Chapter 34.04.240 RCW Dispositions
34.04.010 Definitions.
[1988 c 288 § 101; 1982 c 10 § 5. Prior: 1981 c 324 § 2; 1981 c 183 § 1; 1967 c 237 § 1; 1959 c 234 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.010 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.020 Adoption of rules of practice and procedure — Organizational description — Records of decisions, orders, and opinions open to public — Exceptions — Effect of failure to comply.
[1988 c 288 § 202; 1981 c 67 § 13; 1967 c 237 § 2; 1959 c 234 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.220 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.022 Uniform procedural rules — Application — Conduct of contested cases.
[1981 c 67 § 14; 1967 c 237 § 12.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.025 Notices of intention to adopt rules — Opportunity to submit data — Proceedings on rule barred until twenty days after register distribution — Noncompliance, effect.
[1982 c 221 § 1; 1981 c 324 § 3; 1977 ex.s. c 240 § 7; 1971 ex.s. c 250 § 17; 1967 c 237 § 3.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.026 Specific reference to rule-making authority to be included — Alternatives — Format — Request for more specific reference.
[1977 c 19 § 2.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.027 Failure to give twenty days notice of intended action — Effect.
[1988 c 288 § 308; 1967 c 237 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.345 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.030 Emergency rules and amendments.
[1988 c 288 § 309; 1981 c 324 § 4; 1977 ex.s. c 240 § 8; 1959 c 234 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.350 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.040 Rules filed with code reviser — Register — Effective dates.
[1988 c 288 § 315; 1987 c 505 § 17; 1980 c 87 § 11; 1959 c 234 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.380 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.045 Statement of proposed rule's purpose and how implemented — Contents — Distribution by agency.
[1988 c 288 § 303; 1982 c 221 § 2; 1982 c 6 § 7; 1980 c 186 § 10; 1977 ex.s. c 84 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.320 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.048 Withdrawal of proposed rules.
[1988 c 288 § 306; 1980 c 186 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.335 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.050 Code reviser to compile and edit rules, publish register — Removal of unconstitutional rules — Distribution of registers and codes — County law library trustees to maintain set — Judicial notice of rules.
[1988 c 288 § 201; 1982 1st ex.s. c 32 § 7; 1980 c 186 § 12; 1977 ex.s. c 240 § 9; 1959 c 234 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.210 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.052 Scope of editing and revision of rules.
[1980 c 186 § 13.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.055 Regulations on filing and form of rules and notices.
[1988 c 288 § 316; 1967 c 237 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.385 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.057 Style, format, and numbering of rules — Agency compliance.
[1988 c 288 § 317; 1967 c 237 § 14.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.390 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.058 Format and style of rules amending existing sections, adding new sections — Effect of failure to comply.
[1988 c 288 § 318; 1980 c 186 § 14; 1977 c 19 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.395 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.060 Petition for adoption, amendment, repeal of rule — Agency action.
[1988 c 288 § 305; 1967 c 237 § 5; 1959 c 234 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.330 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.070 Declaratory judgment on validity of rule — Small business economic impact statement action as part of record.
[1988 c 288 § 508; 1982 c 6 § 8; 1959 c 234 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.538 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.080 Declaratory ruling by agency — Petition — Court review.
[1988 c 288 § 204; 1959 c 234 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.240 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.090 Contested cases — Notice — Hearing — Summary orders — Informal disposition — Record — Findings of fact — Agency's powers.
[1988 c 288 § 409; 1980 c 31 § 1; 1967 c 237 § 9; 1959 c 234 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.434 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.100 Contested cases — Rules of evidence — Cross-examination.
[1988 c 288 § 415; 1959 c 234 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.452 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.105 Agency hearings and contested cases — Hearings, oaths, subpoenas, evidence, witnesses — Contempt.
[1988 c 288 § 413; 1967 c 237 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.446 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.110 Contested cases — Procedure when deciding officials have not heard or read evidence.
[1959 c 234 § 11.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.115 Consultation by agency officer as to issues.
[1967 c 237 § 11.]
Repealed by 1989 c 175 § 185, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.120 Contested cases — Adverse decisions and orders — Findings and conclusions.
[1975 c 12 § 1; 1959 c 234 § 12.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.130 Contested cases — Judicial review.
[1988 c 288 § 516; 1977 ex.s. c 52 § 1; 1967 c 237 § 6; 1959 c 234 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.570 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.133 Contested cases — Direct review by court of appeals.
[1988 c 288 § 503; 1980 c 76 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.518 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.135 Contested cases — Refusal of review by court of appeals.
[1988 c 288 § 504; 1980 c 76 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.522 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.140 Appellate review by supreme court or court of appeals.
[1988 c 288 § 505; 1988 c 202 § 235; 1971 c 81 § 87; 1959 c 234 § 14.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.526 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.150 Exclusions from chapter or parts of chapter.
[1988 c 288 § 103; 1984 c 141 § 8; 1982 c 221 § 6; 1981 c 64 § 2; 1979 c 158 § 90; 1971 ex.s. c 57 § 17; 1971 c 21 § 1; 1967 ex.s. c 71 § 1; 1967 c 237 § 7; 1963 c 237 § 1; 1959 c 234 § 15.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.030 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.160 Legislative review of rules.
[1980 c 87 § 12; 1963 c 186 § 1.]
Repealed by 1980 c 186 § 28; and repealed by 1981 c 260 § 18.
34.04.170 Provisions applicable to licenses and licensing.
[1988 c 288 § 405; 1980 c 33 § 1; 1967 c 237 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.422 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.210 Joint administrative rules review committee — Members — Appointment — Terms — Vacancies.
[1988 c 288 § 601; 1983 c 53 § 1; 1981 c 324 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.610 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.220 Review of proposed rules — Notice.
[1988 c 288 § 602; 1987 c 451 § 1; 1981 c 324 § 6.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.620 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.230 Review of existing rules — Policy statements, guidelines, issuances — Notice — Hearing.
[1988 c 288 § 603; 1987 c 451 § 2; 1981 c 324 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.630 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.240 Committee objections to agency action or failure to adopt rule — Statement in register and WAC — Suspension of rule.
[1988 c 288 § 604; 1987 c 451 § 3; 1981 c 324 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.640 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.250 Recommendations by committee to legislature.
[1988 c 288 § 605; 1987 c 451 § 4; 1981 c 324 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.650 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.260 Review and objection procedures — No presumption established.
[1988 c 288 § 606; 1981 c 324 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.660 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.270 Agency review of own rules for conformity with federal law.
[1982 c 221 § 3.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.280 Reports by agency to office of financial management — Compilation.
[1987 c 505 § 18; 1982 c 221 § 4.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.290 Application of RCW 34.04.270 and 34.04.280.
[1982 c 221 § 5.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.900 Severability — 1959 c 234.
[1959 c 234 § 16.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.901 Severability — 1967 c 237.
[1967 c 237 § 27.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.910 General repeal and saving.
[1967 c 237 § 25; 1959 c 234 § 17.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.920 Effective dates — 1959 c 234.
[1959 c 234 § 18.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.921 Effective date — 1967 c 237.
[1967 c 237 § 29.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.930 Operation of chapter if in conflict with federal law.
[1988 c 288 § 104; 1959 c 234 § 19.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.040 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.931 Operation of 1967 amendatory act if in conflict with federal law.
[1967 c 237 § 26.]
Repealed by 1988 c 288 § 701, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.940 Savings — Authority of agencies to comply with chapter — Effect of subsequent legislation.
[1988 c 288 § 102; 1967 c 237 § 24.]
Recodified as RCW 34.05.020 pursuant to 1988 c 288 § 706, effective July 1, 1989.
34.04.950 Exemption — Review of hazardous waste settlement offers.
[1987 3rd ex.s. c 2 § 26.]
Repealed by 1989 c 2 § 24, effective March 1, 1989.