Chapter 36.01 RCW
HTMLPDF | 36.01.010 | Corporate powers. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.020 | Corporate name. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.030 | Powers—How exercised. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.040 | Conveyances for use of county. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.050 | Venue of actions by or against counties. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.060 | County liable for certain court costs. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.070 | Probation and parole services. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.080 | Parking facilities—Construction, operation and rental charges. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.085 | Economic development programs. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.090 | Tourist promotion. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.095 | Emergency medical services—Authorized—Fees. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.100 | Ambulance service authorized—Restriction. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.104 | Levy for emergency medical care and services. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.105 | Fire protection, ambulance or other emergency services provided by municipal corporation within county—Financial and other assistance authorized. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.110 | Federal grants and programs—Powers and authority of counties to participate in—Public corporations, commissions or authorities. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.115 | Nonpolluting power generation by individual—Exemption from regulation—Authorization to contract with utility. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.120 | Foreign trade zones—Finding—Intent. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.125 | Foreign trade zones—Authority to apply for permission to establish, operate and maintain. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.130 | Controls on rent for residential structures—Prohibited—Exceptions. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.150 | Facilitating recovery from Mt. St. Helens eruption—Scope of local government action. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.160 | Penalty for act constituting a crime under state law—Limitation. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.170 | Administration of trusts benefiting school districts. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.180 | Zoo and aquarium advisory authority—Constitution—Terms. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.190 | Initial meeting of zoo and aquarium advisory authority—Expenditure of funds—Powers. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.200 | Federal funds designated for state schools—Use limited to reduction of outstanding debt obligations of school districts. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.210 | Rail fixed guideway public transportation system—Safety program plan and security and emergency preparedness plan. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.220 | Mobile home, manufactured home, or park model moving or installing—Copies of permits—Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.225 | Authority to regulate placement or use of homes—Regulation of manufactured homes—Restrictions on location of manufactured/mobile homes and entry or removal of recreational vehicles used as primary residences. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.227 | County may not limit number of unrelated persons occupying a household or dwelling unit—Exceptions. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.230 | Cooperative watershed management. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.240 | Regulation of financial transactions—Limitations. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.250 | Environmental mitigation activities. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.260 | Urban forestry ordinances. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.270 | Contractors—Authority of county to verify registration and report violations. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.280 | Community athletics programs—Sex discrimination prohibited. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.290 | Hosting the homeless by religious organizations—When authorized—Requirements—Prohibitions on local actions. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.300 | State and federal background checks of license applicants and licensees of occupations under local licensing authority. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.310 | Accessible community advisory committees. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.320 | Application for a permit to site an energy plant or alternative energy resource—Written notice to United States department of defense. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.330 | Failing septic systems—Connection to public sewer systems—Appeals process. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.340 | Final determination on state highway permit projects. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.350 | Removal of restrictive covenants—Hearing, notice. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.360 | Telecommunications services and facilities authorized—Requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.370 | Comprehensive cancer care collaborative arrangements—Prohibition on regulation as state agency. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.380 | Wind and solar resource evaluation equipment. |
HTMLPDF | 36.01.390 | Limitations on the use of gas—Prohibition. |
Accounts of county, examination of: RCW 43.09.260.
Actions by and against
counties, limitations on: Chapter 4.16 RCW.
Aeronautics facilities of counties to be made available to department of transportation: RCW 47.68.300.
Agricultural fairs, county participation: Chapter 15.76 RCW.
Aircraft excise tax, county exemption: RCW 82.48.100.
Airport zoning: Chapter 14.12 RCW.
Ambulance service for second-class cities, county may provide: RCW 35.23.456.
Armories, county may expend money for site: RCW 38.20.030.
Assisted living facilities, county administration, when: Chapter 18.20 RCW.
Blind made products, services, county to procure when available: RCW 19.06.020.
Bonds, county
election on, vote required: Chapter 39.40 RCW.
form, sale, payment, etc.: Chapter 39.44 RCW.
sale to federal government at private sale: Chapter 39.48 RCW.
validation of: Chapter 39.90 RCW.
Bonds of corporation not to be owned: State Constitution Art. 8 s 7.
Bonds of federal agencies as county investment: Chapter 39.64 RCW.
private regulation of by county: RCW 68.20.080.
Cemeteries and burial, public, all counties: RCW 68.52.030.
Cemetery districts authorized for certain counties: Chapter 68.52 RCW.
Children and youth services, county participation: RCW 72.05.160.
Cities and towns
agreements with county for planning, construction, etc., of streets: Chapter 35.77 RCW.
community renewal, county participation: RCW 35.81.130.
county aid on street construction, etc.: RCW 47.24.050.
L.I.D. assessment lien, application on sale by county of tax lands: RCW 35.49.160.
property held by under L.I.D. assessment lien not subject to county taxes: RCW 35.53.010.
Civil service
for sheriff's office: Chapter 41.14 RCW.
status retained when on emergency service work: RCW 38.52.140.
Closed burning seasons in counties: RCW 76.04.205.
Combined city and county municipal corporations: State Constitution Art. 11 s 16 (Amendment 58).
Combined city-county health departments: Chapter 70.08 RCW.
Community centers, counties may establish: Chapter 35.59 RCW.
Community work and training programs, county participation in: Chapter 74.04 RCW.
Contractors, regulation of, inapplicable to counties: RCW 18.27.090.
contractor's bond on: Chapter 39.08 RCW.
county may perform work or services for department of transportation: RCW 47.01.210.
executory conditional sales, for purchase of property for park or library purposes: RCW 39.30.010.
public works, application to counties: Chapter 39.04 RCW.
public works, reserve from amount due contractors to cover lien for labor, material or taxes: Chapter 60.28 RCW.
County airport districts: Chapter 14.08 RCW.
County and district fairs as agricultural fair classification: RCW 15.76.120.
County government: State Constitution Art. 11.
County lands
diking and drainage intercounty districts assessments, as subject to: RCW 85.24.240.
eminent domain by cities of: Chapter 8.12 RCW.
eminent domain by public waterway districts of: Chapter 91.08 RCW.
lease of for underground storage of natural gas: RCW 80.40.070.
pest district assessments, as subject to: RCW 17.12.080.
right of entry on given department of transportation: RCW 47.01.170.
rights-of-way over by diking districts: RCW 85.05.080.
subject to diking, drainage or sewerage improvement assessments, resale of or lease of by county: RCW 85.08.500.
weed control district assessments, as subject to: RCW 17.04.180.
County office, defined for public assistance purposes: RCW 74.04.005(4).
County roads: Chapter 36.75 RCW.
Courthouse, county to furnish: RCW 2.28.139.
Credit not to be loaned: State Constitution Art. 8 s 7.
Debts of
apportionment on division or enlargement: State Constitution Art. 11 s 3.
limit of: State Constitution Art. 8 s 6 (Amendment 27), Art. 7 s 2 (Amendments 55, 59).
private property not to be taken in satisfaction of: State Constitution Art. 11 s 13.
Dental hygienists, licensed, county may employ: RCW 18.29.050.
Department of revenue, visitation to counties: RCW 84.08.010(3).
Detention, house or room for, establishment of: RCW 13.04.135.
Detention facilities, management of (counties with populations of one million or more): Chapter 13.20 RCW.
Detention of state felons in county jails: Chapter 72.68 RCW.
Diking and drainage intercounty districts: Chapter 85.24 RCW.
Disinfection of county property as county duty: RCW 15.08.230.
Electric franchises and rights-of-way, counties may grant: RCW 80.32.010.
Electrical construction regulations applicable to counties: RCW 19.29.010.
Emergency management, county participation: Chapter 38.52 RCW.
Eminent domain
flood control purposes: RCW 86.12.030.
flood control purposes by counties jointly: RCW 86.13.040.
generally: Chapter 8.08 RCW.
of tidelands: RCW 88.24.070.
parks, bathing beaches, public camps: RCW 67.20.010.
wharves purposes: RCW 88.24.070.
Existing counties recognized: State Constitution Art. 11 s 1.
Family courts in: Chapter 26.12 RCW.
Federal areas in counties, generally: Chapter 37.08 RCW.
Federal property, purchase of from government by counties: Chapter 39.32 RCW.
Fireworks, county participation in control: Chapter 70.77 RCW.
Fiscal agent for: Chapter 43.80 RCW.
Flood control
county: Chapter 86.12 RCW.
county participation with
district: RCW 86.24.040.
state and federal government: Chapter 86.24 RCW.
districts (1937 act), public lands included in: RCW 86.09.013.
maintenance, county participation with state: Chapter 86.26 RCW.
Forest protection in counties: Chapter 76.04 RCW.
Funding indebtedness in counties: Chapter 39.52 RCW.
Group life insurance, public employee associations: RCW 48.24.060.
Hospitals, private, for care of individuals with mental illness, alcoholics, county may prescribe standards: RCW 71.12.550.
Housing authority
generally: Chapter 35.82 RCW.
property as exempt from county taxation: RCW 35.82.210.
Housing cooperation law: Chapter 35.83 RCW.
Indebtedness, county: State Constitution Art. 8.
Industrial development districts, county lands may be conveyed to: Chapter 53.25 RCW.
Intercounty weed districts: Chapter 17.06 RCW.
Intergovernmental disposition of property, county participation: RCW 39.33.010.
Irrigation districts, cancellation of county taxes against, when: RCW 87.64.060.
Island counties, refund of motor vehicle license and fuel tax fees to: RCW 46.68.080.
Juvenile detention facility as mandatory county function: RCW 13.16.030.
Leases, mineral and petroleum, on county land: Chapter 78.16 RCW.
Leases of property, ballot proposition
by jointly with city or town: RCW 35.42.200.
from by city or town: RCW 35.42.200.
Legal aid: Chapter 2.50 RCW.
Legal publications of: Chapter 65.16 RCW.
Libraries: Title 27 RCW.
Lien for labor, material and taxes on public works: Chapter 60.28 RCW.
Limitation of indebtedness of taxing districts: Chapter 39.36 RCW.
Liquor revolving fund moneys, distribution to counties: Chapter 66.08 RCW.
Local milk inspection service units: Chapter 15.36 RCW.
Martial law, proclamation of county under: RCW 38.08.030.
Metropolitan municipal corporations
as borrowers from county: RCW 35.58.480.
county participation: Chapter 35.58 RCW.
Military offenses, jurisdiction by county when: Chapter 38.32 RCW.
Mosquito control
county work coordinated with: Chapter 70.22 RCW.
districts, counties where authorized: RCW 17.28.020.
Motor freight carrier, county vehicle exempt as: RCW 81.80.040.
Motor vehicle
accidents, peace officer's reports: RCW 46.52.070.
size, weight and load, local regulations: RCW 46.44.080.
Old age and survivors' insurance, acceptance of for counties: Chapter 41.47 RCW.
Operating agencies (electricity, water resources) to act for counties: Chapter 43.52 RCW.
Parks, bathing beaches, public camps, county may acquire and operate: Chapter 67.20 RCW.
Person defined to include counties for RCW code purposes: RCW 1.16.080.
Pesticide application act, county as subject to: RCW 17.21.220.
Police and sanitary regulations, power to enforce: State Constitution Art. 11 s 11.
Port districts
motor vehicle regulation in by county authorities, procedure: RCW 53.08.230.
regulations of, adoption as county ordinance: RCW 53.08.220.
Printing for counties to be done in state: RCW 43.19.748.
Public contracts and indebtedness: Title 39 RCW.
Public documents (state), distribution to counties: Chapter 40.04 RCW.
Public employees
military leave for: RCW 38.40.060.
minimum wage act, public employee exclusion: RCW 49.46.010.
public employees' retirement system, county employees as members: RCW 41.40.062.
retirement systems, retention of rights: Chapter 41.04 RCW.
social security, federal coverage includes: Chapter 41.48 RCW.
Public lands
rights-of-way over for county bridges, trestles, across waterways, tide or shore lands: RCW 79.110.120.
rights-of-way over for roads, county wharves: RCW 79.36.440.
sale of road material on to counties: RCW 79.15.320.
Public officers
campaign financing, reporting: Chapter 42.17A RCW.
code of ethics for: Chapter 42.23 RCW.
financial affairs and gifts, reporting: RCW 42.17A.700.
misconduct of enumerated: Chapter 42.20 RCW.
resignations: RCW 42.12.020.
terms when vacancies filled: RCW 42.12.030.
Public purchase preferences: Chapter 39.24 RCW.
Public works
emergency, county participation: Chapter 39.28 RCW.
department of transportation, cooperation: RCW 47.08.070.
prevailing wages to be paid on: Chapter 39.12 RCW.
Publicly owned vehicles
exempt from license fee: RCW 46.16A.170.
license plate retained when change in ownership: RCW 46.16A.200(8).
registration of: RCW 46.16A.170.
to be marked: RCW 46.08.065.
Railroad grade crossings
counties duty to maintain: RCW 81.53.090.
county participation in grants for: Chapter 81.53 RCW.
Reclamation and irrigation districts in United States reclamation areas, contract to bring county lands into: RCW 89.12.110.
Reclamation districts of one million acres, lands in more than one county: RCW 89.30.004.
grants of county lands for: RCW 79.22.040.
Rural housing projects: Chapter 35.82 RCW.
Savings and loan associations, counties as member: RCW 33.20.060.
Soft tree fruits commission law, counties constituting districts under: RCW 15.28.010.
Soil and water conservation districts, county may cooperate with: RCW 89.08.341.
State patrol retirement allowances exempt from county taxation: RCW 43.43.310.
State vehicle regulations precedence over local: RCW 46.08.020.
State's title to abandoned channels granted to counties: RCW 86.13.110.
Stock restricted areas in: Chapter 16.24 RCW.
Street railroads in counties: Chapter 81.64 RCW.
Superior court judges, each county entitled to: State Constitution Art. 4 s 5, chapter 2.08 RCW.
B & O, counties defined as person for purposes of: RCW 82.04.030.
excise, state preempts field, which: RCW 82.02.020.
federal payments in lieu of ad valorem property taxes to counties, distribution: Chapter 84.72 RCW.
for city and town purposes: State Constitution Art. 11 s 12.
local, legislature not to impose: State Constitution Art. 11 s 12.
acquisitions of county subject to lien of: RCW 84.60.050.
county by, generally: Title 84 RCW.
county held tax-title property, treatment of: RCW 36.35.100.
county-interstate bridge as exempt from: RCW 84.36.230.
county lands sold on contract as taxable: RCW 84.40.230.
county property as exempt from: RCW 84.36.010.
county revaluation program: Chapter 84.41 RCW.
county right-of-way easements as exempt from: RCW 84.36.210.
limitation on levies, county application: State Constitution Art. 7 s 2 (Amendments 55, 59); RCW 84.52.050.
state, county liability for share of: State Constitution Art. 11 s 9.
Teletypewriter communications network, county participation: Chapter 43.89 RCW.
Toll roads, bridges and ferries (state), county participation and liability: Chapter 47.56 RCW.
Township organization in: State Constitution Art. 11 s 4 (Amendment 21).
enforcement agencies, duty: Chapter 46.64 RCW.
schools, county participation: Chapter 46.83 RCW.
Unfit dwellings, buildings and structures: Chapter 35.80 RCW.
Uniform system of accounting: Chapter 43.09 RCW.
Validation of bonds and financing proceedings: Chapter 39.90 RCW.
Vehicle wreckers' licensing, county to comply with: RCW 46.80.160.
indigent and deceased, burial as county responsibility: RCW 73.08.070.
public officials duty as considered leave of absence: RCW 73.16.041.
meeting hall, county may furnish free of charge: RCW 73.04.070.
meeting place, rent from county funds: RCW 73.04.080.
relief as county responsibility: Chapter 73.08 RCW.
Vital statistics: Chapter 70.58A RCW.
deductions and rebates, application to counties: Chapter 49.52 RCW.
payment and collection of, county employee exclusion: RCW 49.48.080.
rebates of on public works, penalty: RCW 49.52.090.
Water pollution control, county application: Chapter 90.48 RCW.
Water rights
appropriation of by counties; procedure: Chapter 90.03 RCW.
United States, county application: Chapter 90.40 RCW.
Wharves, counties may authorize and prescribe rates: RCW 88.24.020.
Workers' compensation, county coverage: RCW 51.12.050.
World fair or exposition, county participation: Chapter 35.60 RCW.