Senator Lynda Wilson
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- SB 5010 Synthetic opioids/endanger.
- SB 5011 Persistent offenders/robbery
- SB 5012 Columbia river third bridge
- SB 5037 Natural gas/energy code
- SB 5049 Firearm theft
- SB 5063 Gubernatorial emergencies
- SB 5073 Three branches/admin. rules
- SB 5074 Biomarker testing coverage
- SB 5075 Judicial sentencing database
- SB 5076 Domestic violence arrests
- SB 5117 State building code council
- SB 5158 State & local taxation
- SB 5277 Dairy, etc. tax preferences
- SB 5278 Home care aide certification
- SB 5295 Eliminating accounts
- SB 5359 State spending limit
- SB 5387 Property tax/homestead
- SB 5396 Breast exam cost sharing
- SB 5488 Food fish excise tax revenue
- SB 5497 Medicaid expenditures
- ESB 5590 Mt. St. Helens license plate
- SB 5672 Auto theft authority account
- SB 5675 Fish and wildlife commission
- SB 5772 Energy code/federal law
- SB 5835 Rule making websites
- SB 5836 Clark county superior court
- ESB 5906 Drug overdose prevention
- SB 5911 Cancer research funding
- SB 6091 Law enf. safety act/retired
- SB 6169 Law enf. & military/firearms
- SB 6170 Enforcement action moneys
- SB 6171 Criminal justice/child care
- SB 6233 Energy code amendments
- SB 6234 Newborn screening for BCKDK
- SB 6235 Criminal justice assistance
- SB 6263 Firefighter death benefits
- SB 6291 State building code council
- SJR 8204 Property taxes/residence
- SR 8617 Triple neg. breast cancer
Secondary Sponsor
- SB 5000 Americans of Chinese descent
- SB 5002 Alcohol concentration/DUI
- SB 5007 Wine retailer shippers
- SB 5009 Sex ed./parent approval
- ESB 5022 Drug testing equipment
- SB 5024 K-12 education/parent rights
- SB 5026 Insurance producer education
- SB 5029 School district boards
- SB 5030 Hog fuel/tax exemption
- ESB 5032 Impaired driving
- SB 5034 Vehicular pursuits
- SB 5035 Controlled sub. possession
- SB 5043 Power plant long-term policy
- SB 5055 Private prison contracting
- SB 5056 Habitual property offenders
- SB 5057 Energy standards/commercial
- SB 5058 Multiunit res. buildings
- SB 5062 Online marketplaces
- SB 5068 Motor vehicle sales tax
- SB 5071 Purple star award
- SB 5097 Rare diseases adv. council
- SB 5099 Estate tax/extraordinary rev
- SB 5137 Indigenous women
- SB 5138 Vehicles as homestead
- SB 5146 Hydropower
- SB 5156 Farm internship program
- SB 5160 Organized retail theft
- SB 5219 Counseling compact
- SB 5226 Active warrants priority/DOC
- SB 5248 Tutoring & extended learning
- SB 5254 Leasing of state lands
- SB 5297 Commercial salmon fisheries
- SB 5299 Law enf. officer protection
- SB 5307 Cosmetologists, etc/licenses
- SB 5313 Murder in the first degree
- SB 5332 Homeless camps/schools, etc.
- ESB 5336 Main street trust fund
- SB 5343 School construction costs
- SB 5345 School buildings/energy
- SB 5350 PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase
- ESB 5352 Vehicular pursuits
- SB 5358 Veterans' services
- SB 5361 Law enf. officers/increase
- SB 5362 Clean fuels program report
- SB 5375 Low-proof beverages/tax
- SB 5382 Fish and wildlife officers
- SB 5389 Optometry
- SB 5398 Domestic violence funding
- SB 5403 School depreciation subfunds
- SB 5411 Naturopathic physician scope
- SB 5416 Building code classif.
- SB 5442 Charter schools/enrichment
- SB 5467 Controlled sub. possession
- SB 5473 Project permit timelines
- SB 5494 Freight railroad infra.
- SB 5502 Sub. use disorder treatment
- SB 5505 School year expansion
- SB 5508 Greenhouses
- SB 5511 K-12 education funding
- SB 5512 Higher ed. financial reports
- SB 5516 Clay targets/sales tax
- SB 5525 Dependency
- SB 5530 Digital experience
- SB 5539 Tax increment financing
- SB 5542 Vehicle charging equipment
- SB 5552 Military exercises/parks
- SB 5564 Missing persons reward prg.
- SB 5579 Hydrofluorocarbons/supply
- SB 5581 Maternal support services
- SB 5582 Nurse supply
- SB 5595 State nickname
- SB 5609 Housing approval
- SB 5635 Victims' rights
- SB 5657 Kit home permitting
- SB 5661 Skill center class sizes
- SB 5669 Firearms/individual right
- SB 5670 Running start/10th grade
- SB 5677 Walla Walla sweet onion day
- SB 5678 Firearms safety/K-12
- SB 5680 Seismic safety/schools
- SB 5682 State hospitals/police costs
- SB 5704 Fund-raising activities
- SB 5710 Behavioral health/youth
- SB 5714 Property tax payments
- SB 5733 Payment card processing/tax
- SB 5745 Use of a stolen firearm
- SB 5756 Fuel tax suspension
- SB 5758 Electromagnetic attacks
- SB 5779 Sunshine committee
- SB 5780 Public defense training
- SB 5781 Law student rural PD program
- SB 5795 Year-round Pacific std. time
- SB 5809 Charter schools/enrichment
- SB 5814 Cancer drugs coverage
- SB 5826 Utility bills/CCA charges
- SB 5851 Holocaust and genocide edu.
- SB 5852 Special education safety net
- SB 5855 User agreement summaries
- SB 5862 Hunting licenses/students
- SB 5863 Credit reporting/divorce
- SB 5867 Banquets
- SB 5875 Energy code/residential
- SB 5892 Diseased elk
- SB 5897 Business licensing service
- SB 5920 Psychiatric/cert. of need
- SB 5927 Tear gas authorization
- SB 5928 Coercive control study
- SB 5929 Fentanyl/endangerment
- SB 5942 Lead testing/Medicaid
- SB 5946 Fallen firefighter memorial
- SB 6028 Unemployment overpayments
- SB 6051 Manslaughter/substances
- SB 6054 Definition of theft
- SB 6056 Human trafficking/hotels
- SB 6057 Human trafficking crimes
- SB 6070 Most serious offenses
- SB 6078 Enforcement action moneys
- SB 6093 College admission criteria
- SB 6102 In-state resident enrollment
- SB 6103 Free speech info./higher ed.
- SB 6104 Free speech policy/higher ed
- SB 6132 Human trafficking reporting
- SB 6134 Opioid use
- SB 6137 Semiconductor tax incentives
- SB 6160 Obstructing traffic
- SB 6183 Fund-raising events
- SB 6184 Deepfake AI material/minors
- SB 6190 Fund-raising activities
- SB 6200 Eluding & resisting arrest
- SB 6213 JLARC studies
- SB 6219 Agritourism
- SB 6268 Agency comms font size
- SB 6280 Veteran parking privileges
- SB 6284 Impact fees
- SB 6285 Use of impact fees
- SB 6286 Nurse anesthetist workforce
- SB 6289 16&17 y/o employ. work group
- SB 6305 Law enforcement memorial
- SJM 8004 Constitutional convention
- SJR 8203 Public school revolving fund
- SJR 8208 Right to hunt and fish
- SJR 8210 Governor term limit
- SCR 8408 New Newhouse Building naming
- SCR 8415 Yakima Valley redistricting
- SR 8604 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8607 Lourdes Alvarado-Ramos
- SR 8612 Human trafficking awareness
- SR 8613 Washington National Guard
- SR 8614 Keenan Konopaski
- SR 8620 Ukrainian Americans
- SR 8625 Special Olympics
- SR 8634 People of Iran
- SR 8635 Bill Russell
- SR 8639 National donate life month
- SR 8642 Mental & behavioral health
- SR 8643 Gary Wilburn
- SR 8644 Seattle Mariners
- SR 8645 Taiwan partnership
- SR 8649 Martin Luther King, Jr.
- SR 8664 Sandra Day O'Connor
- SR 8668 Jeannie Darneille
- SR 8669 National Wear Red Day
- SR 8670 People of Taiwan
- SR 8674 1st territorial legislature
- SR 8680 Linda Smith