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374-10-030  <<  374-10-040 >>   374-10-050

PDFWAC 374-10-040

Application, enrollment, and fees.

(1)(a) Applications for program enrollment are made using the agency's online community. If requested from the agency, alternative formats for application will be provided. The agency will review all applications for completeness. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
(b) The application must include information on any known release from the petroleum underground storage tank system. If there has been such a release, to be considered for enrollment, one of the following requirements must be met and approved by the agency.
(i) The release has been reported to the department of ecology or other regulating agency as required, and remedial actions have been completed as an independent action or under any order or consent decree. For an independent action, the release and remedial actions have been reviewed by either the department of ecology's voluntary cleanup program or the agency's technical assistance program and a no further action letter has been issued. For remedial actions completed under any order or consent decree, the department of ecology must have issued a written determination that requirements of the order or decree have been met.
(ii) The release has been reported to the department of ecology or other regulating agency as required and independent remedial actions have been planned but not yet completed or independent remedial actions completed but without a no further action letter from the department of ecology's voluntary cleanup program or the agency's technical assistance program. The planned remedial actions must be reviewed by the agency prior to enrollment, and the independent cleanup must be entered into the agency's technical assistance program. A remedial action schedule with milestones will be part of the enrollment agreement and must be adhered to for the tank to remain enrolled in the program.
(iii) The release has been reported to the department of ecology and remedial actions are required under an order or consent decree. The remedial action schedule in the order or consent decree must be adhered to for the tank to remain enrolled in the program.
(2) An enrolled petroleum underground storage tank may be randomly selected for a facility assessment performed by agency staff or agency-contracted consultant. Those selected for a facility assessment will be notified.
(3) The agency will notify the applicant if their application has been accepted for enrollment. The petroleum underground storage tank is considered enrolled in the program on the date that the agency signs the enrollment agreement.
(4) The agency will notify the applicant if their application has been denied. Denial of enrollment will be documented in writing.
(5) The enrollment term is 12 months, with coverage commencing on the enrollment date (the date the agency signs the enrollment agreement). Renewals occur on the same date each subsequent year and coverage is continuous unless the agency or the enrolled owner or operator cancels enrollment.
(6) The enrollment fee pays for the enrollment of a petroleum underground storage tank for a term of 12 months. Program participants may request a payment plan from the agency, but the entire enrollment fee amount must be paid to the agency within the 12-month enrollment term period. No refunds of the enrollment fee will be made, regardless of whether the petroleum underground storage tank coverage is canceled.
(7) The enrollment fees will be updated at least every four years and will be posted on the agency's website. The enrollment fee amount contributes to the agency's costs for program operations and administration.
(8) An enrollment fee may be discounted. Approved discounts are applied following the first year of enrollment on the renewal date for the second year of coverage and evaluated each subsequent year.
(9) Discounts may include, but are not limited to, the following factors:
(a) The age of the facility, individual petroleum underground storage tank system, and associated infrastructure;
(b) The physical condition of the facility; or
(c) Whether the owner or operator adheres to industry best practices for preventing releases from petroleum underground storage tanks.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70A.545.100(1). WSR 24-18-050, ยง 374-10-040, filed 8/27/24, effective 9/27/24.]
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