Chapter 58.24 RCW



HTMLPDF 58.24.010Declaration of necessity.
HTMLPDF 58.24.020Official agency designatedAdvisory board.
HTMLPDF 58.24.030Official agency designatedPowersCooperate and advisePurposes.
HTMLPDF 58.24.040Official agency designatedPowersStandards, maps, records, report, temporary removal of boundary marks or monuments.
HTMLPDF 58.24.050EmployeesLicensed engineers or surveyors.
HTMLPDF 58.24.060Surveys and maps accountPurposes.
HTMLPDF 58.24.070Fees for filing and recording surveys, plats, or mapsDeposit and use of fees.


Cemetery propertySurveys and maps, plats, etc.: Chapter 68.24 RCW.
CountiesLand surveys, record of surveys: RCW 36.32.370, 36.32.380.
Geological survey: Chapter 43.27A RCW.
Irrigation districtsMap of district: RCW 87.03.775.
Public landsMaps and platsRecord and indexPublic inspection: RCW 79.02.210.
Reclamation districtsSurveys, etc.: Chapter 89.30 RCW.
Regulation of public groundwatersDesignating or modifying boundaries of areasNotice of hearingFindingsOrder: RCW 90.44.130.
Restoration of United States survey markers: RCW 47.36.010.
State highways and toll bridges
copy of map, plans, etc.Fee: RCW 47.28.060.
maps, plans, etc.Filing: RCW 47.28.040.

Declaration of necessity.

It is the responsibility of the state to provide a means for the identification and preservation of survey points for the description of common land boundaries in the interest of the people of the state. There is a necessity for the adoption and maintenance of a system of permanent reference as to boundary monuments. The department of natural resources shall be the recognized agency for the establishment of this system.


Severability1951 c 224: "If any provision of this act shall be declared invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other portion of this act which can be given effect without the invalid provision, and to this end the provisions of this act are declared to be severable." [ 1951 c 224 s 7.]

Official agency designatedAdvisory board.

The department of natural resources is designated as the official agency for surveys and maps. The commissioner of public lands shall appoint an advisory board of five members, the majority of whom shall be registered professional engineers or land surveyors, who shall serve at the pleasure of the commissioner. Members of the board shall serve without salary but are to receive travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 as now existing or hereafter amended while actively engaged in the discharge of their duties.
[ 1987 c 466 s 5; 1982 c 165 s 2; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 s 152; 1951 c 224 s 3.]


Effective dateSeverability1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34: See notes following RCW 2.08.115.
Severability1951 c 224: See note following RCW 58.24.010.
Department of natural resources to exercise powers and duties of commissioner of public lands: RCW 43.30.411.

Official agency designatedPowersCooperate and advisePurposes.

The commissioner of public lands, the department of natural resources, and the advisory board are authorized to cooperate and advise with various departments and subdivisions of the state, counties, municipalities, and registered engineers or land surveyors of the state for the following purposes:
(1) The recovery of section corners or other land boundary marks;
(2) The monumentation of accepted section corners, and other boundary and reference marks; said monumentation shall be adequately connected to adjusted United States coast and geodetic survey triangulation stations and the coordinates of the monuments computed to conform with the *Washington coordinate system in accordance with the provisions of chapter 58.20 RCW, as derived from chapter 168, Laws of 1945;
(3) For facilitation and encouragement of the use of the *Washington state coordinate system; and
(4) For promotion of the use of the level net as established by the United States coast and geodetic survey.


*Reviser's note: The "Washington coordinate system" was renamed the "Washington plane coordinate system" by 2020 c 50.
Severability1951 c 224: See note following RCW 58.24.010.

Official agency designatedPowersStandards, maps, records, report, temporary removal of boundary marks or monuments.

The agency designated by RCW 58.24.020 is further authorized to:
(1) Set up standards of accuracy and methods of procedure;
(2) Compile and publish maps and records from surveys performed under the provisions of this chapter, and to maintain suitable indexes of surveys to prevent duplication of effort and to cooperate with all agencies of local, state, and federal government to this end;
(3) Compile and maintain records of all surveys performed under the provisions of this chapter, and assemble and maintain records of all reliable survey monuments and bench marks within the state;
(4) Collect and preserve information obtained from surveys locating and establishing land monuments and land boundaries;
(5) Supervise the sale and distribution of cadastral and geodetic survey data, and such related survey maps and publications as may come into the possession of the department of natural resources. Revenue derived from the sale thereof shall be deposited in the surveys and maps account in the general fund;
(6) Supervise the sale and distribution of maps, map data, photographs, and such publications as may come into the possession of the department of natural resources.
(7) Submit, as part of the biennial report of the commissioner of public lands, a report of the accomplishments of the agency;
(8) Permit the temporary removal or destruction of any section corner or any other land boundary mark or monument by any person, corporation, association, department, or subdivision of the state, county, or municipality as may be necessary or desirable to accommodate construction, mining, and other development of any land: PROVIDED, That such section corner or other land boundary mark or monument shall be referenced to the *Washington coordinate system by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor prior to such removal or destruction, and shall be replaced or a suitable reference monument established by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor within a reasonable time after completion of such construction, mining, or other development: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That the department of natural resources shall adopt and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations under which the agency shall authorize such temporary removal or destruction and require the replacement of such section corner or other land boundary marks or monuments.


*Reviser's note: The "Washington coordinate system" was renamed the "Washington plane coordinate system" by 2020 c 50.
Severability1951 c 224: See note following RCW 58.24.010.

EmployeesLicensed engineers or surveyors.

All employees who are in responsible charge of work under the provisions of this chapter shall be licensed professional engineers or land surveyors.


Severability1951 c 224: See note following RCW 58.24.010.

Surveys and maps accountPurposes.

There is created in the state treasury the surveys and maps account which shall be a separate account consisting of funds received or collected under chapters 43.92, 58.22, and 58.24 RCW, moneys appropriated to it by law. This account shall be used exclusively by the department of natural resources for carrying out the purposes and provisions of chapters 43.92, 58.22, and 58.24 RCW. Appropriations from the account shall be expended for no other purposes.


Effective datesSeverability1991 sp.s. c 13: See notes following RCW 18.08.240.
Effective date1985 c 57: See note following RCW 18.04.105.

Fees for filing and recording surveys, plats, or mapsDeposit and use of fees.

A fee set by the board of natural resources shall be charged by each county auditor, in addition to any other fees required by law, as a condition precedent to the filing and recording of any surveys, subdivision plats, short plats, and condominium surveys, plats, or maps. Such funds shall be forwarded monthly to the state treasurer to be deposited in the surveys and maps account in the general fund. The fees shall be verified in the same manner as other fees collected by the county auditor. Fees collected under this section shall be expended by the department only for the activities prescribed in this chapter.


Condominium surveys and maps: RCW 64.32.100.
Plats and subdivisions: Chapter 58.17 RCW.