246-01 | Description and organization. |
246-03 | State Environmental Policy Act—Guidelines. |
246-08 | Practice and procedure. |
246-10 | Administrative procedure—Adjudicative proceedings. |
246-11 | Model procedural rules for boards. |
246-12 | Administrative procedures and requirements for credentialed health care providers. |
246-14 | Uniform procedures for complaint resolution. |
246-15 | Whistleblower complaints in health care settings. |
246-16 | Standards of professional conduct. |
246-25 | Antitrust immunity and competitive oversight. |
246-50 | Coordinated quality improvement program. |
246-70 | Marijuana product compliance. |
246-71 | Medical cannabis authorization database. |
246-72 | Medical cannabis consultant certificate. |
246-80 | Vapor products. |
246-90 | Local board of health membership. |
246-100 | Communicable and certain other diseases. |
246-101 | Notifiable conditions. |
246-102 | Cancer registry. |
246-105 | Immunization of child care and school children against certain vaccine-preventable diseases. |
246-110 | Contagious disease—School districts and childcare centers. |
246-120 | Civil penalties of health carriers and third-party administrators. |
246-130 | Early intervention program. |
246-136 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection—Occupational exposure notification. |
246-138 | Testing of good samaritans for certain infectious diseases. |
246-140 | Bloodborne pathogens in children placed in out-of-home care. |
246-145 | Body art, body piercing, electrology and tattooing standards for sterilization procedures and infection control. |
246-170 | Tuberculosis—Prevention, treatment, and control. |
246-203 | General sanitation. |
246-205 | Decontamination of illegal drug manufacturing or storage sites. |
246-215 | Food service. |
246-217 | Food worker cards. |
246-220 | Radiation protection—General provisions. |
246-221 | Radiation protection standards. |
246-222 | Radiation protection—Worker rights. |
246-224 | Radiation protection—Radiation machine assembly and registration. |
246-225 | Radiation protection—X-rays in the healing arts. |
246-225A | Radiation safety and diagnostic image quality standards for dental facilities. |
246-226 | Radiation protection—Computed tomography. |
246-227 | Radiation protection—Industrial X-ray. |
246-228 | Radiation protection—Analytical X-ray equipment. |
246-229 | Radiation protection—Particle accelerators. |
246-230 | Security screening systems. |
246-231 | Packaging and transportation of radioactive material. |
246-232 | Radioactive material—Licensing applicability. |
246-233 | Radioactive materials—General licenses. |
246-235 | Radioactive materials—Specific licenses. |
246-236 | Licenses and radiation safety requirements for irradiators. |
246-237 | Radiation protection—Physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive material. |
246-239 | Radiation protection for subsequent use. |
246-240 | Radiation protection—Medical use of radioactive material. |
246-243 | Radiation protection—Industrial radiography. |
246-244 | Radiation protection—Wireline services. |
246-246 | Radiation protection—Radiological criteria for decommissioning. |
246-247 | Radiation protection—Air emissions. |
246-249 | Radioactive waste—Use of the commercial disposal site. |
246-250 | Radioactive waste—Licensing land disposal. |
246-252 | Radiation protection—Uranium or thorium milling. |
246-254 | Radiation protection—Fees. |
246-260 | Water recreation facilities. |
246-262 | Recreational water contact facilities. |
246-270 | Sewer systems—Certification of necessity for water district involvement. |
246-272 | Wastewater and reclaimed water use fees. |
246-272A | On-site sewage systems. |
246-272B | Large on-site sewage system regulations. |
246-272C | On-site sewage system tanks. |
246-273 | On-site sewage system additives. |
246-274 | Greywater reuse for subsurface irrigation. |
246-280 | Recreational shellfish beaches. |
246-282 | Sanitary control of shellfish. |
246-290 | Group A public water supplies. |
246-291 | Group B public water systems. |
246-292 | Waterworks operator certification. |
246-293 | Water System Coordination Act. |
246-294 | Drinking water operating permits. |
246-295 | Satellite system management agencies. |
246-296 | Drinking water state revolving fund loan program. |
246-302 | Adverse health events. |
246-310 | Certificate of need. |
246-312 | Acquisition of nonprofit hospitals. |
246-314 | Construction review services. |
246-315 | Dental laboratories. |
246-319 | Initial medicare certification survey fee schedule. |
246-320 | Hospital licensing regulations. |
246-322 | Private psychiatric and alcoholism hospitals. |
246-324 | Private alcohol and chemical dependency hospitals. |
246-329 | Childbirth centers. |
246-330 | Ambulatory surgical facilities. |
246-335 | In-home services agencies. |
246-337 | Residential treatment facility. |
246-338 | Medical test site rules. |
246-339 | Blood establishments. |
246-341 | Behavioral health agency licensing and certification requirements. |
246-350 | Standards for designation of 988 contact hubs. |
246-358 | Temporary worker housing. |
246-359 | Temporary worker housing construction standard. |
246-360 | Transient accommodations. |
246-366 | Primary and secondary schools. |
246-366A | Environmental health and safety standards for primary and secondary schools. |
246-374 | Outdoor music festivals. |
246-376 | Camps. |
246-380 | State institutional survey program. |
246-390 | Drinking water laboratory certification and data reporting. |
246-440 | Health care-associated infections reporting. |
246-451 | Hospitals—Assessments and related reports. |
246-453 | Hospital charity care. |
246-454 | Hospitals—System of accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, cost allocation. |
246-455 | Hospital patient discharge information reporting. |
246-470 | Prescription monitoring program. |
246-480 | Drug take-back program. |
246-490 | Vital statistics. |
246-491 | Vital statistics—Certificates. |
246-492 | Vital statistics data release. |
246-500 | Handling of human remains. |
246-560 | Rural health system project. |
246-562 | Physician visa waivers. |
246-564 | Volunteer retired provider malpractice insurance program. |
246-570 | Epinephrine autoinjectors and anaphylaxis training and reporting for authorized entities. |
246-650 | Newborn screening. |
246-680 | Prenatal tests—Congenital and heritable disorders. |
246-710 | Children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) program. |
246-720 | Human donor milk bank standards. |
246-760 | Auditory and visual standards—School districts. |
246-770 | Fruit and vegetable incentives program. |
246-780 | Farmers' market nutrition program. |
246-790 | Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children (WIC). |
246-800 | General provisions—Professionals. |
246-803 | Acupuncture and eastern medicine practitioner. |
246-804 | Behavioral health co-occurring disorder specialist enhancement. |
246-805 | Applied behavior analysis. |
246-808 | Chiropractic quality assurance commission. |
246-809 | Licensure for mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, and social workers. |
246-810 | Counselors. |
246-811 | Substance use disorder professionals and substance use disorder professionals trainees. |
246-812 | Board of denturists. |
246-814 | Access to dental care for children. |
246-815 | Dental hygienists. |
246-817 | Dental quality assurance commission. |
246-821 | Behavioral health support specialist. |
246-822 | Dieticians or nutritionists. |
246-824 | Dispensing opticians. |
246-825 | Genetic counselors. |
246-827 | Medical assistants. |
246-827A | Forensic phlebotomists. |
246-828 | Hearing and speech. |
246-830 | Massage therapists. |
246-831 | Certified reflexologists. |
246-834 | Midwives. |
246-835 | Birth doula. |
246-836 | Naturopathic physicians. |
246-836A | Colon hydrotherapist. |
246-837 | Music therapist. |
246-840 | Practical and registered nursing. |
246-841A | Nursing assistants. |
246-843 | Nursing home administrators. |
246-845 | Nursing pool. |
246-847 | Occupational therapists. |
246-849 | Ocularists. |
246-850 | Orthotics and prosthetics rules. |
246-851 | Optometrists. |
246-852 | Consumer access to vision care. |
246-853 | Osteopathic physicians and surgeons. |
246-915 | Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. |
246-915A | Physical therapy licensure compact. |
246-916 | Licensure requirements for athletic trainers. |
246-918 | Physician assistants—Washington medical commission. |
246-919 | Washington medical commission. |
246-922 | Podiatric physicians and surgeons. |
246-924 | Psychologists. |
246-926 | Radiologic imaging professionals. |
246-927 | Recreation therapy. |
246-928 | Respiratory care practitioners. |
246-929 | Certified peer specialists and certified peer specialist trainees. |
246-930 | Sex offender treatment provider. |
246-933 | Veterinarians—Veterinary board. |
246-934 | Standards of professional conduct. |
246-935 | Veterinary technicians. |
246-937 | Registered veterinary medication clerks. |
246-939 | Surgical technologist program. |
246-940 | Certified animal massage therapist. |
246-945 | Pharmacy quality assurance commission. |
246-976 | Emergency medical services and trauma care systems. |
246-978 | Death with Dignity Act requirements. |
246-980 | Home care aide rules. |