Senator Bob Hasegawa
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5032 Alt public works contracting
- SB 5050 Real estate firms & brokers
- SB 5057 Teacher certification
- SB 5087 Risk-based water standards
- SB 5104 Facial recog. moratorium
- SB 5105 Office of equity task force
- SB 5116 Procurement/automated system
- SB 5204 Whole WA health trust
- SB 5238 Creative economy work group
- SB 5274 Equity impact statement
- SB 5405 JLARC racial equity analyses
- SB 5536 Collaborative school govern.
- SB 5554 Local net income taxes
- SB 5557 New businesses/B&O tax
- SB 5630 Early learning/basic ed.
- SB 5712 Local taxing districts
- SB 5795 Product servicing and repair
- SB 5951 Agricultural hemp products
- SJM 8004 De-risking/financial inst.
- SJM 8006 National infrastructure bank
- SR 8607 Japanese American internment
- SR 8649 Japanese American internment
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5000 Hydrogen/electric vehicles
- SB 5002 State auditor
- SB 5008 BPA ratepayer assist/B&O tax
- SB 5010 Credit score/insurance rates
- SB 5015 Fraudulent ballot drop boxes
- SB 5020 Rx drug price increases
- SB 5023 Child care/unemployment
- SB 5025 Consumer protection act
- ESB 5026 Cargo handling equipment
- SB 5030 School counseling programs
- SB 5035 Drug offender scoring
- SB 5036 Conditional commutation
- SB 5043 School employee housing
- SB 5044 Schools/equity training
- SB 5047 Death penalty elimination
- SB 5052 Health equity zones
- SB 5064 Unemployment/voluntary
- SB 5065 Railroad workers
- SB 5066 Officer duty to intervene
- SB 5068 Postpartum period/Medicaid
- SB 5069 Law enforcement audits
- SB 5070 Menstrual products/schools
- SB 5079 Mobile home closure notices
- SB 5086 Voter eligibility/felony
- SB 5089 Peace officer hiring & cert.
- SB 5097 Paid leave coverage
- SB 5101 Emerg. mgmt. council/tribes
- SB 5117 Rental vouchers/offenders
- SB 5118 Reentry
- SB 5119 Individuals in custody
- SB 5120 Criminal sentencing of youth
- SB 5121 Graduated reentry program
- SB 5122 Juvenile court jurisdiction
- SB 5133 Confidential employees
- ESB 5135 Unlawfully summoning police
- SB 5138 Financial instit./B&O tax
- SB 5140 Pregnancy & miscarriage care
- SB 5141 Env. justice task force recs
- SB 5142 Dental therapists
- SB 5147 Alternative school calendars
- SB 5148 Election official harassment
- SB 5153 School attendance
- SB 5161 Teaching tribal history, etc
- ESB 5164 Persistent offenders/robbery
- SB 5175 Economic revitalization bd
- SB 5182 Advisory votes
- SB 5183 Nonfatal strangulation
- SB 5184 K-12 foster care contact
- SB 5188 State public bank
- SB 5190 Health care workers/benefits
- SB 5191 Business practices/emergency
- SB 5193 Unemp. claim adjudicators
- SB 5194 Comm. & technical colleges
- SB 5199 Tribal fishing rights
- SB 5203 Generic prescription drugs
- SB 5209 Crisis response services
- SB 5214 Economic assistance programs
- SB 5216 Tax preferences
- SB 5218 Temporary workers
- SB 5222 ARNP reimbursement rate
- SB 5226 License suspensions/traffic
- SB 5227 Diversity, etc./higher ed.
- SB 5228 Medical training/equity
- SB 5229 Health equity continuing ed.
- SB 5237 Child care & early dev. exp.
- SB 5241 Economic inclusion
- SB 5248 Jail standards task force
- SB 5249 Mastery-based learning
- SB 5250 Citizens' initiative review
- SB 5252 School consultation/tribes
- SB 5253 Pollinator health
- SB 5254 Protective devices/health
- SB 5255 Dissolution/doc. language
- SB 5259 Law enforcement data
- SB 5260 Eviction res. pilot/reports
- SB 5263 Personal injury defenses
- ESB 5264 Americans of Chinese descent
- SB 5267 Electrical work/flipping
- SB 5278 Construction workers
- SB 5284 Subminimum wage/disabilities
- SB 5293 Mental health sentencing alt
- SB 5298 Tribal consent/AG
- SB 5304 Reentry services
- SB 5305 Senior property tax/medicare
- ESB 5309 Diapers/sales & use tax
- SB 5321 College bound scholarship
- SB 5326 School bus driver benefits
- SB 5331 Early childhood court prg
- SB 5335 Health care facility acq.
- SB 5336 LEOFF disability boards
- SB 5345 Industrial waste program
- SB 5348 Assisted reproduction
- SB 5351 Business interruption claims
- SB 5366 Building materials
- ESB 5372 Hemp/registration & cert.
- SB 5378 Real estate broker renewal
- SB 5387 Working families tax exempt.
- SB 5395 State resources/remote work
- SB 5398 Small businesses/excise tax
- SB 5401 CTC computer science degrees
- SB 5403 System improvement team
- SB 5408 Homestead exemption
- SB 5415 Energy facil site eval cncl
- SB 5418 Drugs & vaccines/access
- SB 5419 Statuary hall/Billy Frank Jr
- SB 5425 Unempl. extended benefits
- SB 5426 Wealth tax
- SB 5431 Leg. internship scholarship
- SB 5438 Unemployment/immigration
- SB 5472 Utility customers/COVID-19
- ESB 5476 State v. Blake decision
- SB 5487 School consolid. incentives
- SB 5500 Litter pickup during closure
- SB 5505 Farmers market prop. tax ex.
- SB 5506 JARRC chair & vice chair
- SB 5511 Uniform standard time
- ESB 5512 State nickname
- SB 5517 Cannabis/employment
- SB 5520 Harassment & discrim. NDAs
- SB 5532 Rx drug affordability board
- SB 5535 Juvenile rehab./parent costs
- SB 5544 Blockchain work group
- SB 5546 Insulin affordability
- SB 5553 Early STEM metrics
- SB 5563 Enrollment stabilization
- SB 5576 Eviction
- SB 5579 WMS bargaining
- SB 5583 Census data/incarceration
- SB 5586 Broadband loans & grants
- SB 5588 Reentry & discharge planning
- SB 5592 Cost of supervision
- SB 5593 Urban growth area boundaries
- SB 5594 Bone marrow donation aware.
- SB 5597 Voting rights
- SB 5598 Derelict vessel removal
- SB 5599 Journey level electricians
- SB 5600 Apprenticeship programs
- SB 5602 Service providers/financial
- SB 5607 Homeless census/facilities
- SB 5608 Park and land public access
- SB 5609 Juvenile fingerprinting
- SB 5610 Rx drug cost sharing
- SB 5613 Use of dogs to hunt
- SB 5615 State sport
- SB 5618 Out-of-network health care
- SB 5619 Kelp & eelgrass conservation
- SB 5629 Disposition of remains
- SB 5633 Forest loss prevention
- SB 5654 Health benefit ex./B&O tax
- SB 5657 Juvenile instit./comp sci.
- SB 5659 Building material standards
- SB 5662 Right-of-way camping/housing
- SB 5663 State v. Blake procedures
- SB 5665 Salmon habitat
- SB 5671 Liquor and cannabis board
- SB 5701 Workers' comp wages
- SB 5704 ARNP reimbursement rate
- SB 5706 Community reinvestment
- SB 5716 Breast cancer MRI coverage
- SB 5729 Hearing deadlines/good cause
- SB 5733 Civil asset forfeiture/drugs
- SB 5736 Minors/behavioral health
- SB 5748 PSERS disability benefits
- SB 5749 Rent payments
- SB 5751 Health care staffing
- SB 5752 Future fund trust fund
- SB 5764 Apprenticeships & higher ed.
- SB 5765 Midwifery
- SB 5766 Abortion care
- SB 5767 Hemp-derived cannabinoids
- SB 5772 Postconviction counsel
- SB 5773 Legislature/bargaining
- SB 5776 Criminal justice data
- SB 5783 Underground economy
- SB 5784 Psychologists as attendings
- SB 5785 Transitional food assistance
- SB 5793 State boards, etc./stipends
- SB 5794 Behavioral health Rx drugs
- SB 5801 Industrial insurance appeals
- SB 5815 Identicards
- SB 5822 Biomarker testing coverage
- SB 5824 Dependent youth financial ed
- SB 5826 Warm water game fish
- SB 5830 Tenure-track faculty
- SB 5831 State & local taxation
- SB 5833 School director compensation
- SB 5838 Diaper subsidy/TANF
- SB 5840 Prescription drug labels
- SB 5847 Public employee PSLF info.
- SB 5850 Ballot titles/impact discl.
- SB 5855 Campaign funds/child care
- SB 5884 Behavioral health support
- SB 5885 Marine shoreline habitat
- SB 5888 Rx drug cost-sharing
- SB 5889 Annual mental health exams
- SB 5890 Radiological waste workers
- SB 5891 Warehouse dist. centers
- SB 5894 Behav. health/primary care
- SB 5900 Provisional paramedics, EMTs
- SB 5915 Diapers/sales & use tax
- SB 5918 Board of regents/faculty
- SB 5945 Human trafficking
- SB 5952 Drug warehousing/B&O tax
- SB 5977 Legislative chamber skylight
- SJM 8009 National biodiversity strat.
- SCR 8403 Cutoff/Chinese American hist
- SR 8602 Women in Cloud
- SR 8603 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8604 Henrietta Lacks
- SR 8605 Future educators
- SR 8608 Betty Peace-Gladstone
- SR 8609 Lunar New Year
- SR 8610 AAPI residents
- SR 8611 Steve K. Houle
- SR 8612 Washington & Taiwan
- SR 8615 James L. Gaudino
- SR 8620 Boundless Washington Fellows
- SR 8621 National Donate Life Month
- SR 8622 David Ward
- SR 8623 Senator John McCoy
- SR 8624 Gonzaga men's basketball
- SR 8625 Indian farmers/protest
- SR 8626 Paull Shin
- SR 8628 Al Bauer, Jr.
- SR 8632 Sickle cell awareness week
- SR 8633 Brad Hendrickson
- SR 8634 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8635 The Evergreen State College
- SR 8637 Women in Cloud
- SR 8638 India's Republic Day
- SR 8639 Senator Doug Ericksen
- SR 8640 Lunar new year
- SR 8642 Commercial fishing fleet
- SR 8644 Sikh American community
- SR 8646 National Donate Life Month
- SR 8647 Phyllis Little-Epamynondas
- SR 8654 Taiwan
- SR 8655 Jan Yoshiwara
- SR 8658 Antisemitism
- SR 8661 Indian boarding schools
- SR 8662 Ukrainian Americans
- SR 8663 Brian Sims