Chapter 60.36 RCW



HTMLPDF 60.36.010Liens created.
HTMLPDF 60.36.020Actions to enforce liens.
HTMLPDF 60.36.030Liens for handling cargo.
HTMLPDF 60.36.040Liens for handling cargoPriority.
HTMLPDF 60.36.050Liens for handling cargoForeclosure.
HTMLPDF 60.36.060Lien for breach of contract for towing, dunnaging, stevedoring, etc.

Liens created.

All steamers, vessels and boats, their tackle, apparel and furniture, are liable
(1) For service rendered on board at the request of, or under contract with their respective owners, charterers, masters, agents or consignees.
(2) For work done or material furnished in this state for their construction, repair or equipment at the request of their respective owners, charterers, masters, agents, consignees, contractors, subcontractors, or other person or persons having charge in whole or in part of their construction, alteration, repair or equipment; and every contractor, builder or person having charge, either in whole or in part, of the construction, alteration, repair or equipment of any steamer, vessel or boat, shall be held to be the agent of the owner for the purposes of RCW 60.36.010 and 60.36.020, and for supplies furnished in this state for their use, at the request of their respective owners, charterers, masters, agents or consignees, and any person having charge, either in whole or in part, of the purchasing of supplies for the use of any such steamer, vessel or boat, shall be held to be the agent of the owner for the purposes of RCW 60.36.010 and 60.36.020.
(3) For their wharfage and anchorage within this state.
(4) For nonperformance or malperformance of any contract for the transportation of persons or property between places within this state, or to or from places within this state, made by their respective owners, masters, agents or consignees.
(5) For injuries committed by them to persons or property within this state, or while transporting such persons or property to or from this state. Demands for these several causes constitute liens upon all steamers, vessels and boats, and their tackle, apparel and furniture, and have priority in the order of the subdivisions hereinbefore enumerated, and have preference over all other demands; but such liens continue in force only for a period of three years from the time the cause of action accrued.
[ 1901 c 24 s 1; Code 1881 s 1939; 1877 p 216 s 1; RRS s 1182. Prior: 1858 p 29 s 1.]


Lien of pilot for pilotage compensation: RCW 88.16.140.

Actions to enforce liens.

Such liens may be enforced, in all cases of maritime contracts or service, by a suit in admiralty, in rem, and the law regulating proceedings in admiralty shall govern in all such suits; and in all cases of contracts or service not maritime, by a civil action in any superior court of this state as provided in RCW 60.10.023.
[ 1995 c 62 s 9; 1969 c 82 s 19; Code 1881 s 1940; 1877 p 216 s 2; RRS s 1183.]

Liens for handling cargo.

All steamers, vessels, and boats, their tackle, apparel, and furniture shall be held liable at all ports and places within this state or within the jurisdiction of the courts of this state or within the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States in said state for services rendered by stevedores, longshore workers, or others engaged in the loading, unloading, stowing, or dunnaging of cargo in or from any steamer, vessel, or boat in any harbor or at any other place within said state, or within the jurisdiction of the courts thereof as above stated, and said steamers, vessels, and boats shall further be liable as per their contracts for all services performed upon wharfs or landing places by stevedores, longshore workers, or others: PROVIDED, That such services must have been so performed in and about and be connected with the loading, unloading, dunnaging, or stowing of said cargo.

Liens for handling cargoPriority.

Demands for wages and all sums due under contracts or otherwise for the performance of all or any of the services mentioned in RCW 60.36.030 shall constitute liens upon all steamers, vessels, and boats, their tackle, apparel, and furniture, and shall have priority over all other demands save and excepting the demands mentioned in RCW 60.36.010 (1), (2), and (3), to which said demands the lien hereby provided shall be subordinate: PROVIDED, That such liens shall only continue in force for the period of three years from the date when such work was done or the last services performed by such stevedores, longshore workers, or others.

Liens for handling cargoForeclosure.

The liens hereby created may be foreclosed as provided in RCW 60.10.023.

Lien for breach of contract for towing, dunnaging, stevedoring, etc.

Whenever the owner, charterer, or any person or corporation operating, managing or controlling any steamship, vessel or boat shall wilfully fail, neglect or refuse to carry out or perform any express contract or portion thereof for the towing, loading, unloading, dunnaging or stevedoring of such steamship, vessel or boat, any person or persons, firm or corporation sustaining thereby any loss or damage which is capable of definite ascertainment shall have a lien upon such steamship, vessel or boat for said loss or damage. The rank and priority of the lien hereby created and the manner of its enforcement shall be fixed, controlled and regulated by the provisions of the existing law pertaining to liens for similar services already performed.
[ 1903 c 149 s 1; RRS s 1187.]