Representative Tom Dent
Sponsored Bills:
Primary Sponsor
- HB 1019 Pesticide advisory board
- HB 1032 Wildfires/electric utilities
- HB 1040 Aviation & aerospace cmte.
- HB 1242 Behavioral health work group
- HB 1243 Muni. airport commissions
- HB 1395 Aircraft fuel tax distrib.
- HB 1494 Irrigation & rehab districts
- HB 1531 Aerospace industry dev.
- HB 1590 Oversight board for DCYF
- HB 1739 Child care prov. instruction
- HB 1754 DCYF child welfare eval.
- HB 1971 Rangeland fire pilot
- HB 2046 Child care alternative reqs.
- HB 2047 Cannabis use/SUD employees
- HB 2147 Agriculture pests & diseases
- HB 2185 DCYF oversight board
- HB 2187 Water/family farms
- HB 2292 Hatchery improvement
- HB 2300 Child care qualifications
- HB 2302 Pesticide application comm.
- HB 2393 Unleaded aircraft fuel/tax
- HB 2402 Fire srv. training account
- HB 2438 Dashboard camera recordings
- HB 2488 Gub. proclamations/religion
- HR 4687 Around the world flight
Secondary Sponsor
- HB 1010 Shellfish sanitary control
- HB 1011 Long-term care/repeal
- HB 1013 Regional apprenticeship prgs
- HB 1053 Vehicular pursuits
- HB 1138 Drought preparedness
- HB 1191 Cooperative finance org. B&O
- EHB 1274 Child malnutrition guide
- HB 1331 Public use airport dev./tax
- HB 1339 Insurance premium tax rate
- HB 1363 Vehicular pursuits
- HB 1378 Derelict aquatic structures
- HB 1392 Electronics repair
- HB 1397 Dependency
- HB 1417 Multistate nurse licensure
- HB 1421 Voluntary stewardship prog.
- HB 1438 Shooting sports contests
- HB 1472 Motor vehicle sales tax
- HB 1488 Working forest license plate
- HB 1498 Aviation assurance funding
- HB 1505 Alternative jet fuel
- HB 1523 Agricultural overtime
- HB 1525 Apprenticeships/child care
- HB 1580 Children in crisis
- HB 1583 Certified peer specialists
- HB 1603 Agricultural products promo.
- HB 1609 School library info and tech
- HB 1615 Education savings accounts
- HB 1641 High-potency cannabis
- HB 1642 Cannabis concentrates
- HB 1664 Env. justice council/rural
- HB 1685 Resource & assess. centers
- HB 1686 Salmon recovery
- HB 1687 Vehicle service fees
- HB 1698 Gray wolf management
- HB 1699 Fish & wildlife salaries
- HB 1700 Eastern Washington memorial
- HB 1708 Ballots/online portal
- HB 1713 Health care/rural areas
- HB 1720 Riparian grant program
- HB 1740 Forestry riparian easements
- HB 1752 Water/consumptive quality
- 2EHB 1757 Farmers/sales tax remittance
- HB 1761 Property tax exemption
- HB 1766 Protection orders/hope cards
- HB 1770 Unlawful firearm possession
- HB 1780 Climate comm. act/fuel use
- HB 1783 Grant writers
- HB 1787 Transport and delivery
- HB 1791 Commercial aviation services
- HB 1792 Water rights procedures
- HB 1835 Frontier counties
- HB 1849 Elk management program
- HB 1899 Wildfire reconstruction
- HB 2042 Water supply/energy sites
- HB 2074 Landowner's lessee/penalties
- HB 2107 Hunting/tribal members
- HB 2117 Aerial firefighting/permits
- HB 2132 Coroner training costs
- HB 2137 Tourism promotion exemptions
- HB 2193 Env. restoration accelerator
- HB 2286 Salmon rec. capital grants
- HB 2288 Agriculture/water pollution
- HB 2289 Salmon recovery projects/tax
- HB 2291 Riparian programs review
- HB 2293 Avian predation/salmon
- HB 2320 High THC cannabis products
- HB 2332 Firearm recovery rewards
- HB 2336 Suitability of lands
- HB 2358 Obstructing highways
- HB 2366 Spring blade knives
- HB 2376 CCA public entity oblig.
- HB 2406 16&17 y/o employ. work group
- HB 2423 Gray wolf management
- HB 2424 State-tribe coop./wildlife
- HB 2439 Personal income taxes
- HB 2446 Reforestation grants
- HB 2498 Ferry system emergency decl.
- HJR 4206 Personal property taxation
- HJR 4211 Line item vetoes
- HCR 4405 New Newhouse Building naming
- HR 4602 Jamie Walsh
- HR 4603 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4605 Presidents' Day
- HR 4610 Washington National Guard
- HR 4615 Japanese American internment
- HR 4616 Children's day
- HR 4619 Black history month
- HR 4621 Bill Russell
- HR 4626 Survivors of crimes
- HR 4633 Rep. Jim Moeller
- HR 4638 William D. Hyslop
- HR 4644 Office of Program Research
- HR 4646 Aeronautics and military
- HR 4653 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- HR 4661 Washington National Guard
- HR 4667 Black history month
- HR 4671 Presidents' day
- HR 4672 Japanese-Americans/WWII
- HR 4694 CAPAA
- HR 4697 Maureen Mueller
- HR 4698 Patty Moore
- HR 4699 Lisa Fenton
- HR 4700 Joel Kretz
- HR 4701 J.T. Wilcox