PDFWAC 296-24-68213
Calcium carbide storage.
(1) Packaging.
(a) You must contain calcium carbide in metal packages of sufficient strength to prevent rupture. The packages must be provided with a screw top or equivalent. These packages must be constructed water- and air-tight. You must not use solder in such a manner that the package will fail if exposed to fire.
(b) You must conspicuously mark packages containing calcium carbide "calcium carbide-dangerous if not kept dry" or with equivalent warning.
(c) Caution: Metal tools, even the so-called spark resistant type may cause ignition of an acetylene and air mixture when opening carbide containers.
(d) You must not install sprinkler systems in carbide storage rooms.
(2) Storage indoors.
(a) Calcium carbide in quantities not to exceed 600 pounds may be stored indoors in dry, waterproof, and well-ventilated locations.
(b) Calcium carbide not exceeding 600 pounds may be stored indoors in the same room with fuel-gas cylinders.
(c) You must keep packages of calcium carbide, except for one of each size, sealed. You must not break the seals when there is carbide in excess of one pound in any other unsealed package of the same size of carbide in the room.
(d) You must store calcium carbide exceeding 600 pounds but not exceeding 5,000 pounds:
(i) In accordance with (2)(e) of this section.
(ii) In an inside generator room or outside generator house; or
(iii) In a separate room in a one-story building which may contain other occupancies, but without cellar or basement beneath the carbide storage section. Such rooms must be constructed in accordance with WAC 296-24-68211 (6)(h) and (i) and ventilated in accordance with WAC 296-24-68211 (6)(j). You must not use these rooms for any other purpose.
(e) You must store calcium carbide in excess of 5,000 pounds in one-story buildings without cellar or basement and used for no other purpose, or in outside generator houses. The location of such storage buildings must be away from congested mercantile and manufacturing districts. If the storage building is of noncombustible construction, it may adjoin other one-story buildings if separated therefrom by unpierced firewalls; if it is detached less than 10 feet from such building or buildings, there must be no opening in any of the mutually exposing sides of such buildings within 10 feet. If the storage building is of combustible construction, it must be at least 20 feet from any other one- or two-story building, and at least 30 feet from any other building exceeding two stories.
(3) Storage outdoors.
(a) Calcium carbide in unopened metal containers may be stored outdoors.
(b) You must examine carbide containers to be stored outdoors to make sure that they are airtight and watertight. You must make periodic reexaminations for rusting or other damage to a container that might affect its water or air tightness.
(c) You must place the bottom tier of each row on wooden planking or equivalent so that the containers will not come in contact with the ground or groundwater.
(d) Storage areas must be at least 10 feet from lines of adjoining property that may be built upon.
(e) You must use containers of carbide which have been in storage the longest first.