Reports to the Legislature
Close Note: This page consolidates, and makes available electronically, reports to the Legislature from January 1, 2008 to date. These reports come from a variety of sources and the Legislature makes no claim as to the timeliness or comprehensiveness of the list. If you have or are aware of additional reports during this time frame, please send them to the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate.

Reports to the Legislature by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the State Auditor's Office can be accessed at:
JLARC: Audit and Study Reports
SAO: Reports
You may click on the column headings in the table below to sort it in ascending or descending order. For instance, if you would like to see all reports for an organization in date order, first choose the organization from the menu below, then click the Report Date column heading to sort by date. View more information about this page.

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Organization Name RCW Bill Exec. Order Report Title Report Date
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2012 Report (894k) 11/1/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.08A.411 WorkFirst Wage Progression Report, October - December 2011 (107k) 7/1/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 72.23.451 Workplace Safety in State Hospitals, September 2012 Report (793k) 9/1/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of, Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration 13.40.540 Juvenile Court Block Grant Report for 2012 (621k) 9/28/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of, Children's Administration 74.14A.060 Blended Funding Report for 2012 (306k) 12/1/2012
Enterprise Services, Department of 39.35D High Performance Green Buildings (736k) 9/30/2012
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of 28A.160.1921 Student Transportation Funding System, Implementation Update, October 2012 (102k) 10/1/2012
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of 39.35D High Performance School Buildings (2.4MB) 10/1/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.13.031 Foster and Adoptive Home Placement Annual Report for 2012 (958k) 12/1/2012
Commerce, Department of 80.80.050 Survey of Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine Greenhouse Gas Emission Rates (650k) 11/1/2012
Housing Finance Commission 39.46.170 Out-of-State Issuers, 2012 Annual Report (19k) 12/1/2012
Transportation, Department of 47.66.030 Regional Mobility Grant Program, 2013-2015 Recommended Projects (275k) 11/21/2012
Transportation, Department of 47.66.030 Regional Mobility Grant Program, 2013-2015 Recommended Projects, Detail (3.4MB) 11/21/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 13.40.212 Intensive Parole for High-Risk Juvenile Offenders, 2012 Report (771k) 9/30/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 71.09.325 Violations, Penalties and Actions Relating to Persons on Conditional Release to al Less Restrictive Placement, 2012 Report (358k) 12/1/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 43.20A.875 WorkFirst Employee Incentive Pilot (347k) 12/31/2012
Corrections, Department of 72.09.680 Staff Safety, 2012 Report (519k) 11/1/2012
Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership 90.92.060 Walla Walla Pilot Local Water Management Program, Interim Progress Report (2.6MB) 12/1/2012
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of 28A.150.392 Safety Net Survey, 2011-12 (916k) 12/1/2012
Student Achievement Council 28B.77 Critical Crossroads: A Call for Action, 2012 Strategic Action Plan for Educational Attainment (610k) 12/1/2012
Commerce, Department of 43.330.270 Innovation Partner Zones 2012 Report: Toward a More Data-Driven Assessment (1.2MB) 12/31/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 26.44.260 Family Assessment Response Implementation (1.2MB) 12/31/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.31.030 Traumatic Brain Injury Council Recommendations for a Comprehensive Statewide Plan (1.5MB) 1/15/2013
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.13.621 Kinship Care Oversight Committee 2012 Report (1.3MB) 12/31/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 79.02.400 Inventory of Surplus Lands 2012 Report (449k) 12/21/2012
Economic Development and International Relations, Legislative Committee on 43.15.060 Meeting Summaries and Recommendations for 2012 (691k) 1/3/2013
Governor's Interagency Council on Health Disparities 43.20.280 Eliminate Health Disparities, 2012 State Policy Action Plan (920k) 12/31/2012
Commerce, Department of 43.330.409 Broadband in Washington, 2012 Annual Report (14.8MB) 1/3/2013
Health Care Authority 74.60.090 Hospital Safety Net Assessment Fund (252k) 12/1/2012
Transportation, Department of 47.56.403 SR 167 HOT Lanes Pilot Project, Fourth Annual Performance Summary, May 2008 - April 2012 (2.1MB) 10/16/2012
Commerce, Department of 43.21F.045 Energy 2013 Biennial Report: Issues, Analysis, and Updates (558k) 12/1/2012
Revenue, Department of 82.08.02061 Working Family Tax Exemption Summary Report (610k) 12/17/2012
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of 28A.655.075 Assessments for Educational Technology (557k) 1/3/2013
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of 28A.225.151 Truancy Report 2011-12 (564k) 12/31/2012
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of 28A.315 Remote and Necessary Small School Committee Review (475k) 1/3/2013
Health, Department of 18.120.010 Denturist Scope of Practice Sunrise Review (2.3MB) 12/31/2012
Health, Department of 18.120.010 Music Therapy Sunrise Review (12.0MB) 12/31/2012
Health, Department of 18.120.010 Prosthetics and Orthotics Coverage Mandated Benefit Surise Review (308k) 12/31/2011
Health, Department of 18.120.010 Surgical Technologist Certification Sunrise Review (333k) 12/31/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.48.090 Designing a Quality Incentive Payment Program for Skilled Nursing Facilities (388k) 1/1/2013
Transportation, Department of 47.01.330 Regional Mobility Grant, 4th Quarter 2012 Report (3.6MB) 1/31/2013
Student Achievement Council 28B.122.060 Aerospace Training Student Loan Program (778k) 12/31/2012
Health, Department of 43.70.520 Public Health Improvement Plan 2012 (3.4MB) 1/31/2013
Health, Department of 18.130.310 Health Professions Discipline and Regulatory Activities, 2009-11 Biennial Report (842k) 12/31/2012
Military Department 38.52.532 Enhanced 911 Advisory Committee 2013 Annual Legislative Update (258k) 2/22/2013
Social & Health Services, Department of, Children's Administration 74.13.640 Child Fatality Report, October - December 2011 (1.3MB) 2/1/2013
Social & Health Services, Department of 13.06.050 Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System (1.1MB) 12/31/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.08A.341 WorkFirst Expenditure Report, State Fiscal Year 2013 (186k) 12/31/2012
Agriculture, Department of 15.58.420 Pesticide Investigations and Enforcement, 2012 Annual Report (204k) 3/31/2013
Transportation, Department of 47.60.830 Diesel Fule Price Hedging, FY 2011-2013 (476k) 4/1/2013

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