Taken by the Public Deposit Protection Commission, 2010 Report (1.3MB) 12/1/2010
Housing Finance Commission 61.24.031 Effectiveness of RCW 61.24.031 (237k) 11/30/2010
Transportation, Department of 47.66.030 Regional Mobility Grant Program, 2011-2013 Recommended Projects (106k) 12/1/2010
Bail Practices Work Group SSB 6673 (2009-10)  (15k) Recommendations for Improving Washington State Bail Practices (772k) 12/1/2010
Commerce, Department of 43.330.375 Evergreen Jobs Initiative: Recovery Acts Funds in Washington, Report on Performance and Outcomes (353k) 7/31/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of SHB 1472 (2007-08)  (16k) Racial Disproportionality in Washington State 2009 Report (524k) 1/1/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of 43.20A.870 Children's Services Annual Quality Assurance Report for 2009 (242k) 1/31/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.13.031 Foster and Adoptive Home Placement Annual Report for 2009 (545k) 12/1/2009
Social & Health Services, Department of ESSB 6444 (2009-10)  (1.5MB) Professional Services Supplemental Payment Program, June 2010 Report (2.2MB) 6/30/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of ESSB 6444 (2009-10)  (1.5MB) Generic Utilization Report (3.6MB) 6/10/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of, Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse SHB 1128 (2007-08)  (1.5MB) Treatment Expansion, Spring 2009 Update (464k) 6/30/2009
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6381 (2009-10)  (480k) Southeast King County Commuter Rail Feasibility Report, Appendix A, BNSF Guidance Principles (797k) 8/31/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6381 (2009-10)  (480k) Southeast King County Commuter Rail Feasibility Report, Appendix B, FRA Passenger Rail Safety Manual Table of Contents (29k) 8/31/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6381 (2009-10)  (480k) Southeast King County Commuter Rail Feasibility Report, Appendix C, Stringline Diagrams (1.1MB) 8/31/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6381 (2009-10)  (480k) Southeast King County Commuter Rail Feasibility Report, Appendix E, Track Schematics and Exhibits (2.0MB) 8/31/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6381 (2009-10)  (480k) Southeast King County Commuter Rail, Feasibility Report, Appendix F, Detailed Cost Estimates (233k) 8/31/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6381 (2009-10)  (480k) Southeast King County Commuter Rail Feasibility Report, Appendix G, Southeast King County Connectors Project (94k) 8/31/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5352 (2009-10)  (339k) State Route 167 Toll Feasibility Study (3.4MB) 9/30/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 5352 (2009-10)  (339k) State Route 509 Toll Feasibility Study (5.0MB) 9/30/2010
Labor and Industries, Department of 51.14.400 Self-Insured Ombudsman Report, July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 (1.9MB) 9/30/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6381 (2009-10)  (480k) Southeast King County Commuter Rail Feasibility Report, Executive Summary (1.8MB) 8/31/2010
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6392 (2009-10)  (61k) Design Refinements and Transit Connections Workgroup Recommendations Report (3.9MB) 10/1/2010

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