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374-10-040  <<  374-10-050 >>   374-10-060

PDFWAC 374-10-050

Cancellation of enrollment.

(1) The agency may cancel enrollment for any of the following reasons:
(a) Failure to maintain the petroleum underground storage tank system or petroleum underground storage tank facility to a standard established in the program policy or enrollment agreement;
(b) Failure to comply with remediation plans agreed to or required by a regulating agency;
(c) Refusal to allow the agency to conduct a facility assessment;
(d) Failure to meet any cleanup milestones listed and submitted with the enrollment agreement;
(e) Failure to notify the agency of a release from the enrolled petroleum underground storage tank;
(f) Failure to notify the agency of any notice of noncompliance or notice of violation issued by a regulatory agency;
(g) Failure to allow the agency access to the enrolled petroleum underground storage tank system;
(h) Failure to allow the agency to conduct remedial action(s) related to a release from the enrolled petroleum underground storage tank;
(i) Failure to fulfill terms of the enrollment agreement; or
(j) Fraud by any owner or operator, as described in WAC 374-010-130 regarding the enrolled petroleum underground storage tank.
(2) The agency will provide written notice of cancellation describing the reason(s) for cancellation to the owner or operator of the enrolled petroleum underground storage tank. As applicable, the written notice will identify how to remedy the issues leading to cancellation.
(3) Cancellation by the agency is effective 60 calendar days from the date of written notice. Coverage under the program will end on that effective date unless the cancellation is disputed.
(4) The owner or operator may dispute the cancellation by requesting a review of the agency decision as described in WAC 374-10-140 within 45 calendar days from notice of the cancellation.
(a) Coverage under the program will continue during the dispute review process.
(b) If, after the review of the dispute, the agency determines that a cancellation is still appropriate, cancellation is effective on the date indicated in the dispute review's written notice. Coverage under the program will end on that effective date.
(c) If the owner or operator seeks to appeal the agency's dispute review decision as allowed in WAC 374-10-140(4), the cancellation is still effective as of the date of the dispute review's written notice. Coverage under the program will not continue during the director review process.
(5) The owner or operator of an enrolled petroleum underground storage tank may request cancellation of enrollment at any time. Coverage will continue for the enrollment term, ending on the renewal date.
If the owner or operator uses another financial responsibility mechanism and requires coverage to address a release, this program's coverage is applied as secondary coverage.
(6) If an entity is no longer the owner or operator of the enrolled petroleum underground storage tank, then coverage under the program is canceled and the cancellation date is based on when the entity is no longer the owner or operator.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70A.545.100(1). WSR 24-18-050, ยง 374-10-050, filed 8/27/24, effective 9/27/24.]
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