80.52.040  <<  80.52.050 >>   80.52.060

Conduct of election.

The election required under RCW 80.52.040 shall be conducted in the manner provided in this section.
(1)(a) If the applicant is a public utility district, joint operating agency, city, or county, the election shall be among the voters of the public utility district, city, or county, or among the voters of the local governmental entities comprising the membership of the joint operating agency.
(b) If the applicant is any public agency other than those described in subsection (1)(a) of this section, or is an assignee of a joint operating agency and not itself a joint operating agency, the election shall be conducted statewide in the manner provided in Title 29A RCW for statewide elections.
(2) The election shall be held at the next statewide general election occurring more than ninety days after submission of a request by an applicant to the secretary of state unless a special election is requested by the applicant as provided in this section.
(3) If no statewide election can be held under subsection (2) of this section within one hundred twenty days of the submission to the secretary of state of a request by an applicant for financing authority under this chapter, the applicant may request that a special election be held if such election is necessary to avoid significant delay in construction or acquisition of the energy project. Within ten days of receipt of such a request for a special election, the secretary of state shall designate a date for the election pursuant to RCW 29A.04.321 and certify the date to the county auditor of each county in which an election is to be held under this section.
(4) Prior to an election under this section, the applicant shall submit to the secretary of state a cost-effectiveness study, prepared by an independent consultant approved by the state finance committee, pertaining to the major public energy project under consideration. The study shall be available for public review and comment for thirty days. At the end of the thirty-day period, the applicant shall prepare a final draft of the study which includes the public comment, if any.
(5) The secretary of state shall certify the ballot issue for the election to be held under this section to the county auditor of each county in which an election is to be held. The certification shall include the statement of the proposition as provided in RCW 80.52.060. The costs of the election shall be relieved by the applicant in the manner provided by RCW 29A.04.410. In addition, the applicant shall reimburse the secretary of state for the applicant's share of the costs related to the preparation and distribution of the voters' pamphlet required by subsection (6) of this section and such other costs as are attributable to any election held pursuant to this section.
(6) Prior to an election under this section, the secretary of state shall provide an opportunity for supporters and opponents of the requested financing authority to present their respective views in a voters' pamphlet which shall be distributed to the voters of the local governmental entities participating in the election. Upon submission of an applicant's request for an election pursuant to this section, the applicant shall provide the secretary of state with the following information regarding each major public energy project for which the applicant seeks financing authority at such election, which information shall be included in the voters' pamphlet:
(a) The name, location, and type of major public energy project, expressed in common terms;
(b) The dollar amount and type of bonds being requested;
(c) If the bond issuance is intended to finance the acquisition of all or a portion of the project, the anticipated total cost of the acquisition of the project;
(d) If the bond issuance is intended to finance the planning or construction of all or a portion of the project, the anticipated total cost of construction of the project;
(e) The projected average rate increase for consumers of the electricity to be generated by the project. The rate increase shall be that which will be necessary to repay the total indebtedness incurred for the project, including estimated interest;
(f) A summary of the final cost-effectiveness study conducted under subsection (4) of this section;
(g) The anticipated functional life of the project;
(h) The anticipated decommissioning costs of the project; and
(i) If a special election is requested by the applicant, the reasons for requesting a special election.
[ 2015 c 53 s 96; 1982 c 88 s 1; 1981 2nd ex.s. c 6 s 5 (Initiative Measure No. 394, approved November 3, 1981).]


Effective date1982 c 88: "This act shall take effect on July 1, 1982." [ 1982 c 88 s 2.]
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