Chapter 36.58 RCW



HTMLPDF 36.58.010Acquisition of solid waste or recyclable materials sites authorized.
HTMLPDF 36.58.020Rules and regulations as to usePenalty.
HTMLPDF 36.58.030"Transfer station" defined.
HTMLPDF 36.58.040Solid waste handling systems authorizedDisposal sitesContracts for solid waste handling and collection of source separated recyclable materialWaste reduction and recycling.
HTMLPDF 36.58.045County may impose fee upon solid waste collection servicesRevenue to fund compliance with comprehensive solid waste management plan.
HTMLPDF 36.58.050Solid waste disposalTransfer stations.
HTMLPDF 36.58.060Solid waste disposalOwnership of solid wastesResponsibility for handling.
HTMLPDF 36.58.080County solid waste facilitiesExempt from municipal taxesCharges to mitigate impactsNegotiation and arbitration.
HTMLPDF 36.58.090Contracts with vendors for solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or facilitiesRequirementsVendor selection procedures.
HTMLPDF 36.58.100Solid waste disposal districtAuthorizedBoundariesPowersGoverning body.
HTMLPDF 36.58.110Solid waste disposal districtEstablishment, modification, or dissolutionHearingNotice.
HTMLPDF 36.58.120Solid waste disposal districtEstablishmentOrdinance.
HTMLPDF 36.58.130Solid waste disposal districtPowersRestrictionsFees.
HTMLPDF 36.58.140Solid waste disposal districtExcise taxLien for delinquent taxes and penalties.
HTMLPDF 36.58.150Solid waste disposal districtExcess levies authorizedGeneral obligation and revenue bonds.
HTMLPDF 36.58.160Collection and transportation of recyclable materials by recycling companies or nonprofit entitiesReuse or reclamationApplication of chapter.


Solid waste collection companies: Chapter 81.77 RCW.

Acquisition of solid waste or recyclable materials sites authorized.

Any county legislative authority may acquire by purchase or by gift, dedication, or donation, sites for the use of the public in disposing of solid waste or recyclable materials. However, no county legislative authority shall be authorized to require any retail enterprise engaged in the sale of consumer-packaged products to locate or place a public solid waste collection site or buy-back center upon or within a certain distance of the retail establishment as a condition of engaging in the sale of consumer-packaged products.
[ 1989 c 431 s 52; 1963 c 4 s 36.58.010. Prior: 1943 c 87 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 6294-150.]

Rules and regulations as to usePenalty.

Any board of county commissioners may make such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the use and occupation of such sites, and may provide for the maintenance and care thereof. Any person violating any of the rules and regulations made by the board relating to the use or occupation of any site owned or occupied by the county for garbage disposal purposes shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.58.020. Prior: 1943 c 87 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 6294-151.]

"Transfer station" defined.

As used in RCW 36.58.030 through 36.58.060, the term "transfer station" means a staffed, fixed supplemental facility used by persons and route collection vehicles to deposit solid wastes into transfer trailers for transportation to a disposal site. This does not include detachable containers, except in counties with a population of less than seventy thousand, and in any county with a population of from one hundred twenty-five thousand to less than two hundred ten thousand that is located east of the crest of the Cascade mountain range, where detachable containers shall be securely fenced, staffed by an attendant during all hours when the detachable container is open to the public, charge a tipping fee that shall cover the cost of providing and for use of the service, and shall be operated as a transfer station.
[ 1991 c 363 s 74; 1989 c 431 s 27; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 58 s 1.]


PurposeCaptions not law1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180.

Solid waste handling systems authorizedDisposal sitesContracts for solid waste handling and collection of source separated recyclable materialWaste reduction and recycling.

(1) The legislative authority of a county may by ordinance provide for the establishment of a system or systems of solid waste handling for all unincorporated areas of the county or for portions thereof. A county may designate a disposal site or sites for all solid waste collected in the unincorporated areas pursuant to the provisions of a comprehensive solid waste plan adopted pursuant to chapter 70A.205 RCW. However for any solid waste collected by a private hauler operating under a certificate granted by the Washington utilities and transportation commission under the provisions of chapter 81.77 RCW and which certificate is for collection in a geographic area lying in more than one county, such designation of disposal sites shall be pursuant to an interlocal agreement between the involved counties.
(2) A county may construct, lease, purchase, acquire, add to, alter, or extend solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or other facilities and shall have full jurisdiction and authority to manage, regulate, maintain, utilize, operate, control, and establish the rates and charges for those solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or other facilities. A county may enter into agreements with public or private parties to: (a) Construct, purchase, acquire, lease, add to, alter, extend, maintain, manage, utilize, or operate publicly or privately owned or operated solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or other facilities; (b) establish rates and charges for those systems, plants, sites, or other facilities; (c) designate particular publicly or privately owned or operated systems, plants, sites, or other facilities as disposal sites; (d) process, treat, or convert solid waste into other valuable or useful materials or products; and (e) sell the material or products of those systems, plants, or other facilities.
(3) The legislative authority of a county may award contracts for solid waste handling that provide that a county provide for a minimum periodic fee or other method of compensation in consideration of the operational availability of those solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or other facilities at a specified minimum level, without regard to the ownership of the systems, plants, sites or other facilities, or the amount of solid waste actually handled during all or any part of the contract. When a minimum level of solid waste is specified in a contract entered into under this section, there shall be a specific allocation of financial responsibility in the event the amount of solid waste handled falls below the minimum level provided in the contract. Solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or other facilities constructed, purchased, acquired, leased, added to, altered, extended, maintained, managed, utilized, or operated pursuant to this section, whether publicly or privately owned, shall be in substantial compliance with the solid waste management plan applicable to the county adopted pursuant to chapter 70A.205 RCW. Agreements relating to such solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or other facilities may be for such term and may contain such covenants, conditions, and remedies as the legislative authority of the county may deem necessary or appropriate.
(4) As used in this chapter, the terms "solid waste" and "solid waste handling" shall be as defined in RCW 70A.205.015.
(5) The legislative authority of a county may:
(a) By ordinance award a contract to collect source separated recyclable materials from residences within unincorporated areas. The legislative authority has complete authority to manage, regulate, and fix the price of the source separated recyclable collection service. The contracts may provide that the county pay minimum periodic fees to a municipal entity or permit holder; or
(b) Notify the commission in writing to carry out and implement the provisions of the waste reduction and recycling element of the comprehensive solid waste management plan.
(6) This election may be made by counties at any time after July 23, 1989. An initial election must be made no later than ninety days following approval of the local comprehensive waste management plan required by RCW 70A.205.045.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the operation of a solid waste collection system by counties or to authorize counties to affect the authority of the utilities and transportation commission under RCW 81.77.020.


SeverabilityLegislative findingsConstructionLiberal constructionSupplemental powers1986 c 282: See notes following RCW 35.21.156.

County may impose fee upon solid waste collection servicesRevenue to fund compliance with comprehensive solid waste management plan.

(1) The legislative authority of any county may impose a fee upon the solid waste collection services of a solid waste collection company operating within the unincorporated areas of the county, to fund the administration and planning expenses that may be incurred by the county in complying with the requirements in RCW 70A.205.045. The fee may be in addition to any other solid waste services fees and charges a county may legally impose.
(2) Each county imposing the fee authorized by this section shall notify the Washington utilities and transportation commission and the affected solid waste collection companies of the amount of the fee ninety days prior to its implementation.

Solid waste disposalTransfer stations.

When a comprehensive solid waste plan, as provided in RCW 70A.205.040, incorporates the use of transfer stations, such stations shall be considered part of the disposal site and as such, along with the transportation of solid wastes between disposal sites, shall be exempt from regulation by the Washington utilities and transportation commission as provided in chapter 81.77 RCW.
Each county may enter into contracts for the hauling of trailers of solid wastes from these transfer stations to disposal sites and return either by (1) the normal bidding process, or (2) negotiation with the qualified collection company servicing the area under authority of chapter 81.77 RCW.
[ 2020 c 20 s 1024; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 58 s 3.]

Solid waste disposalOwnership of solid wastesResponsibility for handling.

Ownership of solid wastes shall be vested in the person or local jurisdiction managing disposal and/or resource recovery facilities upon the arrival of said solid wastes at said facility: PROVIDED, That the original owner retains ownership of the solid wastes until they arrive at the disposal site or transfer station or detachable container, and the original owner has the right of recovery to any valuable items inadvertently discarded: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the person or agency providing the collection service shall be responsible for the proper handling of the solid wastes from the point of collection to the disposal or recovery facility.
[1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 58 s 4.]

County solid waste facilitiesExempt from municipal taxesCharges to mitigate impactsNegotiation and arbitration.

County-owned solid waste facilities shall not be subject to any tax or excise imposed by any city or town. Cities or towns may charge counties to mitigate impacts directly attributable to the solid waste facility: PROVIDED, That any city or town establishes that such charges are reasonably necessary to mitigate such impacts and that revenue generated from such charges is expended only to mitigate such impacts. Impacts resulting from commercial and residential solid waste collection within any city or town shall not be considered to be directly attributable to the solid waste facility. In the event that no agreement can be reached between the city or town and the county following a reasonable period of good faith negotiations, including mediation where appropriate, the matter shall be resolved by a board of arbitrators, to be convened at the request of either party, such board of arbitrators to consist of a representative from the city or town involved, a representative of the county, and a third representative to be appointed by the other two representatives. If no agreement can be reached with regard to said third representative, the third representative shall be appointed by a judge of the superior court of the county of the jurisdiction owning the solid waste facility. The determination by the board of arbitrators of the sum to be paid by the county shall be binding on all parties. Each party shall pay the costs of their individual representatives on the board of arbitrators and they shall pay one-half of the cost of the third representative.


Severability1982 c 175: See note following RCW 36.58.100.

Contracts with vendors for solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or facilitiesRequirementsVendor selection procedures.

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any county charter or any law to the contrary, and in addition to any other authority provided by law, the legislative authority of a county may contract with one or more vendors for one or more of the design, construction, or operation of, or other service related to, the solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or other facilities in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section. When a contract for design services is entered into separately from other services permitted under this section, procurement shall be in accord with chapter 39.80 RCW. For the purpose of this chapter, the term "legislative authority" shall mean the board of county commissioners or, in the case of a home rule charter county, the official, officials, or public body designated by the charter to perform the functions authorized therein.
(2) If the legislative authority of the county decides to proceed with the consideration of qualifications or proposals for services from vendors, the county shall publish notice of its requirements and request submission of qualifications statements or proposals. The notice shall be published in the official newspaper of the county at least once a week for two weeks not less than sixty days before the final date for the submission of qualifications statements or proposals. The notice shall state in summary form (a) the general scope and nature of the design, construction, operation, or other service, (b) the name and address of a representative of the county who can provide further details, (c) the final date for the submission of qualifications statements or proposals, (d) an estimated schedule for the consideration of qualifications, the selection of vendors, and the negotiation of a contract or contracts for services, (e) the location at which a copy of any request for qualifications or request for proposals will be made available, and (f) the criteria established by the legislative authority to select a vendor or vendors, which may include but shall not be limited to the vendor's prior experience, including design, construction, or operation of other similar facilities; respondent's management capability, schedule availability and financial resources; cost of the services, nature of facility design proposed by the vendor; system reliability; performance standards required for the facilities; compatibility with existing service facilities operated by the public body or other providers of service to the public; project performance guarantees; penalty and other enforcement provisions; environmental protection measures to be used; consistency with the applicable comprehensive solid waste management plan; and allocation of project risks.
(3) If the legislative authority of the county decides to proceed with the consideration of qualifications or proposals, it may designate a representative to evaluate the vendors who submitted qualifications statements or proposals and conduct discussions regarding qualifications or proposals with one or more vendors. The legislative authority or representative may request submission of qualifications statements and may later request more detailed proposals from one or more vendors who have submitted qualifications statements, or the representative may request detailed proposals without having first received and evaluated qualifications statements. The representative shall evaluate the qualifications or proposals, as applicable. If two or more vendors submit qualifications or proposals that meet the criteria established by the legislative authority of the county, discussions and interviews shall be held with at least two vendors. Any revisions to a request for qualifications or request for proposals shall be made available to all vendors then under consideration by the city or town and shall be made available to any other person who has requested receipt of that information.
(4) Based on criteria established by the legislative authority of the county, the representative shall recommend to the legislative authority a vendor or vendors that are initially determined to be the best qualified to provide one or more of the design, construction, or operation of, or other service related to, the proposed project or services. The legislative authority may select one or more qualified vendors for one or more of the design, construction, or operation of, or other service related to, the proposed project or services.
(5) The legislative authority or its representative may attempt to negotiate a contract with the vendor or vendors selected for one or more of the design, construction, or operation of, or other service related to, the proposed project or services on terms that the legislative authority determines to be fair and reasonable and in the best interest of the county. If the legislative authority or its representative is unable to negotiate such a contract with any one or more of the vendors first selected on terms that it determines to be fair and reasonable and in the best interest of the county, negotiations with any one or more of the vendors shall be terminated or suspended and another qualified vendor or vendors may be selected in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section. If the legislative authority decides to continue the process of selection, negotiations shall continue with a qualified vendor or vendors in accordance with this section at the sole discretion of the legislative authority until an agreement is reached with one or more qualified vendors, or the process is terminated by the legislative authority. The process may be repeated until an agreement is reached.
(6) Prior to entering into a contract with a vendor, the legislative authority of the county shall make written findings, after holding a public hearing on the proposal, that it is in the public interest to enter into the contract, that the contract is financially sound, and that it is advantageous for the county to use this method for awarding contracts compared to other methods.
(7) Each contract shall include a project performance bond or bonds or other security by the vendor that in the judgment of the legislative authority of the county is sufficient to secure adequate performance by the vendor.
(8) The provisions of chapters 39.12, 39.19, and * 39.25 RCW shall apply to a contract entered into under this section to the same extent as if the systems and plants were owned by a public body.
(9) The vendor selection process permitted by this section shall be supplemental to and shall not be construed as a repeal of or limitation on any other authority granted by law.
(10) The alternative selection process provided by this section may not be used in the selection of a person or entity to construct a publicly owned facility for the storage or transfer of solid waste or solid waste handling equipment unless the facility is either (a) privately operated pursuant to a contract greater than five years, or (b) an integral part of a solid waste processing facility located on the same site. Instead, the applicable provisions of RCW 36.32.250 and chapters 39.04 and 39.30 RCW shall be followed.


*Reviser's note: Chapter 39.25 RCW was repealed by 1994 c 138 s 2.
Construction of 1986 c 282 s 191990 c 279: "Section 19, chapter 282, Laws of 1986, codified as RCW 36.58.090, established an alternate procedure by which a county was authorized to procure systems and plants for solid waste handling and to contract with private vendors for the design, construction, or operation thereof. Any county with a population of over one hundred thousand that, prior to the effective date of chapter 399, Laws of 1989 [July 23, 1989], complied with the requirements of either (1) section 10 (3), (4), and (5), chapter 399, Laws of 1989, or (2) section 19(3), chapter 282, Laws of 1986, shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of section 19(3), chapter 282, Laws of 1986." [ 1990 c 279 s 1.]
SeverabilityLegislative findingsConstructionLiberal constructionSupplemental powers1986 c 282: See notes following RCW 35.21.156.

Solid waste disposal districtAuthorizedBoundariesPowersGoverning body.

The legislative authority of any county with a population of less than one million is authorized to establish one or more solid waste disposal districts within the county for the purpose of providing and funding solid waste disposal services. No solid waste disposal district may include any area within the corporate limits of a city or town unless the city or town governing body adopts a resolution approving inclusion of the area within its limits. The county legislative authority may modify the boundaries of the solid waste disposal district by the same procedure used to establish the district. A solid waste disposal district may be dissolved by the county legislative authority after holding a hearing as provided in RCW 36.58.110.
As used in RCW 36.58.100 through 36.58.150 the term "county" includes all counties other than a county with a population of one million or more.
A solid waste disposal district is a quasi-municipal corporation, an independent taxing "authority" within the meaning of Article VII, section 1 of the state Constitution, and a "taxing district" within the meaning of Article VII, section 2 of the state Constitution.
A solid waste disposal district shall constitute a body corporate and shall possess all the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes as well as all other powers that may now or hereafter be specifically conferred by statute: PROVIDED, That a solid waste disposal district shall not have the power of eminent domain.
The county legislative authority shall be the governing body of a solid waste disposal district. The electors of a solid waste disposal district shall be all registered voters residing within the district.


PurposeCaptions not law1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180.
Severability1982 c 175: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1982 c 175 s 9.]

Solid waste disposal districtEstablishment, modification, or dissolutionHearingNotice.

A county legislative authority proposing to establish a solid waste disposal district or to modify or dissolve an existing solid waste disposal district shall conduct a hearing at the time and place specified in a notice published at least once not less than ten days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the proposed solid waste disposal district. This notice shall be in addition to any other notice required by law to be published. Additional notice of such hearing may be given by mail, posting within the proposed solid waste disposal district, or in any manner local authorities deem necessary to notify affected persons. All hearings shall be public and the county legislative authority shall hear objections from any person affected by the formation, modification, or dissolution of the solid waste disposal district and make such changes in the boundaries of the district or any other modifications that the county legislative authority deems necessary.


Severability1982 c 175: See note following RCW 36.58.100.

Solid waste disposal districtEstablishmentOrdinance.

No solid waste disposal district shall be established within a county unless the county legislative authority determines, following a hearing held pursuant to RCW 36.58.110, that it is in the public interest to form the district and the county legislative authority adopts an ordinance creating the solid waste disposal district and establishing its boundaries.


Severability1982 c 175: See note following RCW 36.58.100.

Solid waste disposal districtPowersRestrictionsFees.

A solid waste disposal district may provide for all aspects of disposing of solid wastes. All moneys received by a solid waste disposal district shall be used exclusively for district purposes. Nothing in this chapter shall permit waste disposal districts to engage in the collection of residential or commercial garbage.
A solid waste disposal district shall perform all construction in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars by contract let pursuant to RCW 36.32.250.
A solid waste disposal district may collect disposal fees based exclusively upon utilization by weight or volume for accepting solid wastes at a disposal site or transfer station. The county may transfer moneys to a solid waste disposal district to be used for district purposes.


Severability1982 c 175: See note following RCW 36.58.100.

Solid waste disposal districtExcise taxLien for delinquent taxes and penalties.

A solid waste disposal district may levy and collect an excise tax on the privilege of living in or operating a business in a solid waste disposal taxing district sufficient to fund its solid waste disposal activities: PROVIDED, That any property which is producing commercial garbage shall be exempt if the owner is providing regular collection and disposal. The excise tax shall be billed and collected at times and in the manner fixed and determined by the solid waste disposal district. Penalties for failure to pay the tax on time may be provided for. A solid waste disposal district shall have a lien for delinquent taxes and penalties, plus an interest rate equal to the interest rate for delinquent property taxes. The lien shall be attached to each parcel of property in the district that is occupied by the person so taxed and shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances except liens for property taxes.
The solid waste disposal district shall periodically certify the delinquencies to the county treasurer at which time the lien shall be attached. The lien shall be foreclosed in the same manner as the foreclosure of real property taxes.


Severability1982 c 175: See note following RCW 36.58.100.

Solid waste disposal districtExcess levies authorizedGeneral obligation and revenue bonds.

(1) A solid waste disposal district shall not have the power to levy an annual levy without voter approval, but it shall have the power to levy a tax, in excess of the one percent limitation, upon the property within the district for a one year period to be used for operating or capital purposes whenever authorized by the electors of the district pursuant to RCW 84.52.052 and Article VII, section 2(a) of the state Constitution.
A solid waste disposal district may issue general obligation bonds for capital purposes only, subject to the limitations prescribed in RCW 39.36.020(1), and may provide for the retirement of the bonds by voter-approved bond retirement tax levies pursuant to Article VII, section 2(b) of the state Constitution and RCW 84.52.056. Such general obligation bonds shall be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
A solid waste disposal district may issue revenue bonds to fund its activities. Such revenue bonds may be in any form, including bearer bonds or registered bonds as provided in RCW 39.46.030.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such revenue bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Purpose1984 c 186: See note following RCW 39.46.110.
Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Severability1982 c 175: See note following RCW 36.58.100.

Collection and transportation of recyclable materials by recycling companies or nonprofit entitiesReuse or reclamationApplication of chapter.

Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a recycling company or nonprofit entity from collecting and transporting recyclable materials from a buy-back center, drop-box, or from a commercial or industrial generator of recyclable materials, or upon agreement with a solid waste collection company.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting a commercial or industrial generator of commercial recyclable materials from selling, conveying, or arranging for transportation of such material to a recycler for reuse or reclamation.